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Let's List All The Weapons Damage 2.0 Has "killed"


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lol. The strun wraith deals a different type of damage now. Adjust your build accordingly. You're not being technical, you're being narrow. You're building how you used to. That S#&$ don't fly no more son.

oh boy, I thought I won't have to state this:

Have you ever seen what a anti-tank bullet (shot from rifle) does to man's flesh? No? Well then go play D&D where you can play elemental powers. I do write cynical posts most of times yes, as I do not expect any changes to be made because one player actually knows what kind of dmg real guns do - with this update we've come closer to that on some guns but went too far in others.

Yeah, you need slashing and pure fire damage to hurt infested now. They are all health and no armor now.

As for the Napalms hurting you, I dunno. I've only researched about our weapons.

I think argument i've stated above is good enough since its not armor penetration anymore but puncture, it should be even more effective against not armored flesh. (Please note that's how they work in real life) about the dmg they naplam guys do is crazy it doesn't matter if you have snow globe and 1k shield, 670hp - if one lvl 50 naplam gets you you're dead within sec.

On one hand I like that it's making no one weapon be the best in the game...but on the other hand I find it really annoying I have to set up all different loadouts and remember to switch to them just to be able to do any sort of damage against enemies...I liked having just general mods I could put on my weapons that'd ensure it'd do decent damage. Not having to specifically order and combine JUST the right ones to be able to take out one sort of faction.

Honestly this new system is confusing as hell to me. I just want to be able to kill stuff and not have to spend tons of time playing mod dress up and setting up outfits..

Yes, currently we need 3 different load-outs for different types of factions. Its ok, but at the same time its not.

It would be ok if those slots "A, B, C" were automatically assigned against faction, and forma would polarize only one slot in one page not one slot in all pages. This would fix the issue and rescue people who have had polarized some wep a lot.

It's only been a day. Are you a child?

No, but person with patience in current world and its order is being left with nothing. He doesn't get what he would want, they just keep taking away from him. Edited by CyklonDX
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You have absolutely no idea what untested code looks like if you actually believe this...

They playtested this pretty heavily if the only problems found so far are balance problems...

+1  TBH, playtesting on their side with the pipeline they have is for gamebreaking bugs.  We as beta testers are doing the balance testing.  Hi there fellow balance testers!  


I might be alone, but I found the Brakk to 'feel' slightly weaker vs infestation than it was before.  I almost thought falloff had been applied (which would be fair, imho, it would differentiate Brakk from Kraken)



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I think argument i've stated above is good enough since its not armor penetration anymore but puncture, it should be even more effective against not armored flesh. (Please note that's how they work in real life)



Hollow Points do more damage to flesh than Armor Piercing rounds in real life too.


Slashing damage = Hollow Points

Puncture = Armor Piercing

Impact = Slugs

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oh boy, I thought I won't have to state this:

Have you ever seen what a anti-tank bullet (shot from rifle) does to man's flesh? No? Well then go play D&D where you can play elemental powers. I do write cynical posts most of times yes, as I do not expect any changes to be made because one player actually knows what kind of dmg real guns do - with this update we've come closer to that on some guns but went too far in others.

I think argument i've stated above is good enough since its not armor penetration anymore but puncture, it should be even more effective against not armored flesh. (Please note that's how they work in real life) about the dmg they naplam guys do is crazy it doesn't matter if you have snow globe and 1k shield, 670hp - if one lvl 50 naplam gets you you're dead within sec.





I disagree, that's an out of context comparison.  The example you'd expect is using 9mm rounds, where a bullet passing through a body conveys less kinetic energy to a body than one that deforms inside it.


The penetrating bullet holes whatever it goes through, and damages very little tissue around it.

It also expends much less kinetic energy to penetrate armor, and therefor gets to DO some harm to structures beneath armor (like people)


The soft bullet deforms on impact, dumping it's energy all at once, shattering bones and rupturing organs, then 'tumbles' to a stop tearing a greater amount of tissue.

Because it's gonna smear into a blob and dump all of it's energy very easily into a target, armor stops rounds like this very easily.


AFAIK There are no anti-tank bullets fired from a standard rifle.  Unless you mean an anti-material rifle.  That's not really a rifle, though, and isn't intended to be used on personnel primarily.  (edited because I don't pretend to know everything, and I didn't mean to sound like it).


I'll try out my strun wraith and see if my old crit build now sucks.  Let's just get back on topic.

Edited by Rajko
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I dont spend much time on the forums as you can see by my ammount of posts but after reading the last 4 pages I feel depressed

I came here looking for some helpfull information on how to better equip my weapons all I see is unconstructive criticism and that is just usless


so if there is anyone who has had the time to tests some of these weapons or even master them with the new patch I and others would realy appreciate your feed back 


Rifles) vectis. soma, ignis, supra


secondry weapons) acrid, akboltor , seer


meele) Dakra prime, Galatine 




The only build I found that i like so far is for the synapse with these mods



split chamber

cryo rounds

point strike 

vital sence

rifle ammo mutation

fast hands

magazine warp


The magnetic energy seems to mow down everything 





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Does anyone have a list or summary of major changes that we should be aware of?


Like slash, is loosely equivalent to serrated blade, right?


Does anyone know what the major resistances shown by different mobs, is?  (I know the  codex shows some of this, but you have to have it filled out)

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I dont spend much time on the forums as you can see by my ammount of posts but after reading the last 4 pages I feel depressed

I came here looking for some helpfull information on how to better equip my weapons all I see is unconstructive criticism and that is just usless


Then you didn't read my posts here:


Post the stats of any gun in the game, and I can tell you how to mod it against all 3 factions.



Does anyone have a list or summary of major changes that we should be aware of?


Like slash, is loosely equivalent to serrated blade, right?


Does anyone know what the major resistances shown by different mobs, is?  (I know the  codex shows some of this, but you have to have it filled out)


Slash is not armor ignore like Serrated blade was. Nothing fully ignores armor, but Puncture damage has bonuses against it.


Resistances can be seen in your codex in game, and hopefully they will be more detailed.


Short summary:


Infested: No Armor, No shields, All health (Use Slash and Fire to kill )


Corpus: Some Health, Some Shields. Crewmen are flesh, Moa are robotic (Impact for shields, Slash and Viral for flesh, Magnetic for robots) 


Grineer: Armor and Health (Puncture for Armor, Impact for shielded Grineer, Corrosive for Armor)

Edited by Archistopheles
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I'll try out my strun wraith and see if my old crit build now sucks.  Let's just get back on topic.

Crit chance got nerfed, it is still ok against corpus but easy to build better.  Crit build against grineer or infested on the stwraith blows.  Can make passable builds but better to go to a different weapon.  Hek is better than stwraith against Grineer.

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oh boy, I thought I won't have to state this:

Have you ever seen what a anti-tank bullet (shot from rifle) does to man's flesh? No? Well then go play D&D where you can play elemental powers. I do write cynical posts most of times yes, as I do not expect any changes to be made because one player actually knows what kind of dmg real guns do - with this update we've come closer to that on some guns but went too far in others.



Oh boy I thought I wouldn't have to state this:


Tthis is a game not real life. In order to obtain balance you need to stretch reality a bit.


You want to bring RL into this? Then make your own game thats hyper realistic and enjoy it... Oh wait, no one wants to do that because people don't play games to enjoy RL.

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I really can't believe people think the soma is weak now lol.  Its got a nice damage split that has almost equal puncture and slashing, so it does fine against anything but shields by default, and if you tweak it to include a magnetic combination it mows through shields.  Mine still just mows through things on pluto and t3 void (like 1-2 bullets for regular guys) and I will try some endless stuff tonight.


Acrid really was dead before the hotfix, and I haven't had a chance to play since that was patched so I won't give final words on that yet.  When 11 first hit yesterday it really did suck though.

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Oh boy I thought I wouldn't have to state this:


Tthis is a game not real life. In order to obtain balance you need to stretch reality a bit.


You want to bring RL into this? Then make your own game thats hyper realistic and enjoy it... Oh wait, no one wants to do that because people don't play games to enjoy RL.

If that was the case, why would they add different types of dmg to make them more realistic. Obviously when I fire a shotgun at close range, it would logical that I would deal a lot of dmg, especially to flesh, armor would be a problem.
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All I want to know is why I can shoot a Corpus Crewman in the head with the Dread, see the arrow sticking out the back of his helm and the only effect is a "ping" as the arrow hits and he carries on like nothing happened to him, no damage, no anything.


Also, even more entertaining was another shot to the same Corpus Crewman caused Thunderbolt to go off when it his him in the face, and him and all his friends around him... took no damage from the explosion. Shooting him in the chest however caused everyone in the room to die from the ensuing explosion.


But... how was he still going with an arrow sticking through the middle of his head? 

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If that was the case, why would they add different types of dmg to make them more realistic. Obviously when I fire a shotgun at close range, it would logical that I would deal a lot of dmg, especially to flesh, armor would be a problem.

They didn't do anything with 'more realistic' in mind.  They gave an analogy to hopefully make the different damage types understandable.

It is a game, about space ninjas fighting space pirate clone armies and robot technofiles and deformed infected space zombies.  I really fail to see why anyone would even utter the phrase "real life".

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+1  TBH, playtesting on their side with the pipeline they have is for gamebreaking bugs.  We as beta testers are doing the balance testing.  Hi there fellow balance testers!  


I might be alone, but I found the Brakk to 'feel' slightly weaker vs infestation than it was before.  I almost thought falloff had been applied (which would be fair, imho, it would differentiate Brakk from Kraken)



Oh I'll keep play testing for this 'beta' game, but they changes things up (not always the same thing) every few months to every few weeks and that can more or less invalidate a lot of time spent testing something in general. Sometimes people might stop testing something due to another thing entirely (Loki users might not know if Invis cloaks Shade if they think Stalker with insta-dispel/teleport might show up to kill them). That's not always the case, but humans in general can be well, capable of flying in the face of logic without knowing any better.


The problem is that the longer DE waits to implement such huge changes, the less time everyone has to properly test them. The armor/damage issues have been around since like, Easter, and they finally got around to 2.0, but if Damage 2.0 fails to ultimately deliver for any number of reasons, then how long will we have to wait before a new fix is even considered? Hell, it would have been done much sooner if DE acknowledged long ago that Armor/EHP scaling was not working as intended and had to be redesigned almost from the ground up.

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When it comes to Soma and Acrid I think they nerfed the wrong stats. 


Soma was a first automatic rifle with such high crit chance. It was kinda unique as it allowed us to wield a true crit built AR (Grakata's crit chance was way too low for that imho). Yet DE decided to nerf the somewhat unique feature of Soma instead of reducing crit multiplier.


Kinda similar with Acrid. The stacking dot that could be buffed with mods, while somewhat OP, was its uniqueness. And again DE decided to go after this interesting mechanic. And now it's just a Bolto that deals poison damage instead ( the dot itself seems to do about 3-8 damage per tick)

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They didn't do anything with 'more realistic' in mind.  They gave an analogy to hopefully make the different damage types understandable.

It is a game, about space ninjas fighting space pirate clone armies and robot technofiles and deformed infected space zombies.  I really fail to see why anyone would even utter the phrase "real life".

Obviously we're talking about how wep behaves. Not where and how its set.

I feel its logical that if I shoot in head it practically kills *(unless there's armor/shield to stop it) What would be illogical that if i shoot him straight in face with shotgun and he took less dmg than if I would shoot him where his armor is present and get more dmg there.

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Soma was a first automatic rifle with such high crit chance. It was kinda unique as it allowed us to wield a true crit built AR (Grakata's crit chance was way too low for that imho). Yet DE decided to nerf the somewhat unique feature of Soma instead of reducing crit multiplier.


With a Puncture and Slash mod, (along with the usual crit mods) the Soma is just as good as it was before. The only thing that happened is it lost it's ability to tackle high level Corpus.


That's not a nerf, it's simply a new system. Same goes with Acrid. No more god weapons, now they are specialists like they should have been.

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