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Tenno Specters being summoned forces a disconnection from the current session

(XBOX)MR Papaya craft

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Regardless of whether I'm the host or not, if anyone on the squad summons a Tenno Specter, the game freezes for 5 - 10 seconds, and I get disconnected immediately after. Multiple people summoning them at once can even crash the game. No other specter type causes this. It's been an issue for months.

I understand it has to do with my device, as I'm still running an Xbox One. Is there really no way to resolve the problem other than upgrading? I find it frustrating that a single  consumable can be so straining on my console for these things to occur.


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This problem has existed in one form or another for years.  The problem with the game is that the networking code sucks. Every new feature seems to cause this issue again.  It used to be that you couldn't fight the profit taker without causing migrations.  The network code needs to be reworked and has needed to be reworked for years. We just lost 30 minutes because someone summoned a specter, and the lag spike split the party, and we needed everyone to complete it, so we all failed separately.

In my opinion, this bug has existed since the first open world came out. There were people complaining before that..... but nothing has been done. 

After years of playing, I'm no longer buying prime access and such.  I'm not excited about tennocon.  I can't reliably play this game with my friends and have started playing other games more and this less.  I can reliably play other games, I don't get disconnected.  The network code is unreliable. This is not a problem that can't be solved, and it has been reported over and over again.  It is an example of why I play this game less than I used to. 

They kicked you after a few seconds. Maybe it should just allow  longer. Or maybe the code should allow for real usage and not migrate unless the system can't be contacted at all for a significant period of time. Who knows? I can only speculate as to how their code works.  I can say that I have seen better implemented network code that didn't cause major issues....from everquest on.

In any case, I'm willing to pay for a less buggy MMORPG. I'm willing to pay for a less buggy experience. I'm tired of being a tester. I'm tired of paying for bugs, crashes, and I'm tired of grinding and losing hours to the bugs. 

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