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Met my girlfriend of 8 years inside Warframe, proposing to her at this years Tenno Con


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Hey my fellow tenno,

I'll begin by briefly telling you the story of how I found love on Warframe. It was 2015, I had just gotten out of a 3-year relationship and was feeling pretty crummy. So, I decided to "give that free game I tried once but was too complicated" a good ol' 2nd try. I booted it up, and played a few rounds, had no idea what I was doing until I was matched with a woman and her friend. We quickly became friends and I joined their clan. Before we knew it, one game became two, and two became hours upon hours, days upon days of just the two of us playing every chance we had together. After a year of this, we opened up a little more and discovered we both lived in the same town; we couldn't believe it. We exchanged socials and personal info and eventually built up the courage to finally meet. Turns out both of us were who we said we were and the connection, the bond we had formed was just as strong as it ever was. Fast forward 8 years and we're still going strong. We bought our first place together and play our favorite games side by side. She's my best friend in the whole world, and I'm beyond grateful to have her in my life.

So, why am I posting about this? I thought long about how I was going to propose to her. I wanted it to be special and realized that although I can't propose to her in the game, the next best thing would be the Tenno Con and sharing the joy with the people that made our union possible in the first place. I've reached out to support in an attempt to reach DE. My hope was and still is that we can do something to make that moment EXTRA special (being invited on stage or something). Support said they forwarded my message to them, but there's no guarantee I'll hear back and I should have a fallback ready. Well, the tickets have been purchased, the event is a couple of months away and I still haven't heard anything. So, this is my attempt at making a fallback.

Does anyone who is going to Tenno Con; who's been before have any ideas?

It's our first Tenno Con so I/we don't know what to expect.

Maybe we as a community can do something.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that the moment doesn't need anything. That the moment itself, when I feel it is right to get down on one knee, will be special.

I just want to make sure I did my best to make it as special as it could be.

I'm not looking for a flashmob or anything and I can't really put my finger on what it is I'm looking for exactly.

But that's why I'm ultimately reaching out to y'all.

Let's make another Warframe wedding a reality!!!

Anyways, thanks for listening and sharing this journey with me.
I look forward to the responses if any.

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Ayyy congrats in advance! I'm a sucker for proposals so I can't wait to hear more about this. 

I think the idea of proposing at TennoCon itself should be special enough that I think no matter where or how you do it will be great. If they're selling floofs again my vote would be grab a floof and when she's not looking attach the ring to it and give it to her. Two for one!

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