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The Seven Crimes of Kullervo: Hotfix 33.5.5


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1 hour ago, Naroxas44 said:

What? There's a ton of other ways to code something that doesn't breach a EULA or require the use of an API and still provides usability. All DE did was look at the app and go "OK, this is fine, it does not violate our EULA" in case it was, and determined that it wasn't. I don't get how you're reaching to the conclusion that it was, unless you have some info that I'm not aware of. I've tried to present everything I've seen very clearly and cite it.

Just the fact that AlecaFrame is able to scan you inventory right away after logging into the game for example is impossible to achieve without an API or breaking the EULA and accessing game data.
Also I'm not gonna lie I'm tired of this discussion. There is nothing to prove here. Anyone would agree that it's unclear and has been an ongoing issue. I think that's justified to ask for some clarifications.

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I think you're focused on one specific app and I'm referring to things as a whole; these things have always been "use at your own risk" because they could cause issues with new builds (or suddenly violate rules with an addition), and that hasn't changed (the language may be different but the intent does not appear to be). I'm really not sure what needs further clarification, unless you want them to outright endorse / verify apps and now have a team that verifies each build of those apps and ensures they're compatible and not in violation of their terms.

I don't know how this particular program you're referencing works, as I don't develop it; all I'm aware of is someone at DE checked with the team that does and said it did not violate any EULA, so if that's "impossible to achieve without an API or breaking the EULA" then someone is misinformed because those both cannot be true. If you have some insight I'm not aware of about this then feel free to discuss, but I can't find anything that indicates it would otherwise be doing so.

Regardless, third party software will continue to be "use at your own risk" as the language and intent reads the same.

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