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Give us three gear wheels

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Choosing four dragon keys then removing them, then choosing them, then removing them, then switching this or that is annoying. Especially with console controller where if you have more than 12 the location of items move each time you make an adjustment. 

Gear wheels to me are like "bug out bags". I have a backpack in my garage for rock climbing. I have another for the beach. Etc.

It would be nice to have three gear wheels each can be flavored for certain scenarios. I think three would be enough. 

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An option to cycle through multiple wheels, like how we currently can swap between Items and Emotes, replacing the infini-spiral, would be nice.

Currently I simply limit myself to 12 items (barring Vault runs and stuff where I might add something for a mission or two)
so I don't have to deal with this spiral nonsense, thus kinda going against the explicit intentions of the design lol.

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16 hours ago, MBaldelli said:

Imagining 3 of these?  No thanks

I don't think you understand the point. It's to reduce the amount of garbage in the single wheel that becomes ridiculous because of the constant changing of gear.

Vault runs are a perfect example. You never need to swap four keys in/out of your wheel and swap in/out four other items you replaced after you're done. Just pick your vault run wheel.

You have three WF load outs and 30+ WFs ... how is three gear wheels a problem? It's a benefit.

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46 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I don't think you understand the point.

I actually do....  I have everything on my gear wheel, sorted with the first 12 being the most common things that have hotkeys set up (this is definitely something we all have though PC has it the easiest because we can set them up on our F keys above the QWERTY keyboard), Then after that uncommon items like specters and clones, then the rare stuff that doesn't require access to the gear wheel like antitoxin of choice, Apothics of choice, Razorback and Fomorian keys*.   After that I have my dragon keys as I suspect that regardless of whether we have 1 gear wheel or 3 (or more of them), they're going to effect the warframe activities...  And they do -- as we see too many people forget they have them on -- even with the annoying icon in our UI on the upper right of the screen.  

Sure it might take me all of 45 seconds to put them on and another 30 - 35 seconds to take them off, but they're at the end and it's easy enough to get to once you get to the end of the infinite gear wheel.  

*Fomorian Disrupter keys can be a bit of a pain when doing solo as it takes about 2.5 - 3 spins through the wheel to get to..  But as enemies are significantly less in solo mode than in a pub squad, I can take my time and not be blown out of existence while I do this.  

54 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

You have three WF load outs and 30+ WFs ... how is three gear wheels a problem? It's a benefit.

Not when you realize that you have an interface key option for anti-toxins, Apothics, Razorback Ciphers, hell even the Dragon Keys have an interface key option when you reach the door....  You don't need to scroll through all of them to get to it.  Place it on the gear wheel and forget about it while you run the mission.   Removing it is just visiting the arsenal -- which we constantly do anyway-- and that means mindfulness about removing the dragon keys you put on for the mission run.  

Replacement can be a bit of an issue.  As a PC player, we can use the search function far easier than console players because of the M&K instead of the controller.  I can sympathize a little about it.  Yet as this game is slowly working it's way to the second stage of Cross-Save (which is a misnomer, I know), adding bulk to the interface is the least of DE's concerns at the moment.  

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