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Need some advice on my clan


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Hey there tennos thanks for taking your time to read this .. so I'm a clan leader of the knights of the blood oath I'm the only admin and we are a moon clan with just below 700 members .. so I'm looking for some advice for some rules and what members can do to raise their ranks in the clan .. I've got offer games , donate to clan vault and speak in clan chat .. any others would be really awesome thanks 🙂

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If you're attaching administration privileges to these roles, then I would recommend against having a set of specific rules that players can follow to "accumulate points" that eventually earn them a ranking position.  Because if you're talking about actually giving people the power to make meaningful — and if misused, destructive — changes to your clan, you only want to give those privileges to people you can trust.  And donating a certain amount to a clan vault, speaking a certain number of times, or playing for a certain amount of hours are not good metrics to determine trustworthiness.

So I would recommend against having clear-cut rules for earning administration privileges.  You will instead need to take an active role with your clan and get to know the most active members.  Spend time with them.  See how they handle conflict with other clan members.   Try to gauge how they balance their own interests with the interests of their fellow clan members.  Do they ever lash out at people?  Do they treat people they disagree with with the same respect and courtesy of people they agree with?   Do they go out of their way to not just help clan members play the game, but get along with each other peacefully?  Over time, you'll be able to develop a better understanding of who might be suitable to trust with any power you give them.

This isn't going to be a perfect science.  People can seem trustworthy up until the point when they aren't, and then hindsight becomes 20/20.  So the best advice I can offer you is to remember that when you trust someone with power, you are always taking a risk.  So be thoughtful about who you give that power to.  Leadership is a big responsibility that takes a lot of effort; I wish you luck!

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