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Warframe themed track (electronic trance)


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I would like to treat you all to a Warframe themed track I created,.

I am a free time "hobby" musician who focuses on narrative driven trance,  I go by the artist name AVATEMETAVA.

I have played Warframe but im not a active player, however for some reason I do like to keep up with the lore... When I saw the "Warframe The Sacrifice All Vitruvian records" trailer I was very impressed with the sound design. The voice of Ballas if im not misstaken..... and the narrative that was presented was hypnotizing and I found my self looking at the "New war" lore and was acctually pretty disturbud at how dark the story was. Anyways I was inspired and created this track... which is focused aroud the narrative of that trailer. 

I want to tell everyone that I dont make any money from my music, I create music purely for self satisfaction, so all my music is free on soundcloud. 

I was very sorry to discover today that my core file to the track has been deleted by misstake, I wanted to share this with you as a FLAC (lossless) quality but all I have left is the uppload I made to soundcloud. (as I wanted to perfect some parts I found not up to standard) 

So I hope everyone who loves Warframe and electronic music finds some in joy in listening to a warframe themed trance track of my creation. 

Again, Im just a hobby musician and not a proffessional by any means, but I think the track turned out pretty decent. 

I also hope the developers get a chance to hear it and especiacially the sound design team (be kind to towards my attempt to match the quality of the proffesionalls behind the games sound design). :) 

Again, I do not profit from this so I hope everyone is ok with me taking the liberty of using your excellent audio in my track, there would not be a track without it. 





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Thanks alot, I appriciate omeone even taking the time to listenin. But its always a pleasure to hear someone in-joys the track. So Thank you.

I just want to point out that I dont make "Warframe" themed music but narrative driven, so my track contain a narratrive thats from a game most often, or where I can find one...
Im not mainly focusin on Warframe, however there are several intresting trailers that have potetntial to become another track around warframe narration. 

Thanks again.. :)  

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2 hours ago, Microcosmix said:

Thanks alot, I appriciate omeone even taking the time to listenin. But its always a pleasure to hear someone in-joys the track. So Thank you.

I just want to point out that I dont make "Warframe" themed music but narrative driven, so my track contain a narratrive thats from a game most often, or where I can find one...
Im not mainly focusin on Warframe, however there are several intresting trailers that have potetntial to become another track around warframe narration. 

Thanks again.. :)  

Sorry for the mislabeling of your musical narrative, I guess I just assumed it such being that it was in a Warframe forum.   So basically you liked the music enough to entertain the idea of making a musical track from it that was more inline with your Trance genre style of music? I am just trying to understand your motives and thoughts that led you to create your music tracks so I can better appreciate the result of your hard work.  I mean no disrespect as I mentioned earlier I don't normally listen to Trance genre of music as I generally prefer music that contains lyrics of some sort but have on occasion enjoyed Trance genre style of music.  One artist that comes to mind is Agnes, Song title is  "I Trance" but not sure if that is what you would consider authentic Trance music but I like the song regardless.  Anyways, thanks for sharing your musical skills with us and look forward to hearing your future work!

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

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No offense taken whatsoever friend. 

I welcome the questions and will be happy to clearify, as I understand I was a bit short in my response. 

So here goes. 

As I was and still am in the process of learning how to create music I also was looking for a way to create something that is truly unique, I mean everyone has their own unique style but I wanted something that was truly my own genre if you will. So as I was watching the Vitruvian records trailer I noticed the high quality sound design, the way in which Ballas voice is presented is very astute from the vantage point of someone who has a genuine intrest in sound. I have been an audiophile from my teen age years so I am very sensitive to how things sound.. and notice the details most never even think about. Sound design is acctually more important then I belive most understand. Its also the least appriciated aspect of games in general, which makes me feel for the people in the industry that work on sound as they are never really the center of attention when it comes to a games succsess. 

They deserve more praise in general. 

This process of trying to come up with something original ended up being what OUR RAVEGED WORLD is, music that has a central spoken narrative, a theme that in turn inspires what the acctual music sounds like. Usually samples are short and fitt the music but here is the other way around.. long samples then sounds that suit and enhance the narrative.

My music is primaraly intended to be a stimulating sonic journey. It´s not aimed to be dance music, so its not designed with the elements that are needed for a track to work on the dance floor. 

This is probably why there was a confusion around the genre, as this is infact a new genre. So thats why I said "narrative driven trance" but its acctually not in the trance genre, it just contains elements of it, the 4/4 kick, a driving baseline and electric sounds and FX are very psy-"trancy"... But the pace is slowed down, the BPM is between 120-130 and never above 130. This space feel more natural to me, its less intrussive but yet still fast enough to not feel slow, it also allows more room for creativity. 

"So basically you liked the music enough to entertain the idea of making a musical track from it that was more inline with your Trance genre style of music?"

Well, its more that I found the sound FX of the Vitruvian records trailer so much that I wanted to use it in a track, but as the track progressed so did the choice to continue to ad more narrative.. aswell as the final realization of what would be my own unique thing. 

" but not sure if that is what you would consider authentic Trance music but I like the song regardless"

Precisly, I take that as a complimant. :)  Like I wrote, its not "truly" trance but in lack for a better association, a narrative driven electronic music genre as best I can describe it. :) 

I shared it here on the forums as I know there are alot of fans of WARFRAME and so why not be treated to a track thats is built around a narrative in the game, It just seemed like the right place to share it in. :) 

If you want to hear more of my music there is more on Soundclound, the track called WHO ARE YOU also contains a shorter sample from WARFRAME, but is a very diffrent themed track, its acctually a horror/mental asylum themed track. 


You will find some of my previous tracks and soon also my next project, its a pretty big project im currently working on, it has been a technical mount everest so make it all work, its almost done however and will be coming up on soundcloud in the near future. Will be titled "The FOURTH CODE".  

I hope this was a satisfying response, and truly, thank you.  



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2 hours ago, Microcosmix said:

I hope this was a satisfying response, and truly, thank you.  

It was a very satisfying response indeed! You explained your musical style perfectly without getting too technical, which is helpful for someone with limited knowledge about creating music, so  I can appreciate the uncomplicated simple explanation.  I am curious as to which country you are from as I find it fascinating that music transcends all languages and I think music is what truly makes humans unique.  There are animals I guess that have something musical in their sounds they make but it doesn't compare to an orchestra of instruments playing a symphony.  I did listen to your other tracts and was just as impressed with your creations. 

I completely agree with you about the Warframe Sound Team as they have always gone above and beyond to create the right vibe or atmosphere with every tile set; the Zariman in particular I find to be amazing with the ambient sounds that make it all the more eerie and mysterious. 

Please keep creating your unique style of music and thank you for sharing it with us!

Have a pleasant tomorrow!


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"I am curious as to which country you are from as I find it fascinating that music transcends all languages and I think music is what truly makes humans unique. "

I live in Sweden, near the capitol Stockholm.. but I was born in Serbia and moved to Sweden as a 8 year old, so as I am 42 now Ive spent most of my life in Sweden.

You are right, sound overall is something that I find fascinating... and it has been an intrest of mine from my teen years,,

Where are you from friend? 

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I assume you are asking me so I Live in Pomona, California, USA!  I am only a bit older than you but young at heart! Lol  I have been to many a Rave when I was younger so I can appreciate your style of music.  I mostly listen to Pop music, but enjoy all  genres since there are so many talented and gifted folks, like yourself, that are blessed with a unique ability to create music from within themselves.  I am honored to meet those that are gifted with music as I have no such talent but can appreciate those that do, like yourself!  I'm not sure if you are familiar with the musical group Cocteau Twins but they have a unique style that I find to be melodic and chill.  Try out Victorialand by them, it's pure genius!

Good Chats!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see, I often say that Im 42 years young :) Because I dont really feel im getting older in any meaningfull way, I dont yet feel anything but natural biproducts of made more trips around the sun. Im still me, diffrent yet unchanged in some way. 

Oh, thank you for the compliment but trust me I dont have much of a talent, its all just a biproduct of massive amounts of time spent trying to create something that sounds intresting first of all to myself, and learning how to use the very powerfull tools that software provide today. Todays Free of charge synthesizers that are available can sound like an entire rockback on their own, its a real effort to even figure out how to use them to intentionally create a sound you want, as there are so many knobs/filters/FX/automotion that are used at once to synthesize one sounds that its almost endless ways to bend electronic sounds to become something unrecognizable from the original sound.

As I have no means of buying soft or hardware tools so I only use those that are free for all. I can only imagine how something like an High-end expensive synthesizer can provide you with the appearence of "talent" when its mostly the knowledge of how to use software provided abilitys.

I think even today it comes more down to having a sense of what sounds good and putting it together in a way that feels intresting and good to the listener. 

Clearly I dont mean every artist is like me, some do infact have the ability to hear the music from within and then play it out, making their own intentional melodies and what not. Hans Zimmer who is a movie score producer clearly isn´t just lucky when he consistantly is able to make a unique epic score for each movie he is assigned to score.
Im just being honest, but knowing how to use a musical program to its full potential is almost more valueble then having talent... and most electronic music today is basicly self-generetad and then pieced toghether to either appeal or not appeal to our senses.. 

I do listen to everything from Vivaldi to Infected Mushroom so I can appriciate all kinds of music, I havnt heard of the band you mention but will check them out. 

Best regard, Vladimir.   



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The recommendation of Victoria which I listened to sounded as pretty ethereal and reminded me of some of Vangelis less known tracks, it had kind of the same essence.. 
It felt to slow and eventless for me, But I know that it takes a calm and present state of being to appricate the subtle nuaces that is present in that kind of music, and Im sorry to admit but Im lacking in embodying such quality in my own being. 😅 

As im kind of restless and in need of stimuli almost non stop to appriciate something, reading therefor is out of the question for me. I have read about 10 books in my entire life and some where of thinner nature, the more thicker ones where finished out of forced will, and not all the way injoyable, but a felt like choire that I had to complete. :) 

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4 hours ago, Microcosmix said:

The recommendation of Victoria which I listened to sounded as pretty ethereal and reminded me of some of Vangelis less known tracks, it had kind of the same essence.. 
It felt to slow and eventless for me, But I know that it takes a calm and present state of being to appricate the subtle nuaces that is present in that kind of music, and Im sorry to admit but Im lacking in embodying such quality in my own being. 😅 

As im kind of restless and in need of stimuli almost non stop to appriciate something, reading therefor is out of the question for me. I have read about 10 books in my entire life and some where of thinner nature, the more thicker ones where finished out of forced will, and not all the way injoyable, but a felt like choire that I had to complete. :) 

I find your candor refreshing and am in the same boat, although an older boat as I'm 53 but don't look or feel my age.  I don't listen to the Cocteau Twins often, but when I do its more to unwind and relax which their music is a perfect blend of instruments and vocals to capture such a mood.  I spent many years in nightclubs and bars having the booming bass of dance music pulse through my veins so I most certainly can appreciate the energy of electronic music.  I still listen to club music as it tends to uplift me when doing house chores or enjoying time with friends.  It is fascinating to me how anyone such as yourself, can turn some knobs or click the mouse to generate something as wonderful as music.  To me Music and Art is what makes our species unique amongst the plethora of creatures that inhabit our planet Earth.  Wouldn't it be amazing to discover that aliens from another world create Music and Art too! Maybe it's why, if they exist, aliens haven't eradicated us for all of our crimes against humanity, because they listen and see the wonderful things we can create when given the chance!  Keep on making your music if it makes you happy since our time here is short so why not ROCK ON!  You are a delight to chat with and am eager to hear your next inspiring energy filled musical masterpiece! 

Good Chats!

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Thanks. It´s good too chat with you as well. :) 

Regarding ET´s and your theory, I happen to a Gnostic in regards to matters of faith, in other words, I'm not religious but spiritual and in that sense a Gnostic.

I don´t know how much you know about the phenomena known as Crop Circles, this is basically what you describe as "aliens" are more accurately labeled Extra Terrestrials, as an ALIEN would be something akin to a whale or an octopus. That is a more alien (just like the movie) life form, ET´s a simply versions of us on other star systems that have evolved enough both spiritually and technologically to be able to travel between stars and what they do with these Crop circles is creating art.

What is not apparent at first glance at these seemingly nonsensical images in crop fields is the mathematical precision that is embedded within them, they use art that is mathematically precise that basically states their understanding of Universal truth in the universal language of mathematics. This is hard to get across in a simple thread and all I can do is recommend you watch some neutral documentarys on YouTube about them "not debunks" as they are always missing the point and already made up their mind but simply honest neutral documentarys on what they find by looking closely at a CC. 

In regards to my music I have released two new tracks, The latest one called "The Fourth code" is a spiritual narrative based track that was a sort of a Magnum opus on my part, the technical complexity involved in this track is absurd if you were to look at the actual program file. In the end I just had to release it as it had already taken several months of work and seen countless iterations and however much effort I tried to put into it I never reached a point where I said, well now its perfect... no track ever reaches that feeling but this was such an undertaking that I simply could not make it as coherent as I wanted it to be. So I realesed it as this was simply my current ability to do my best. 

I have had to let go of my "perfectionist" obsession that caused me to never finish a track I felt was not perfect. Now I learn through accepting "good enough" and completing the track so the next one will hopefully be better just from experience. 

(To me this track is more art then music, even thougn their are insepreble in a way, my feeling while making it was to aim it more to be like art then a musical track alone)

If you are intrested in what it sounds like here is the link: 


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15 minutes ago, Microcosmix said:

Thanks. It´s good too chat with you as well. :) 

Regarding ET´s and your theory, I happen to a Gnostic in regards to matters of faith, in other words, I'm not religious but spiritual and in that sense a Gnostic.

I don´t know how much you know about the phenomena known as Crop Circles, this is basically what you describe as "aliens" are more accurately labeled Extra Terrestrials, as an ALIEN would be something akin to a whale or an octopus. That is a more alien (just like the movie) life form, ET´s a simply versions of us on other star systems that have evolved enough both spiritually and technologically to be able to travel between stars and what they do with these Crop circles is creating art.

What is not apparent at first glance at these seemingly nonsensical images in crop fields is the mathematical precision that is embedded within them, they use art that is mathematically precise that basically states their understanding of Universal truth in the universal language of mathematics. This is hard to get across in a simple thread and all I can do is recommend you watch some neutral documentarys on YouTube about them "not debunks" as they are always missing the point and already made up their mind but simply honest neutral documentarys on what they find by looking closely at a CC. 

In regards to my music I have released two new tracks, The latest one called "The Fourth code" is a spiritual narrative based track that was a sort of a Magnum opus on my part, the technical complexity involved in this track is absurd if you were to look at the actual program file. In the end I just had to release it as it had already taken several months of work and seen countless iterations and however much effort I tried to put into it I never reached a point where I said, well now its perfect... no track ever reaches that feeling but this was such an undertaking that I simply could not make it as coherent as I wanted it to be. So I realesed it as this was simply my current ability to do my best. 

I have had to let go of my "perfectionist" obsession that caused me to never finish a track I felt was not perfect. Now I learn through accepting "good enough" and completing the track so the next one will hopefully be better just from experience. 

If you are intrested in what it sounds like here is the link: 


Wow I just listen to the song and it sounds complex, so I believe you!  Very cool, I like it!  Is that your voice or a computer?  Why did you do the song in English as opposed to your native language?  I can relate to your "perfectionist" personality trait as I have dabbled in painting but it is hard for me to put the brush down as I always see something that looks wrong in my artwork.  I have many layers of paint on most of my creations unfortunately. Thank you for sharing your music with me/us and look forward to more of your work!

Good Chats!

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"Is that your voice or a computer? "

No, not in this one, there are two tracks YORRIN & KAERK-KA´s progression that use my voice speaking a language I made up. Then put through a vocoder to sound like the characters the track is about. However intresting that may be artisticly it does not make sense to the listener, I was experimenting. 

No this voice sample is taken from a acctual video from a site called The Template, but its not untouched, I alterd the pitch and tempo to be more inline with the track overall and not just simply copy and paste. The choice not to make it in Swedish is simply because its a tiny language that very few people speak, English being the current (Lingua franca) or World language it simply makes sense as more can understand it. Also the original video the sample was taken from was in English so therefore English. 

This is the orignal short film that narrative is using parts of if you find it of intrest, its pretty deep though and what the author labels her self as is Quantum poet: 


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"I can relate to your "perfectionist" personality trait as I have dabbled in painting but it is hard for me to put the brush down as I always see something that looks wrong in my artwork."

I learned that as we look at our creations thousand of times during creation we naturaly get "bored" and find faults, not because they are neccecery there but as the novelty of the art passes as we continusly look at it, sometimes from a state of mind that is simple critical no matter what it sees. So therefore, all I can remind you of is that what you see is not what the end observer will see, to them it will feel novel. 

So try to let it be what it is and let others decide what it is to them <3 

Good luck with your art. 

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