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Gunblades should have at least 3 stances (catered to gun-, melee-, mixed styles).


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Gunblades (e.g. Sarpa, Redemeer or stropha) should have at least 3 stances. You cannot use one style. For example bullet dance moving combo 2nd attack stops your frame to slash around. It would be nice to have do-it-yourself stances but 3 stances would be fine.


Gun stance:

"Bullet dance" suggest its attack would be mainly 'bullets' so lets use that for gun-stance.

Gun stance should mainly shooting. At most last attack should be 'melee attack' (. With melee as last attack (e.g. shoot - shoot - melee) you can avoid melee attack.

Current Bullet dance stance is good source for gun stance.

Moving combo:

- Bullet dance's Automatic Rhumba looks like it walking forward. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/0/0a/BulletDanceCombo0.gif

- It can works backward, in future update (maybe play animations backward)

Standing combo

- High noon's Final Showdown https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/c/ce/HighNoonCombo0.gif/revision/latest?cb=20230604172006  Starts with 2 quick shoots then slow down with melee.

- Such attacks (2-3 quick shoots & slow melee) would contrast with:

 -- slower but with constant speed of moving combo,

 -- moving & gap closing with 'block+move combo'

 -- moving a lot of block combo

Block+moving combo:

- Bullet dance's Lead tango https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/b/b2/BulletDanceCombo2.gif/revision/latest?cb=20230604171918 is nice gap closer. Automatic Rhumba moves slowly. Lead tango jump towards enemy. It's gap closer. Both servers different needs.

Block combo:

- Bullet dance's Samba slash https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/6/63/BulletDanceCombo3.gif/revision/latest?cb=20230604171924  moves you to side/backward avoiding some attacks. While it's not perfect it's at least different than many combos. One thing that should be changed is that first shoot should hit the target. Now Samba slash won't hit first target.


- could be normal slams

- OR shoot (1 or more depending on guns, sarpa would shoot 3-5, stropha 1 but strong etc) then continue with slams; should be quick, if you hold melee key it would hover frame for few seconds (1-2 seconds)

- heavy attack will increase hover duration depending on combo (5 seconds at 12x, 0.25 seconds more per multiplier) and starts shooting

- while hovering you can aim

Heavy attack

- Bullet dance's Full Bore

Ground finisher

- Bullet dance's Last Words BUT without moving target (now gunblade can ragdol enemy very far; avoid it)


- there not too much to do with bullets so let it be just normal 'melee attack' (average slide)

Wall attack (aimglide near wall + melee attack)

- this attack in all melees should be changed as it's too slow & clunky

- frame moves while shooting towards target finishing on some "slam like" animation (it's slow but you can cancel via roll)

Aerial attack:

- shoots few bullets at some angles, using Polar coordinates, 0 angle at the right, Counterclockwise, sarpa could shoot 60, 90 and 120 degree, Stropha at 60 & 120 angles.



Melee stance

It's like gun stance BUT it should start at melee and end with shoots at most.

 Wall attack:

- instead of shooting it very quickly moves towards target creating ranged attack (like slams

Ground finisher

- kneel to the target and stab them (maybe shoot as well... I don't know)


Mixed stances:

Stances should mix gun shoots and melee attacks.


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I don't know about you but I never use the full stance. The combo it's generate kind of slow than using other weapon, hence why player use rautha for this.

Only use the first one to switch to melee from primary/secondary then I use Heavy Attack. Maybe if your Stance suggestion can generate faster Combo it will be great.

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2 hours ago, BroDutt said:

I don't know about you but I never use the full stance. The combo it's generate kind of slow than using other weapon, hence why player use rautha for this.

If you don't use full stance... then don't comment. There is no point of it. Combo gain is, imho, different topic, not tied to specific stances

3 hours ago, BroDutt said:

Only use the first one to switch to melee from primary/secondary then I use Heavy Attack. Maybe if your Stance suggestion can generate faster Combo it will be great.

Gunblades (at least shoot aspect) have easy access to combo already. Stropha can reach 12x with 1-3 shoots (of course, depending on enemies). Redemeer prime (not sure about normal) requires more shoots but still manageable. Sarpa can slowly by steady get combos.

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7 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

are you suggesting 3 different stance mods catered to different playstyles or are you suggesting that each stance mod have dynamic states based on what's happening?

Maybe both but I don't know what you mean by "dynamic states based on what's happening". Any examples?

But I want at least 3 different stances.

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5 hours ago, quxier said:

Maybe both but I don't know what you mean by "dynamic states based on what's happening". Any examples?

But I want at least 3 different stances.

Ah it kinda sounded like you were saying that gunblade stances should switch to different combos based on whether you're trying to use it as a gun or as a blade. For example if an enemy is very close and you are 'slashing' then it uses a stance (or sub-stance) based more on knife fighting, whereas if you are 'pointing' it at an enemy outside of melee range that it acts more like a gun and switches to a more ranged stance.

I guess sortof similar to the idea that Dark-Split Sword should dynamically switch stances in game based on it's configuration.

But I think you mean just better starting options that let you pick a style you prefer, which would be fine by me too.

P.S. I checked that link to your 'build-your-own-stance' idea.... and I think that's actually a great idea. Kit-stances! And while the animations would be a little tricky, I think they could be developed and blended in such a way as to work well (depending on DE's engine). This would be amazing because it would allow us to 'fix' combos on stances we hate without DE actually going in and fixing them for us (which they seem absolutely determined not to do). For example I would immediately use such a system to create a replacement for Wise Razor and all whip stances, as well as update gun-blade stances, and I'd also tweak tonfas and ... well, a bunch of others. It could get a little tricky with balance around speed and combo multipliers, and things like glaives might be tricky, but I still think it would be great overall. Nikanas and whips are completely unused by me simply because their stances suck, which is a shame.

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35 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:
5 hours ago, quxier said:


Ah it kinda sounded like you were saying that gunblade stances should switch to different combos based on whether you're trying to use it as a gun or as a blade. For example if an enemy is very close and you are 'slashing' then it uses a stance (or sub-stance) based more on knife fighting, whereas if you are 'pointing' it at an enemy outside of melee range that it acts more like a gun and switches to a more ranged stance.

I guess sortof similar to the idea that Dark-Split Sword should dynamically switch stances in game based on it's configuration.

No I don't mean this. It's static stances. Whatever you put in config stays for whole mission.

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