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Zariman mission extraction is awkward


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In Zariman missions, you have to get back to the elevator (aka the entry point) after every mission. Missions spawn a teleportation orb to facilitate this (though this is buggy, either not always spawning or not working if spawned) in order to try to get around you having to run all the way back through the (overly large) levels. The fact this is needed just shows how awkward the system is, as without them it takes an extended period to backtrack all the way to the elevator.

For exterminate and mobile defense, there needs to be a second elevator spawning past the end of the mission, similar to how extraction points are set up for these modes in other places. Void Flood, Armageddon, and Cascade should work using the defense/interception leave option screen, as there is no inherent map traversal aspect to them. Since Zariman has the plume hunt mechanic (which is probably why the maps are so oversized), the option to not leave on the screen and leave with the elevator can be left in, but this would make things less awkward for players who choose not to stay longer to do this. This would also prevent people finishing the objective but timing out and failing anyway trying to get back the elevator, and remove the need to have the extract button in the elevator, which can be used for griefing.

Edited by Void2258
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3 hours ago, Void2258 said:

Missions spawn a teleportation orb to facilitate this in order to try to get around you having to run all the way back through the levels. The fact this is needed just shows how awkward the system is, as without them it takes an extended period to backtrack all the way to the elevator.

With respect, this is like saying that wheels show how flawed the design of a car is, because without them the car becomes clunky to operate.  Yeah, the car would indeed have a problem if the wheels weren't there, that's why the designers added them.  The teleportation orb is an important part of the system's design.

If you're experiencing bugs with the orb not appearing, I'd recommend make a bug report in the bug forums.

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