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Everything posted by Void2258

  1. We should be able to mirror sigils. I have a bunch of great things I could do with the non-symmetrical sigils if I could just mirror them to make them work how I need them to. Form a technical standpoint there shouldn't be an issue with throwing mirroring in with the rest of the options. It would probably not eve take long to code.
  2. Not just health differences that are a issue in the randomizer. If you have to defend the conduits from EVERYTHING, you need to either a) be able to CC everything (but OG screws this option and thus any frame that depends on it) or b) be able to take down everything before ti gets to the conduit, which requires either certain frames that can hard nuke or certain weapons that can hard clear. But with the randomizer you just get options that can do neither and simply can't do the mission. So you end up only getting 1 or even 0 conduits in a round, which scales the mission up as it goes on, which eventually leads to people permadying because the mission over-scales beyond what their sub-optimal random setup can handle, and we get back to the problem with permadeath.
  3. There is just too much. Weird sleeve things hang all over and the physics on them look terrible, too much going on at the shoulders, the belt is just weird to look at and doesn't look like it is being worn because the shape makes no sense, and the helmet doubles the size of the head and doesn't really look like anything. It's just too much everything, and not even thematic of anything like Mesa Prime. I wish the sleeve things were removable, as they are what bothers me the most, but overall I think this is the worst Prime skin I have seen. It's the only one I have actively swapped back to base before I even level up once because I can't find a way to make it look good. I wish I could have the main body of the Prime skin with the base belt (except the two side hangers) and base shoulders.
  4. Permadeath has no place in this game. People perma-die, they leave, because what's the point in not doing so, and when they do they host-migrate and fail the entire team due to failed or lack of host migration. Unless host migration is 100% reliable, you cannot create a situation where the host has a reason to leave EVER. That's to say nothing of the game NOT BEING DESIGNED PROPERLY FOR PERMADEATH. If you cannot track what killed you 100% of the time, then permadeath is unfair. If you can die before you can react, then permadeath is unfair. If someone else permadying can cause your mission to fail because of failed migration, then permadeath is unfair. If your allies can't even see you under a pile of enemies to rez you if you go down, then permadeath is unfair. If the ally tracking system doesn't even load reliably leaving you unable to even see when allies go down, then permadeath is unfair. Permadeath is for games that are designed to be determinable. You have to be 100% responsible for your own death. YOU have to make a MISTAKE to die. Not have bad luck, not be uncontrollably overwhelmed, not be the victim of random spawns, not be forced to play inappropriately by a randomizer, not have your life saving abilities turned off because the game "saved you" from walking across a specific part of the corridor... If you cannot 100% account for and, through your actions or inactions, allow or prevent your death, then permadeath is not appropriate.
  5. We went for over 8 rounds trying to get 1 conduit due to a combination of warframes and weapons that simply couldn't possibly do the mission. We finally aborted from frustration after OVER AN HOUR IN ONE MISSION that we ultimately from sheer frustration. And this was a coordinated team on VC together; I have no idea how anyone is supposed to even attempt the mission on text chat. It's not fun when the difficulty is the game actively saddling you with a setup that you cannot use to do the job. YOU aren't losing, YOU aren't challenged. The game decides if you win or lose before you even play. You get a usable loadout combo and mission setup or you don't and the week is over either way the instant reset hits.
  6. If something that has never had a health to worry about before suddenly has health that needs to be watched, it needs to HAVE A HEALTHBAR.
  7. How about we acknowledge that the whole "continuous missions" thing is not how the game works generally and can cause the game to bug out horribly, and just have EVERY RJ MISSION SEND YOU BACK TO THE ORBITER AT THE END AS HAPPENS IN THE REST OF THE GAME TO PREVENT THIS VERY ISSUE!!! Stop blaming people for playing the system as it is presented to them without knowing and taking EXTRA PERSONAL ACTIONS to mitigate WELL KNOWN YEARS LONG ISSUES WITH THE GAME and yell at DE to fix the broken systems. It is the responsibility of the devs to make the game work, not the responsibility of the players to learn and take extra steps to prevent unfixed bugs from effecting them.
  8. Reactant drops are NOT COMPATIBLE WITH MULTIPLE GAME MODES!!! This has already been an obvious issue to greater or lesser extent for years in Excavation and Disruption fissures. These new ones simply amp the problem up even further by adding the possibility of actual mission failure if you try to force-mitigate the issue by slowing down. Once upon a time, fissures were a good idea to replace the god-awful system that preceded them. However, since they were introduced, the entire design space has been simply to copy-paste the 10 reactant pickup system to every single game mode, regardless of if or how well it works in the context of the mode, because that is simple and can be quickly implemented. This is no longer remotely acceptable, as with each new mode they apply this too, we can see it becoming less and less functional.
  9. Or just make it Equipable in the melee slot so the slot being empty stops causing bugs. It doesn't need to be toggle on or off, it just needs to count as a weapon when in use.
  10. No Standing, bonus XP, or focus is awarded for completing either any of the constituent missions or overall for the entire run. Also, if you fail to complete all 3 missions, NOTHING is awarded other than the main drops (ie none of the in mission pickups, credits, etc.).
  11. The angel spawns well outside (700m+) the boss arena, making rezzing during the fight impossible. If it's the host, they will just leave and fail the mission for everyone else. You designed a mechanic that does not work in 1/6 available mission types. Which just increases the already unacceptable chance of the host migration-failing the run.
  12. OK this only increases the need to add an indicator in the UI for when you have sprint toggled on. Otherwise I predict everyone will be constantly unable to tell the difference between sprint off and slowed, and LOTS of extra toggling will be happening. It;s already hard to tell in general when you have just been slowed (especially on frames with very subtle sprint vs walk animation changes).
  13. The host is still unable to self extract using the elevator panel in the Zariman. This can lead to the host effectively being held hostage if enough other players don't want to leave to prevent the leave timer from starting. While no one likes to be the cause of host migrations,m but sometimes you have to leave. Anyone else can get out of the mission if they want to using the elevator, but the host is at the mercy of the other players. This can become especially problematic f the host has bugged (for example moonwalking) and cannot actually play. The self extraction needs to work for everyone.
  14. Being on the new lab tileset limits the mission choice. We can only have the types implemented on the tileset. Sabotage, Rescue, Defense, Hijack, Excavation, Capture, Interception, Mobile Defense, and Void Armageddon, Cascade, and Flood are all unavailable (also Spy and Defection, but none of us want that). That doesn't actually leave that many mission types to be RNGed through.
  15. Just as a gauge for how badly this fails, some of my runs: 16 rounds 3 cracks, 5 rounds 1 crack, 8 rounds 1 crack, 13 rounds 4 cracks, 4 rounds 2 cracks, 8 rounds 4 cracks, 10 rounds 2 cracks, 10 rounds 8 cracks, 2 rounds 1 crack. Not ONE TIME have I had a run where it was possible to actually crack a relic every round. I have barely even seen HALF of rounds with cracks. THIS MODE DOES NOT WORK AS A FISSURE.
  16. Lots of the endless to rounds conversions are long for o reason. 10 Rounds defense, 2 rounds interception, 10 min survival, etc. They need to pull some of these more in line.
  17. Cascade is fine as a gem mode,. But not as a fissure with just the usual fissure mechanics. If you want to use Void Cascade (and flood) for relic cracking, you need to change the way relic cracking works to accommodate the game mode. Excavation has bee a problem in fissures for literally years, and Void Cascade has all the same issues, but with an even higher need to be constantly moving around over large areas, and a failure condition, so slowing down intentionally is not an option (not that this should be how Excavation fissures work either; they ALSO need to have the way relic cracking works changed to fit the way the mode works, but at least you have the ability to force it there by dragging out rounds without just ending the mission). That's basically what it comes down to. If you want to make more mission types be fissures, you need to make more different kinds of fissures. You can't just slap the same "collect 10 in a certain spot" mechanics onto game modes that it does not work in. No amount of changing reactant drop rates will ever fix the fundamental issue (unless you make the rate so high that it just becomes "kill 1 enemy in a round, crack", in which case why bother with reactant). Just as a gauge for how badly this fails, some of my runs: 16 rounds 3 cracks, 5 rounds 1 crack, 8 rounds 1 crack, 13 rounds 4 cracks, 4 rounds 2 cracks, 8 rounds 4 cracks, 10 rounds 2 cracks, 10 rounds 8 cracks. Anything more that a 1 round variance between cracking and rounds and/or SEVERE variance in ability to crack indicates a problem.
  18. For reference I just did a 16 round fissure. 3 relics were opened in total. The mission may as well have not been a fissure.
  19. Netracells have permadeath. If for whatever reason the host gets killed, they will leave. Netracells continue to immediately fail for all players the instant a host migration occurs. Either host migration works or there is no permadeath so people have no reason to leave the mission. 3 players losing everything because a 4th dies (usually due to their own stupidity like leaving the group to hunt voca) is unacceptable.
  20. This is 4 build breaking modifiers at once and several that compound on each other.
  21. Yup this is an instant unpreventable fail state.
  22. It feels like these are random and there are no protective blocks to prevent creating combinations that basically render the run undoable depending on your available frames and equipment.
  23. Nobody said that. Are you projecting? You said that. Are you amnesiac?
  24. The Prima Latron armor from Baro is missing a right shoulder piece.
  25. Literally just specify a couple items, like "shields T3, Guns all T3" or such that are easy to check. Maybe "RJ is modded at all" (yes people do this in basic unmodded RJ right out of the shop). It doesn't need to be a difficult check, just something more than just intrinsics for RJ itself and anything at all to stop stock RJs from being host in the Lich/Sister confrontations. If you don't want flag posts, don't reply with things like "shut up or leave" or "it can be done in a very odd and counterintuitive way, so stop saying it could be better".
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