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Make Sevagoth and Grendel more popular again (Alter the helminth abilities)


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On 2023-10-12 at 12:55 PM, Pakaku said:

The problem is more likely the farm being a pain. Same with Sevagoth, void storms literally give me a headache with all of the crashing noise.

Getting him isn't the trouble. I just don't want to forma his 19 forms enough to make them good. Grendel on the other hand is amazing right now. I wouldn't touch him.

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On 10/12/2023 at 9:43 PM, AntifreezeUnder0 said:

Well his rework overall was huge nerf- for viral  stacks, viral pulse dmg and energy buff and ball movement control, you traded dmg scaling, special cc form- eat room and spit out to kill other room(the 40 enemies), and his ball with less control and inability to climb stairs did huge dmg when paired with toxin buff which benefited his kits dmg due to scaling, meaning the higher lvl enemies you ate the multipliers you get. 

Now you get viral dmg, viral stacks on pulse, better energy multi(skill itselfs is better on others than on grendel due to no gut required to cast) which combined with the armor strips still do less dmg then pre rework grendel with no armor strip and scaling effect of eaten enemies... Hell even 300% duration on full gut now, doesnt come near to full gut 100% grendel pre-rework with augment for status immunity.

Hill ball is just paper weight and simply for moving arround with movement getting messed up each patch due to random momentum halts , which goes away on next patches.

Regugitate with viral stacks and toxin dmg on 300% strenght still is no where near dmg output he had pre -rework on full gut nourish toxin buff,  and 177% strenght!fraction of dmg you get now ...

There are benefits too to rework, but over all before you got rewarded for being able to control energy drain or health drain with huge scaling dmg and ability to eliminate enemies and could utilize all 3 augments, now its just generic build ignoring augments and near braindead slap gloom get full gut and you get passive healing while enemies are in gut, but dmg output of other abilities with nourish buff on are meh... Same pulverize build killing sp enemies with 1 shot on collide, not ticles lvl 25 enemies.... and maybe in few collisions kill them.

The fact that regurgitates damage scaling consists of bad base damage and 10% of the enemies current health is stupid. Because there’s some anti synergy going on from the enemies constantly taking percent damage in his gut and the collision damage from pulverize. Like you said they traded scaling for qol and stripping which is nice but damage is damage. It would be better if it was 10% of their max health with 5000 base damage. Also do you know if they removed all of pulverizes scaling or was it just toned down due to 5 enemies in the gut.

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4 hours ago, BoochieKatt said:

The fact that regurgitates damage scaling consists of bad base damage and 10% of the enemies current health is stupid. Because there’s some anti synergy going on from the enemies constantly taking percent damage in his gut and the collision damage from pulverize. Like you said they traded scaling for qol and stripping which is nice but damage is damage. It would be better if it was 10% of their max health with 5000 base damage. Also do you know if they removed all of pulverizes scaling or was it just toned down due to 5 enemies in the gut.

Pulverize simply got changed, giving mobility and some healing and taking away dmg scaling and dmg output. While in pulverize enemies should have died with 1 or 2 collision/slam to ground inside gut, now they barely get any dmg.

 Toxin dmg of pulverize per second i small and doesnt seem to be scaling. Since nourish got changed to viral pulse and viral dmg, you cant even boost the toxin dmg output from scaling with nourish... Yea can say it strips armor and other yada yada, but pre-rework grendel could 1 to 2 slam, lvl 150 sp grinner and corrupted w/o armor strip. 

Pretty much pulverize on its own cant kill much, since you needed to have enemies in gut, and each slam/collision removed them from the gut, now you can pulverize with out any enemy in gut, and if have full gut you jut get higher impact dmg... and thats it. 

Of course going full strenght regurgitate will get you kills, but why would one need to go for 300 to 500% strenght to get fraction of pre-reworks dmg...


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