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But WHY does DE release band-aid mods?


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8 hours ago, quxier said:

Wisp can cast her "shadow". Caliban can cast his "we are lift together" skill. At this point is just random. Oh, yeah, we should use other abilities BUT ... we can some.

And old Titania don't have all animations are are still "ok.

So if that's the cases it's just excuses, imho

Tthose are intended to play that way with a very select few skills. That is done so they can stay in their channel state longer. All those frames practically get TTL through their synergy skill.

And what the hell does Titania have to do with anything. She's just another exalted frame and last I checked none of them except Mesa are locked out from using their kit while having their exalted mode toggled. And Titania, while not having proper animations, casting skills still stops her ability to shoot or do anyhting else if it is a full body animation skill. Styanax neither animated skills nor had javelins stop casting while he used another skill during it.

8 hours ago, quxier said:

afair, when doing Vial rush, Final stand stops shooting

You can recall all you like, it doesnt matter if one skill out of all worked that way or not and there is no way to check it in the end either. 

8 hours ago, quxier said:

But you cannot extend 2.5 duration to even half of Aquablades'.

You are talking about 100% of uptime of Aquablades... but I can have all stuff probably mentioned like other statuses, damage, damage reduction etc while pressing one button every 45th second. Final stand? Yeah, you can answer it yourself.

Yet another thing not even implied. And yet another confusing comment from you.

So you like just having a skill active that likely does nothing at all in the end since you are probably never at the correct range for it to deal damage? After 45 seconds you've only dealt around 100k damage with Aquablades if it deals damage every single second it can. That is 2 casts from Final Stand with baseline stats. Meaning if you rely on the skills to kill something with 100k health, it would take Aquablades 45 seconds and Last Stand 5 seconds. Sure that likely isnt a situation we'll ever have, but the shear damage of Last Stand lets you skip doing other things, like applying statuses and so on from other sources. So Aquablades allowing you to do those things while it is active doesnt matter.

And when we start to include modding Last Stand pulls even further ahead, since now it is also a massive group TTL buffer, which also applies to you and your companions. When you start modding Aquablades you get more meaningless damage and maybe more duration. I'm also not sure which frame you'd ever want to use Aquablades on even, when you can simply just slot Roar, Eclipse, Nourish or Whisper instead and get alot more damage out of it if all you want is a long lasting skill. Atleast those would always apply their benefit as they have no range requirements etc. So will atleast buff your weapons you use eitherway. It is why I dislike playing Yareli since I want to get rid of both her fish stick and aquablades but cant.

8 hours ago, quxier said:

Yes, that's are benefits or whatever of using Aquablades, I don't know what you don't get it.

No those are the benefits of rolling. The miniscule damage you deal in the roll while AB is active will have no impact on if the mob dies or not. So you could have just aswell had a simple self buff that just buffs your damage since the mob you just rolled through would die quicker afterwards to your weapon or other skill damage compared to the wee S#&$ty damage aquablades manages to deal during the fraction of a second you passed through the mob.

8 hours ago, quxier said:

Bleed is not reduced by armor.

Wouldnt matter in any case, since AB already has issues killing charges effectively. And even without armor, a simple Lancer has higher EHP. So zero reason to hope Aquablades performs better versus Grineer.

8 hours ago, quxier said:

Oh, "X should be powerful enough so Y is useless" kind of argument is bad.

No not really, since it is true. The skill is just that weak and has mechanics that limits it even further to have any practical use. As I said, with guns you are most often too far away, with melee you are most often too close. With melee at most you deal a single tick, and it is questionable if you even get the full "tick" in the small window where you are the right range.

9 hours ago, quxier said:

Well, read my posts. I'm not going to repeat myself because you want to troll...

On 2023-11-20 at 5:22 PM, quxier said:

Because Dagath is like Sevagoth: similar abilities to each other, some effects not showing etc.

That is what you said. Which pretty clearly seems to intend you are comparing Dagath skills to Sevagoth skills. Then I asked what was similar between the two and you just line up skill numbers without actually saying you are refering to Dagath and not answering what was actually asked.

9 hours ago, quxier said:

If all you look at is "you click or press button and everything dies after N second" then everythign is the same. Otherwise it will be different.

But that isnt at all what I said. This was about the specific stat you implied changed playstyle i.e Life Steal. Adding Life Steal wont change what something does. It wont turn a melee into a gun etc. If you already played melee or ranged you can continue doing the same no matter if life steal is there or not.

9 hours ago, quxier said:

Again, same as above.

And just as wrong as above aswell. If meatball wasnt a part of Grendels kit, or if meatball worked like say baseline Assimilate, then yeah the augment would have changed his playstyle. But adding a simple launch function doesnt change the playstyle, it only adds an additional function.


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