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This Game Is Too Easy.


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i think that the damage 2.0 is a good idea, but the enemies are too weak against the new weapons.... i meant, now, enemies lvl 30 are "high level", but i can kill a heavy greener with a single shot (or 2 but it doesnt change the situation) with my soma, strun,paris prime...... including with my ignis that has only 5 mods and not armor piercing damage i can kill heavy units too fast.


the game should change according to the players lvl.... maybe using a system like the conclave, that evaluates the players and adapts the enemies lvl.

this would make necessary the teamwork, and a real challenge to single players.


some bosses may offer a interesting fights if this mode is applied, for example, Alad V is a interesting boss, with a good mechanical, but i can kill him..alone.... and using my worst weapons.


actually the game turns bored when you have not a real challenge......

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Just had to use a revive on Gradivus.  Right in the extraction room.  Heavy Grineer team took me down.  No power left, burned it all dashing when my life hit 20 points.


Couldn't take cover anywhere.  Enemies spawned behind me, shot from both sides.


At the end game, I'll believe that the game is too easy.


Just starting out, with a Braton and a +15% damage to Grineer mod?  NOT easy.


It's a LOT easier with multiplayer.  Two nights ago, when my internet was better, gamed with some guy rocking an Excalibur Prime.  Believe me, that helps.  But now, I'm only doing 4% of the damage, and 4 or 5 kills to everyone else's 30-100 kills.  I'm almost useless to the team, because my internet sucks.  This makes me feel bad as a player.


So, try things from a different perspective.  Imagine you are starting a new account, and your net connection suddenly develops packet loss, so you can't DO multiplayer.  Now imagine that you have NO CHOICE, you must play solo, or be a leach on the group.  Oh, and I can not level up my bane of grineer, because I have no backup "Bane of Grineer".  This means that when I get a new gun, a levelled up Bane of X becomes Useless.


Had 25 "Point Strikes" though, 20 Vitalities, 5 Sentinel redirections, but oddly, only 1 for my frame.  Levelled it because I had NO choice on that whatsoever.


The game is easy for you because you have great mods, (which I don't), and you have good internet (which I had until about 3 days ago).


The answer then, is different enemy scaling algoriths, and more "Epic" missions.  I will say this to the high-end players:


You are right.  You shouldn't have to slog through 30 minutes of survival to get to a 10 minute batch of fun enemies, before the Demigods of the Grineer Royal Guard descend to drop a missile in your face that does over 9001 damage.


There should be new missions with "Epic Grineer Assault v1" where the enemies go from level 30-40.  Epic Grineer Assault v2, enemies go 37 to 47 maybe?  Epic Grineer Assault v3 with level 45+ enemies.  Then just carry it out as far as it needs to be carried.  My numbers probably are not all that well organized, there's likely a better level grouping for the "Epic Assault".  But okay, for you guys who want a high powered, elite gear oriented challenge, the choices should be there, and they shouldn't be hard to FIND them.


DE probably needs to double the tilesets as well, which will take time, but keep things looking "fresh".  Ideally, they should do it in one giant batch.  Releasing them a few at a time means we all get used to the 6 extra rooms or so over a month, and everything stays "blended together" in our experience.  If they could add... 200+ new rooms in one huge batch, blindsiding us with a huge wave of unfamiliar content, it would have greater psychological impact, and really serve to shake things up.


We can find a middle ground on this.  I'm willing to concede that the "end game" content (end game being whenever you've unlocked the entirety of the solar map) when you have maximized gear is too easy.


But I'm being SMACKED DOWN regularly in solo, and 2 player co-op isn't exactly a walk through the daisies.  (My friend only lives a couple of miles from me, so the mediocre internet seems less exacerbated, but further testing will confirm this to be true/untrue)


If my internet kills things, I'm stuck solo for the next couple of months, unless someone wants to donate money to me so I can get a cable modem hooked up in my apartment.

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maybe the game isnt easy...

its just that you get too fast too strong ?


btw all my posts deleted wtf?



the damage, and weapons system should be balanced, if you can get a great power, the enemies should be powerful as you are, or at least close to your power.
i meant, the planet with higher lvl in game, is too easy for a midlevel tenno.....
only the alerts represents a "challenge"..... sometimes
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Because he explained he didn't want to have to play easy-mode survival for 20 minutes, get 2-3 minutes of challenging but fun gameplay, and from that point on get enemies too difficult to have fun. He wants it accessible from the get go. How many times does it have to be explained to you? He knows survival offeres the enemy difficulty he is after, but he doesn't want to have to sit through a boring slideshow of exploding corpses for 20 minutes to get there.


He wants it accessible from the star chart from the beginning of a mission, be that survival, mobile defence. Perhaps, even, he'd like to be able to experience all the game modes Warframe has to offer at this difficulty level?


That, good sir, is why you were promptly ignored. You're a stuck record.


Finally, an intelligble response. I had nearly given up on having any kind of serious discussison here.


The thing is, the game doesn't need to be balanced around the End-Gamers. Heck, there could just be a planet that grabs your teams level equipment and compares it against your Levels/Mods/Conclave rating and churns out enemy levels based on that.


CR is a bad idea, I know, but it serves as an example, nonetheless.


Soloing a mission on that planet with 120 equipment levels and a conclave rating of 1200? Have fun fighting those level 60-90's under the new system. How about 60 equipment levels and a conclave of 700? You're still gonna be up against 45-65's.


Have a team of 4 all with 120 levels and 1200+ Conclave? You're looking at 90-140's.  

One little planet could have an algorithm in place ensuring players could play with their best equipment, across all game-types without gimping themselves or playing through a Corpus Ship tour.


I think something like that would be a big step in the right direction, however I don't think it fixes the problem completely. A planet that scales to the potential of the player is nice, but at the same time I also think that solar map missions need to have pre-determined difficulty levels that go up to at least level 50. Pluto's level 35 missions feels like a rather low point to stop on, and I don't think that once you reach that point you should be confined to a single planet.


Also, how would resource distribution work? If that planet has Nano Spores, Plastids, Orokin Cells and Detonite Ampules, then does that mean I need to leave that special scaling planet and go mindlessly farm low level enemies to get Ferrite?

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The game is easy for you because you have great mods, (which I don't), and you have good internet (which I had until about 3 days ago).


i live in colombia, let me tell you.... my internet sucks!!
I play alone the majority of time......
you have reason, at the beginning, the game is hard.... i remember the first boss (captain vor).... that was an awesome battle, but the point is, the game turns too easy too fast, if you get some mods and upgrade them you can complete the missions alone.. easy..
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Yeah, that's right. That's the reason why this game is too easy, it's because I'm lazy and afraid. It's totally not like I want a challenging non-survival mission, and you're totally not COMPLETELY IGNORING that fact again.


There isn't even any logic in what you're saying. I say I want something challenging that doesn't involve survival, so you tell me to go play survival. It really doesn't make any difference at all whatsoever about the difficulty of 40+ minute survival, if that's what I really wanted then we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. Rather than spend lengthy amounts of time waiting for the game to flip the switch and start rapidly raising enemy levels by 5 every single minute, I'd enjoy going into a normal mission accessible from the solar map that wasn't survival or defense and actually provided a moderate challenge from start to finish.


I guess it's a crime to want something challenging besides hour long survivals. Instead of using the game feedback forums to try and improve the game, instead of acknowledging that the missions are too easy, instead of actually saying anything helpful at all, people seem more inclined to ostracize everyone who thinks this game isn't challenging enough.


You know, you keep saying I'm ignoring this but I think it is you who just can't read. What I'm saying is that there are only a FEW places to CURRENTLY find enemies of the level you SHOULD be playing. Those places are: SURVIVAL, DEFENSE, VOID MISSIONS, sometimes NIGHTMARE MODE, and HIGH LEVEL ALERTS. If you are looking for a challenge you MUST pick from those choices. Why? Because those are the only choices we have. And people are massively overestimating the time it takes for enemy levels to hit the 'hard-ish' point.


The game has been stupidly easy for a long time.


And the lowest common denominators in the forums want DE to continue this stupid idea of a "tiered" weapon system and keep making even stronger weapons.


There is nothing wrong with a tier'd weapon system.


Yes, everyone on this forum is that way.


Nova is "balanced" because after two hours in Defense, MPrime no longer kills EVERYTHING on the map, just most of it.


Not sure why people can't realize that neverending infinitely scaling mission aren't part of the actual game, and using them as proof for anything is ridiculous.


It doesn't take anywhere close to two hours to find her MPrime turn into a buff with minor explosions.


Finally, an intelligble response. I had nearly given up on having any kind of serious discussison here.



I think something like that would be a big step in the right direction, however I don't think it fixes the problem completely. A planet that scales to the potential of the player is nice, but at the same time I also think that solar map missions need to have pre-determined difficulty levels that go up to at least level 50. Pluto's level 35 missions feels like a rather low point to stop on, and I don't think that once you reach that point you should be confined to a single planet.


Also, how would resource distribution work? If that planet has Nano Spores, Plastids, Orokin Cells and Detonite Ampules, then does that mean I need to leave that special scaling planet and go mindlessly farm low level enemies to get Ferrite?


It was a serious discussion before. You just kept skimming my posts, spot the words 'survival' and 'defense' and immediately ignore the rest of what I was saying. I am not talking about hypothetical solutions. I'm telling you were you can find the challenges you want. And if you hadn't notices T3 Void missions aren't exclusively Defense and Survival.

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How many times does it need to be said for you understand that I'm not wanting to do survival? And that's including Defense and Void. I want normal missions accessible from the solar map, just like any other mission in the game.


You say I MUST pick from survival / defense, when in reality NO I DON'T HAVE TO PICK FROM THOSE THINGS, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PICK FROM THOSE THINGS, AND I DON'T WANT TO PICK FROM THOSE THINGS. If those are the only choices then DE needs to step up and offer more choices, and that's exactly what this feedback discussion IS ALL ABOUT.


You're ignoring all the people who replied to you explaining the same thing I am, and you come back and continue making idiotic posts again just as the discussion was starting to get productive. Your input is UNWANTED, UNEEDED, AND UNHELPFUL.

Edited by Laraso
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Are you completely brain-dead? How many times does it need to be said for you understand that I'm not wanting to do survival?


You're ignoring all the people who replied to you explaining the same thing I am, and you come back and start making idiotic posts again just as the discussion was starting to get productive.


If you aren't going to read my entire post DON'T BOTHER REPLYING. I'm getting tired of your insults, how about you actually read my entire post?




You say I MUST pick from survival / defense, when in reality NO I DON'T HAVE TO PICK FROM THOSE THINGS, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PICK FROM THOSE THINGS, AND I DON'T WANT TO PICK FROM THOSE THINGS. If those are the only choices then DE needs to step up and offer more choices, and that's exactly what this feedback discussion IS ALL ABOUT.

You're ignoring all the people who replied to you explaining the same thing I am, and you come back and continue making idiotic posts again just as the discussion was starting to get productive. Your input is UNWANTED, UNEEDED, AND UNHELPFUL.


I said no such thing, learn to read.




What I'm saying is that there are only a FEW places to CURRENTLY find enemies of the level you SHOULD be playing.








If you are looking for a challenge you MUST pick from those choices. Why? Because those are the only choices we have.





T3 Void missions AREN'T exclusively Defense and Survival.


Don't reply to me until you've read my ENTIRE POST. I'm getting so tired of you skimming over them and then talking about survival and defense as if that's the only thing I've mentioned. And don't call me brain-dead when you're the person who seems to lack the capacity to read my entire post. 

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You say I didn't read your post, BUT I DID. I READ IT. The ENTIRE THING. That's EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID. You told me to go to survival, defense, or void. Nightmare and Alerts DON'T COUNT because they are RANDOMLY GENERATED and AREN'T RELIABLY ACCESSIBLE. Nightmare missions in particular generate most of their difficulty with quirky challenges such as no shields / health drain, and alerts can only be played one single time before they become inaccessible.


I clearly stated that I DON'T want to have to sit around for a half hour in survival and defense missions. Void requires keys to access and only lets you fight corrupted enemies. Well gee, what if I wanted to fight the grineer, or the corpus? Or, *gasp*, maybe even the infested! What if I wanted to play on a non-void tileset? You can't fight those factions in the void. You can't play on different tilesets in the void.


I >>> ALREADY KNOW <<< what kind of challenges survival / defense has to offer. You don't need to tell me that. I want challenging rescue missions, challenging exterminate missions, challenging sabotage missions, etc. Why are you incapable of understanding that? I want a mission that I can access reliably any time I want from the solar map just like every other mission in the game. I want challenges that are stable and stay the same difficulty throughout the entirety of the mission. Currently those missions don't exist, and waiting half an hour in survival isn't a solution because enemies continue to scale up indefinintely until you reach a brick wall where you can't actually kill anything. That's not fun. That's not entertaining. That's stupid.


If other choices don't exist (which they don't), then DE needs to do something about it. That's exactly why we're posting in a gameplay feedback forum.

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You say I didn't read your post, BUT I DID. I READ IT. The ENTIRE THING. That's EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID. You told me to go to survival, defense, or void. Nightmare and Alerts DON'T COUNT because they are RANDOMLY GENERATED and AREN'T RELIABLY ACCESSIBLE. Nightmare missions in particular generate most of their difficulty with quirky challenges such as no shields / health drain, and alerts can only be played one single time before they become inaccessible.


I clearly stated that I DON'T want to have to sit around for a half hour in survival and defense missions. Void requires keys to access and only lets you fight corrupted enemies. Well gee, what if I wanted to fight the grineer, or the corpus? Or, *gasp*, maybe even the infested! What if I wanted to play on a non-void tileset? You can't fight those factions in the void. You can't play on different tilesets in the void.


I >>> ALREADY KNOW <<< what kind of challenges survival / defense has to offer. You don't need to tell me that. I want challenging rescue missions, challenging exterminate missions, challenging sabotage missions, etc. Why are you incapable of understanding that? I want a mission that I can access reliably any time I want from the solar map just like every other mission in the game. I want challenges that are stable and stay the same difficulty throughout the entirety of the mission. Currently those missions don't exist, and waiting half an hour in survival isn't a solution because enemies continue to scale up indefinintely until you reach a brick wall where you can't actually kill anything. That's not fun. That's not entertaining. That's stupid.


If other choices don't exist (which they don't), then DE needs to do something about it. That's exactly why we're posting in a gameplay feedback forum.


At the time of that last reply I do not think you had fully read my post. This is probably one of the first times you actually did. Why do I say this? Because this is the first time you acknowledged that I even listed anything besides Defense and Survival.

Nightmare is incredibly reliable, just clear all your nodes. Alerts are less often but THEY ARE EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE ASKING FOR. 

So now you're complaining about enemy types? Wow. You said you wanted a challenge. Don't shift the goal post.

If you want challenging rescue missions go play Alerts or Nightmare mode missions. And you're shifting the goal post again. Barring Alerts nothing like that exists in this game (that I can currently remember). Next time lay out EXACTLY what you want in the OP. Don't claim you want a challenge and then spend the entire thread shifting the goal post and insulting me for your own lack of intelligence.



That's EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID. You told me to go to survival, defense, or void.


No, you did not mention that I said that last choice:



You say I MUST pick from survival / defense


If you wish to fight infested the derelict has them, but it isn't a rescue mission.


Don't bother responding to Squirmy, he is just a troll.


And not a particularly entertaining or well done troll.


gtfo, I am not a troll. I am giving suggestions that match OP's original request. And I have been for the entire thread. 

>OP says the game is too easy

>I mention survival and defense

>OP says he doesn't like defense or survival but still wants a challenge

>I mention that those are the best areas to find a challenge, but void missions and nightmare missions also work. Alerts too.

>OP says he wants to fight other factions, doesn't like nightmare mode's difficulty type, and alerts aren't consistent enough.

>I now mention the derelict missions.


The only choices in this game currently, that offer the kind of content you originally asked for (a challenge) are:



-Void missions

-Nightmare Mode


-Possibly derelict missions

That's it. And because of this, that is all I can give as suggestions. If you don't like my suggestions don't get upset with me over them. It's not like I'm lying to you. I am giving you the only possible solutions I can without lying or suggesting that you take off gear/mods/etc.

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He isn't asking where to find it.


He is asking for there to be more of it.


Surely you aren't this dense.


Actually, he did. Looks like you're the dense one, that or you just didn't read the entire OP.


Is the game intended to be this way, or is this simply an unfortunate consequence of the early release of Damage 2.0? Is there anything I can do to add challenge to this game for myself without purposefully gimping myself by using bad weapons with bad mods?

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That was at the very beginning. After confirming that no, there is no challenge left, discussion has since moved to solutions that might add challenge.


There are challenges, I just mentioned them. If you don't want to do any of those, that is not my fault nor should you guys be trying to hold that against me as if I'm in the wrong for listing all the choices we currently have.


EDIT: And don't call me a troll for giving suggestions that matched the request in your OP. This last bit isn't really aimed at you, Laraso, because you didn't really do it.

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But you are, because everyone is clearly very aware of those "choices", and it's not hard to realize that we don't believe those "choices" are satisfactory, and that we want something more than that.

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But you are, because everyone is clearly very aware of those "choices", and it's not hard to realize that we don't believe those "choices" are satisfactory, and that we want something more than that.


No one was acknowledging the existence of those choices, so how was I supposed to know you (and the others) were aware of them? And when I mentioned them you glossed right over them as if you didn't even notice I mentioned them. It took me directly quoting them at you for you to FINALLY acknowledge their presence in my posts. Calling me a troll comes off as a not-so cunning ploy to discredit me in an attempt to save face.

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Proposal: the game records which wave you've successfully completed Defense up to (e.g. 5, 10, etc). Then, when you party up to do a defense mission, you can choose which wave to start at - but only if everyone else also has that wave "unlocked". That way, the top 1%, the people with maxed mods can do something difficult. It's a temporary solution to a (hopefully) temporary problem.


However, I disagree with the fact that Warframe is too easy in general. If by "easy" people mean "easy after grinding Redirection, Serration, etc. to max after hundreds of hours" then yes, this game is easy. If by "easy" people mean "easy after formaing several times and potatoing and using a naturally powerful gun e.g. the Brakk as well as a frame min-maxed to hell and back" then yes, this game is easy. But most of the people in this forum, also known as a lot of the devoted and experienced players with tons of mods and forma, need to pull their heads out of their damn asses and think a bit about other people like me who aren't as fortunate, and maybe not as tolerant of all the bad design and bad balancing that plagues this game.


TLDR: This game is only easy for the people at the very top.

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No one was acknowledging the existence of those choices, so how was I supposed to know you (and the others) were aware of them? And when I mentioned them you glossed right over them as if you didn't even notice I mentioned them. It took me directly quoting them at you for you to FINALLY acknowledge their presence in my posts. Calling me a troll comes off as a not-so cunning ploy to discredit me in an attempt to save face.


I never explicitly mentioned them but I knew about them. In fact, I knew about them before you ever even posted in this thread. I knew about them only a few hours after I started playing the game. I only said "survival" because honestly, why do I need to say "survival and defense and nightmare and alerts and void missions and derilects" every time I attempt to reply to you. Nobody needs you to reiterate the same common knowledge over and over and over again.




Proposal: the game records which wave you've successfully completed Defense up to (e.g. 5, 10, etc). Then, when you party up to do a defense mission, you can choose which wave to start at - but only if everyone else also has that wave "unlocked". That way, the top 1%, the people with maxed mods can do something difficult. It's a temporary solution to a (hopefully) temporary problem.


However, I disagree with the fact that Warframe is too easy in general. If by "easy" people mean "easy after grinding Redirection, Serration, etc. to max after hundreds of hours" then yes, this game is easy. If by "easy" people mean "easy after formaing several times and potatoing and using a naturally powerful gun e.g. the Brakk as well as a frame min-maxed to hell and back" then yes, this game is easy. But most of the people in this forum, also known as a lot of the devoted and experienced players with tons of mods and forma, need to pull their heads out of their damn asses and think a bit about other people like me who aren't as fortunate, and maybe not as tolerant of all the bad design and bad balancing that plagues this game.


TLDR: This game is only easy for the people at the very top.



Why do people assume that wanting a challenge equates to making the ENTIRE game harder and forcing new players to face the same difficulty that end game players do? That's absurd, and nobody ever suggested that. The very least DE would need to do is just add a new planet with missions that host level 40 - 50 enemies, and I'd be fine. The idea that Azure_Kyte mentioned, where a special planet would be introduced that scales to your conclave rating, is also a step in the right direction. Throwing new players into a pit of endless frustration isn't anything anyone had in mind.

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I never explicitly mentioned them but I knew about them. In fact, I knew about them before you ever even posted in this thread. I knew about them only a few hours after I started playing the game. I only said "survival" because honestly, why do I need to say "survival and defense and nightmare and alerts and void missions and derilects" every time I attempt to reply to you. Nobody needs you to reiterate the same common knowledge over and over and over again.


You didn't have to mention it in every reply. You only needed to mention them or at least acknowledge their presence in my posts. And you only needed to do that ONCE. The problem is you never did. It got to the point where I was sure you weren't even reading my posts. And I'm not going to assume everyone knows about everything in this game.

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You know something? I don't understand how this is an argument you've formed. Isn't that kinda why we are here posting in the gameplay feedback section? Honestly. Of course the game's not complete. It doesn't mean people shouldn't voice their opinions. That sort of logic is what causes games to fail.


Awww how cute, I did not say people should not voice their opinions, you seem to put words into others mouths to create something out of nothing. On top of that it is not an argument it is a statement learn to differentiate between the two. 


@SanityRobot  Personally I think what would fix all this "game to hard" or "game to easy" posts is if DE added the difficulty slider into the game. By adding that it might make every type of player somewhat happy - lets face it a game that caters to only one type of player it does not succeed.

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Proposal: the game records which wave you've successfully completed Defense up to (e.g. 5, 10, etc). Then, when you party up to do a defense mission, you can choose which wave to start at - but only if everyone else also has that wave "unlocked". That way, the top 1%, the people with maxed mods can do something difficult. It's a temporary solution to a (hopefully) temporary problem.


However, I disagree with the fact that Warframe is too easy in general. If by "easy" people mean "easy after grinding Redirection, Serration, etc. to max after hundreds of hours" then yes, this game is easy. If by "easy" people mean "easy after formaing several times and potatoing and using a naturally powerful gun e.g. the Brakk as well as a frame min-maxed to hell and back" then yes, this game is easy. But most of the people in this forum, also known as a lot of the devoted and experienced players with tons of mods and forma, need to pull their heads out of their damn asses and think a bit about other people like me who aren't as fortunate, and maybe not as tolerant of all the bad design and bad balancing that plagues this game.


TLDR: This game is only easy for the people at the very top.

Not exactly. It starts getting easy well before that. And trust me, it's not temporary. It's been like this since a long time. U11 didn't change it a lot, just reshuffled a bit and allowed us to use more weapons while breaking melee even more.


I can end all missions again with my starting Excal and my Braton with a crappy serration and all elementals at half power.

Would it be challenging? Yep. But it's doable.


Point is that the more you progress the less stuff is challeging apart from some boss fights and when you stay in a defence/survival for 20 minutes while your sentinel and your 4th ability do all the work.


And it shouldn't be like that.


But please don't take this as "We should boost the game difficulty EVERYWHERE AND FOR EVERYONE".


Game difficulty can be autoscaled, but some planets can and should get @(*()&#036; harder, because they are supposed to be end-game planets, there to entertain people that worked their asses off to be so powerful in the first place (or bought S#&amp;&#036; with plat that uses money earned somehow, assuming they worked to earn it anyway).



@SanityRobot  Personally I think what would fix all this "game to hard" or "game to easy" posts is if DE added the difficulty slider into the game. By adding that it might make every type of player somewhat happy - lets face it a game that caters to only one type of player it does not succeed.

This is completely &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp;, not to mention that in a MMO with drops linked to tiers and mob kinds it's the best way to break what little is left of the balance in the game.


What most games do is creating Playgrounds for High Level players.


Warframe does not. Or at least it fails in doing so.

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