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A Complete Rework Of The Foundation Of Warframe.


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THIS. Made me have hope again for WF. The first time I played WF was 2 months ago, and I love it! I even became a Master level founder for it and even bought more plats to support it! But recently I've found the slump the most people have about WF. The endless cycle of I need more mods to level up [mod] > I need more money to be able to level up [mod]. Which I can accept, because it is a grindy game. Then there's this other slump; I really enjoy using Ignis, so much so that I forma'd it 5 times [going for a 6th]. That I try to mix and match mods to make it viable for other factions, or speed runs. Then I tell myself to take a break and find a new weapon, or level that weapon that's been sitting in the inventory. And I do, but in game, I suddenly feel that this weapon is lack-luster. Like it was made just for mastery rank exp grinding. I don't feel that some weapons are weapons at all, they function as toys that make your enemies smile, because they know it's a joke. "Oh you're using a 3 forma'd potato'd grakata? I die faster from a lvl30 dual vastos with no potato and forma!" Even Dmg2.0 can't make all the weapons viable. You are better off playing MK-1 to Braton to whatever should come next, and then getting the "good" weapons last just so that you don't have to use the "S#&$tier" weapons that makes the game have a bland taste.


If this idea goes through, we can use weapons that we think is a good match for our current frame [aesthetically], and modify it to suit our playstyle, and it would still be viable for use, instead of "This looks good on my load out, but in the actually mission I'd just use my secondary, which is a beast." [Yes there are players like that]

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People who say this is too much work or would cause unrest would have a point, if DE weren't calling this a Beta. I am of the mindset that this is most certainly not a Beta, but an Alpha with a cash shop. The way a Free2Play game should work, is not to nickle and dime the player to the point of getting in the way of their experience; but to give players the chance to show their support by purchasing content that is supplemental to the overall experience. DE are a games studio. This is not too much work. What it is, is admitting they were wrong. I am most certainly not infallible nor is my idea, but given the direction of the game and the proposed concepts on display; my systems work to better fit the style of game. People will still be able to buy guns, skins, Warframes, Void keys, Sentinels. I highly doubt a large amount of their revenue comes from Mod Packs. This doesn't even address the equally as troublesome idea of item slots. When you would rather exploit your players for money, over providing them an experience they enjoy, well then maybe you need to rethink your career path. I'm sure a number of game publishers are hiring.

This. This this this so much this. I've been playing the beta since the very first mod system, since Volt and Excalibur and Loki were on the starting lineup. I've seen every change DE has implemented first hand, and I've played at least a thousand hours cumulatively from before and after I was allowed to reset my account when Vauban was released.

DE is turning into Zynga. The platinum system had a major bubble forced into it just prior to the announcement that it would be a starting title for the PS4, and that's when playing until your perseverance paid off with a potato ended. How often do you see alerts for weapon cores now? How often are new weapons being released? Do these new weapons come with preinstalled polarities anymore? How much money do you need to pay to keep the weapons you've put hours into and still be able to gain mastery ranks? Having to sell my old weapons to allow me to progress in the game is basically saying to the player, "Ohh you leveled that to 30? That's worthless. But if you buy a core it could keep up with the difficulty curve. We did release this new one though. People say it's pretty good." I hate leveling weaponry over and over. I. Hate. It.

I feel like when the game went mainstream, all worry about developing a good game went out the window, since they already had a half way decent cash cow.

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Okey. I have no idea how i missed this topic. Anyway i had this idea previously aswell (as did other people), yet due to lack of replacement ideas and visual presentation, i just didnt make wall of text on this topic. And this is a well damn made wall of text and many of your ideas/opinions are spot on.


But here i come with my questions and critique.


You have came across the thing that mods are currently split into must - viable - useless groups and ability mods take away from build customization more then encourage experimenting with them. This is pretty much factualy true and releasing new mods (many time without announcing it) in new updates is not good way to go in a long run.


That being said, what would you do with mods in general in your idea? If you remove them without giving players anything, oh they will be mad and they might even leave the game.


What would you create as a new credit sink? Getting 5 rank rare mods takes ~70k to max out and with uncommon 10 rank mods, it can go up to 200-300k for last ranks. That is a LOT of credits.


Middle ground i could see possible. Reduce effect of mods overall or make their bonus a flat number (aka just nerf). And with that in mind, have a place for them inside your trees as a tree-specific-mod in form of bonus (2? + 2 with potatoe) slots per tree. Obviously this could be part of all reworks mentioned in your post.


This could work as disaster thought that was put behind many of mods to counter so frustrating parts of the game as knockdowns and resistances.


With attachments you mentioned you could create a huge database of them to customize your weapon, that give advantages and disadvantages to put your weapon even more into direction you want (Blacklight Retribution).



Tiers and Mastery

Currently Mastery Rank is just for a showoff with trading in mind and in future for number of extractors running at a same time. Also it already gates away some weapons and warframes. What you propose is to create even more tiers planet-wise inside already existing tier system. With which i disagree strongly as splitting playerbase is never a good idea and this could result in a huge perception of play2win with content locked behind many time/grind gates.


On another hand, improvements of Mastery meaning something is already in works, (unconfirmed information ahead, just lovely speculation) as for inventory slots and potatoes/forma bp's.



Goals and Rewards

Let's start with a quote...

"But is it enough? Is it ever... enough?"

The answer is no. People like to hoard everything, its a modern culture. Creating more currencies will just anger people. Giving people low amount of stuff will make people angry, because its too much grind and the game doesnt respect their time (hello pay2win/skip topic derail... now go away). If you give people too much, they will get everything faster and leave your game sooner, which is a bad thing to do as a free2play game. What to do? Well i have no idea atm.


Now for skinner box, that carrot on the stick majoriry of players need, because playing for fun? Hah. Not in these days. Playing for maximum profit? YES!


This is a problem even many new MMORPG's have, even Guild Wars 2. The results are boring, repetitive grinds and speedrunning. How to fix this? Well create better gameplay... unless you have a great gameplay already and the problem are players, not the game. In Warframe's instance the gameplay is quite fun, with a room for imrpovement and many places to get patches of bug/exploit fixes strached on. But for me personaly, the gameplay is fun for me with that stroke in my head that is yelling "this could be better if...".



Gameplay... as if

I'll make the IF part quick.

Dodge? Useless right now. Add 0.75sec invincible/CCbypass frames that take 40-50% of your stamina and you got yourself a deal.

Block? Useless right now. Better idea. Parry and block. Against melee enemies a well timed parry would counter enemy move (negating enemy attack) and engage the enemy with a strike dealing bonus damage. Obviously there shoud be a system to take some amount of stamina and prevent people from spamming it, which would result in getting hit. If player would sprint+block, character would spin his melee weapon, blocking all ranged attacks (heavy attacks excluded, with mods/talents to reflect). This would drain stamina quickly.

Done. Stamina mods/talents... highly viable. Dodge, block and parry? Better gameplay rewarding actuall skill.


I touched on this above. But to keep my wall of text short, let's jump right in.


DE just needs to focus more on cosmetics and less on flooding the game with warframes/weapons, which many times dont feel original with its own place to fit in and purpose to slay stuff. Majority of players go for Mastery in style of rank30 stuff and sell it. I do this myself.


Good move already was in immortal skins. 40 plat for a light retexture with different custom color zones? Nice. Worth it.


More stuff? Weapon skins. We got like 3-5 weapon skins which we're discarted from production as not worth the time to create them. Obviously they we're for those unviable weapons in damage1.0 and also we're available in-game via alerts.


Legendary looking cosmetic items with particle effects and affecting your character. Leaving particle footprints/glides/tracers/warframe skin change/effect/etc (NOT BLOOM/LENS FLARE!)? Awesome! Available only by huge ingame dedication and skillfull play? Well there goes a huge goal to chase after. Create different and less effect-heavy stuff for plat only? Or particle effects i mentioned for plat? Why you dont take my money?

Edited by eStecko
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Sorry but the gun mod system seems a bit too Brink/CoD for me. I like the current system, I just wish we could have more slots and the devs already tried a skill tree system. It lead to players hitting over 70k dmg with the skana.

Now we can hit for 2,000,000 with Vectis.

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Great ideas, I love them, just one little problem:

It would be the equivalent of nuking the game in order to change it/recreate a new game nearly from scratch.


The whole game is stable as it is, and so much change would be really hard to add step by step.

In short, it would require a insane amount of work in one step, so i twill never happend,


I juste hope that the devs will take a look on it, and maybe use some of thoses ideas.

Edited by Marnus
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I was thinking about mastery ranks a lot. I personally would like to see a reward system in it rather than blocking players to get items or areas. Each mastery test should be done in 3 different difficulties:


  1. skip or fail the test, no rewards, but you can advance. Not skilled enough in freerunning/parkouring doesn't have to mean that you are worthless.
  2. On successful completion you can choose one reward: a potato, or a forma, or an uncommon/rare mod corresponding to your actual level.
  3. Do it in nightmare mode (or equivalent higher difficulty), and you get one of the above plus a cosmetic item.


This would help new players to improve their arsenal without spending money, but while mastery rank tests are hard to reach (I'm almost on lvl 8 and playing for half year), this is not a huge don't-pay-the-devs problem.


Also, the devs can think up a lot of rewards (these were just my 2cents) and improvements on the mastery tests (first few were too easy).

Edited by tmtke
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I can agree with a lot of the ideas here, but I feel like while a system like this would make a good foundation for gameplay variances, there's still the elephant in the room of AI and difficulty scaling. Many of my concerns come from the fact that difficulty scaling still won't be fixed by any amount of system manipulation, simply due to the fact that shield/health/armor become pointless after a time because any hit is a terminal hit when the level cap for a player is 30 and the cap for an enemy is non-existent. While I tend to agree with difficulty scaling, there's a certain point where it either becomes too meta-gamey to participate in (Looking at you, Tower III Defense.), or far too dismissive to the player (challenging because the tools are insufficient, not because it's genuinely difficult). Without that change, I don't see a lot of the later game being changed significantly, save people's desired builds looking different. The core gameplay will still be "play defensive, min-max damage, carry enough equipment to make up for the fact that you're going to burn through resources regardless of how well you or your team does."


Regarding Warframe Skill Trees:

I agree with this, but because of the above issues, builds are going to start looking similar in the post-game. Lots of boosts to damage to help defeat the ammo sinks, higher energy/efficiency builds because abilities are always going to have more gusto than guns, and tank-like favoritism because damage scales crazy-high in later missions. The reason that the new damage system was implemented was to defeat "rainbow builds," but the reason rainbow builds were rampant is because they were ideal. While this new system would encourage more variety in lower-ranked missioned, it would still ulitmately encourage an "ideal" build for late game, favoring anything that can tank 50+ enemies, be it larger ammo stores, higher shield resistances, or what have you.


My biggest thought is change the core system of how powers/damage work so that team variety is key (similar to how the Orokin Vault keys work), but that provides an unsustainable hurdle for anyone who wants to solo. I suppose the best thing here is to put a high ceiling on the skill points the player can choose so that if someone wants equivalents to Rush, Streamline, Flow, etc., they'd end up putting 7-10 points in each category rather than someone who ideally wants ability spam who would put 15-20 points in each. Although those are just my thoughts.


Seems like you're on the right track here, but I'm not sure how effective it would be at shifting away from idealized builds.


Regarding Weapon Attachments:

My big concern for weapon attachments is deciding where to place the compromise. With the current mod system, I could theoretically have a high rate of fire, fast reload, and large ammo pool with extended magazines. Adding attachments involves placing allegiances, meaning the highest DPS-build will likely be one of the most commonly used. Likely Crit/Fire Rate, Crit/Element, Split/Primed Chamber, Ammo/Grips, and scope will be the wild card. In games where there's gun customization (Blacklight and CoD are the two that spring to mind), a lot of the higher level builds start to look similar, varying only with two or three parts.


Here's where, I think, the mod system is more ideal, but not without fault. Combining your proposed system with the mod system seems like it would be a better possibility. Each attachment as you have them are base items. In each are three mod slots filled with your suggestions. For example, here are two proposed builds:

Core: Fire Rate, Critical, Impact core  or  Critical, Critical, Ice

Mag:  Ammo, Crit, Caustic  or  Critical, Critical, Critical

Barrel: Split, Split, Silencer  or  Charged, Charged, Charged

Underbarrel: Laser, Grip, Ammo  or  Grip, Grip, Grip

Accessory: 1.5x Scope + Recoil Damp Stock  or  Sonar Sights (+5% crit, displays weak point for bonus +15% damage, -20% zoom)


Each of these builds is viable (the former being a call back to the rainbow builds of yore, with each part helping the overall gun round out; where the latter is crit exclusive, making the weapon low-resource requiring but high damage with patience yielding better results), and makes it so there's a bit of inter-personalization, rather than someone theoretically always equipping the highest DPS option and using gear to offset the tax in resources.


Regarding melee:

Never been much of a melee buff, so I'm going to take your word on it here. The only thing I could think would be to introduce more stagger or stun mechanics so that melee is a low-risk alternative to gunplay. At later levels, the amount of damage you sustain because enemies just shrug off hitstun and plow through offense (regardless of melee or gun-based) puts the closer ranges at risk, so introducing more variety in how enemies are affected by melee would mean more viability even with the built-in system.


Although at eyeball, I feel like yours might favor crowd-control a little simply due to how many enemies tend to crowd whenever you take the time to melee. Although that will probably change naturally as damage increases. So... I won't say too much. Attention to detail is nice, though.


Regarding Gear Menu:

Definitely agree here. I actually partially agree with DE's proposed solution to hotkey them, along with yours. That way the control is currently, mouse-keyboard users will have some difficulty doing the 8-direction wheel as quickly as someone with two sticks, so having more hotkeys for PC players means without a secondary stick can do it as quickly without sacrificing what they're doing. So, like the weapon attachments, incorporate both.



Those are my thoughts from the hip. I could probably stand to plan more of them, but those are my first impressions. I don't disagree with a lot of it, but these are thoughts for mild improvement for a little variety-introduction without holding on too closely to the current mod system. I'd happily talk through some of the ideas, or even if you disagree with most, seeing if you liked any of the ideas, or why you didn't, if you felt like there was promise to anything.


Appreciate the detailed introspection, and I'd love to hear your ideas on other such improvements.

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DE should hire you, lol.


But seriously, I agree with what your saying, its been bugging me for awhile, everything is set to certain standards in this game, I often have to solo viod missions to appreciate the beautiful scenery DE worked so hard to create so I dont have to rush through it all in like 30 seconds with a bunch of impatient a**holes.


The mod card system forces people to adhere to certain standards like your saying, Serration/Hornet Strike is mandatory on ALL my guns, not to mention Ive been turned away from alot of higher tier missions just because I choose to play my favorite frame, Ash.


Im sorry Im not "mainstream" and play Nova, Ember, Rhino, or Frost like everyone else.  I know that Ash isnt the best for defense missions, but I know how to use him well enough to make him work, Im a specialist with Ash, I know I can use him for anything, but people dont care, they want Vaubans bastille, Frosts Snowglobe, and Rhinos Iron Skin.


Granted, I DO own a Frost, Vauban, and Rhino, but I dont like using them all the time.  With what your suggesting, it could bring true player freedom to this game, and I welcome that idea.  It will enable players to play the frame they WANT to play with the weapons the LIKE.  Not because of their inherent stats or the mods in them, I mean, my favorite melee weapon is the Dark Dagger, and lets face it, its a pretty sh***y weapon, but I still use it because I LIKE it.


DE already had my love from UT2004, one of the best/most fun games I ever played, it actually got me going into game design, but I left that oath behind for my own reasons.  The point is, I loved DE even before Warframe.


I spent ALOT on this game, money wise, to buy platinum and such, I know that games in development like this need funding, and I dont mind spending money to help support Warframe, I want to see this game turn into something really awesome.


Another reason I spend alot on platinum is because, being military, I work alot and simply dont have time to grind for months in order to get a single weapon, or frame, or mod.  Which is why I agree with theGreatZamboni.  Players shouldnt have to trust their time and effort into the hands of the RNG gods.  Players are impatient because they know rewards are so random, so they know after they get to the end of a mission, they may have to try many many more times to get what they want/need.


I really hope DE takes a look at this thread and sees the flaws of their current system and the ways that people like you from their playerbase have come up with solutions to fix it.  DE has always been pretty good as listening to players, honestly, thats pretty rare in the gaming world, Ill always have tons of respect for DE because of that.


Bottom line, I agree with this 100% and I will support it all the way.

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I don't typically post on forums anymore. But I felt the need to comment here simply because it rung true with me just how simply right this is. Even if you disagree with every single suggestion on "how to fix" the game, the core argument that the gameplay mechanics of Waframe are flawed is simply true. No disrespect to DE, because this game did intially draw me in, and I really enjoyed it. There are still a lot of good things going for Warframe.


The foundation of the game is the problem, and if you take anything else away from this post you should try to take away that. I play this game sporatically now because it hasn't been able to retain interest for me. You can argue that Warframe is a "farm game" and if you don't like to farm then it isn't the game for you. Fine, but I disagree. I think a game can have farming aspects but still have a core gameplay that is fun, beyond the sort of completionist carrot. The symtoms of rushing through maps, a small selection of good guns out of the many, the weakness of melee, and essential loadouts for every gun, point to a very big problem, the lack of choice, or illusion of it.


Big thumbs up for this post, it illustrated far more eloquently than I ever could the exact same feelings I've been having towards Warframe for awhile now.

Edited by ZeStoryteller
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I 100% agree with what you're saying, the customization screenshots you created look amazing. I was a little put off from the wall of text, but managed to read all the way through it. Maybe making multiple smaller, formatted posts would make people more willing to read through everything (I saw a couple comments saying they just looked at the pretty pictures).

When I'm making a build, there's a ton of mods I'd like to try, but I don't have any room... Because every slot I have is filled with "necessary" mods. Removing any of those mods would take away enough from the game to not be worth it. I've even sacrificed powers on a few frames to try and get the most out of them. This is supposedly a "choice" for me, but it doesn't really feel like one. It feels like I'm given the option to either a) have some fun today, or b) be able to eat today (a little drastic, but I feel it fits).


Your idea for melee combos reminds me of a game I recently played, "Remember Me". You could create your own combos using either +damage modifiers or + life modifiers. It's definitely an interesting concept, and I'd be up for giving it a try. 


I think it'd be wise for DE to at least try your idea out on paper. This is definitely a step in the right direction.

Great work!

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Well thought out in every respect.


DE should absolutely consider implementing a system similar (if not completely identical) to the one proposed here! It may not translate well at first, and I am slightly skeptical, but my boredom with the current system and my love of rpg style customization far outweigh the small doubts I have about a change this drastic!


Ultimately I agree with your main point that the core of the game isn't perfect, and with each update, and every new bit of content, that fact becomes more and more apparent to me. I feel like DE are convinced that they need to keep pumping out content just to survive, which means the focus is on flashy trinkets that will just barely entertain us until the next flashy trinket.


The constant updating is great, but the gameplay isn't, and when you have to play the game to unlock the content in the updates, it makes for a very unsatisfying experience.

Edited by chimp77
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Great ideas, I love them, just one little problem:

It would be the equivalent of nuking the game in order to change it/recreate a new game nearly from scratch.


The whole game is stable as it is, and so much change would be really hard to add step by step.

In short, it would require a insane amount of work in one step, so i twill never happend,


I juste hope that the devs will take a look on it, and maybe use some of thoses ideas.


This is still a beta. Larger changes have happened in the past (look at damage 2.0 for crying out loud!). Why accept mediocrity for the sake of "stability"?


Yes, it would take some time to change these systems, and there would be many who would be upset and hate it (because the internet hates change), but the end result would be much more satisfying and rewarding gameplay. Isn't that worth it?


It's ok to be skeptical of the changes here, but 'change' itself should be the least of your concerns imo.

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I, too, think that the current method is horribly flawed.


I would love to see this, with the skill trees, attachments, etc in the game but personally I don't think that it is a viable option; too many people would be opposed to it. We need a change, no question about that, but I don't think this is the right change. I love it, OP loves it, lots of other people love it; but almost as many people would probably be against this specific change.


Anyway, great post OP! And many of the comments supply great additions to the idea too.

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Wholeheartedly agree with the OP, that's some excellent work from someone who is obviously a big fan of the game and wants to see it reach the greatness it deserves but will never achieve in its current incarnation. Addressing the shortcomings of the foundation NOW before its too late is of paramount importance - DE: just put everything else on the backburner for now and re-read the OP multiple times and come up with an internal gameplan that will address the pitfalls of the current system, without having to re-write the entire game. I think something of a hybrid between the OP's ideas and the current system would actually be even better than the proposed changes by themselves.


For example, going to a hybrid between a "Skill Tree" and the current "Mod Cards" system would be original and wouldn't completely invalidate all the work both the players and the developers have put into the game so far. The skill tree could still use all the artwork created for the individual cards (that semi-3D hologram look must NOT be lost) so something along the lines of fitting Cards into a "tree" instead of inserting them into the current slots would be really nice.


This is probably one the most important threads in regards to the long-term future of the game and in many ways to even the short-term as well, in both a conceptual way as well as in terms of practicality of building a firm foundation before so much crap is built up on the old one to ever have a hope of removing it. That's why I say just drop whatever you're currently working on for a few days and let this all sink in, and then come back with an official response even if it's just to say "thanks but NO, we are continuing on along our current design path." Although I hope the answer would be "YES great ideas here, we will implement some changes".

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"I want the game made MY WAY, you Devs don't know what your doing!"


That's all I'm seeing.


Then I think you missed the point. Even if you removed my suggestions, the analyses is based in firsthand experience and from polling players. Take all the images, all the changes out. Just think about what I discuss in terms of player progression and the sustainability of the mod system. Add in the current means of retention and the type of content we are receiving. This is not about wanting it my way, but showing what could be. Anything is better than what we have for the reasons outlined. I did my best to identify current and foreseeable issues, accompanied with a fix using systems already in place. It is fine to disagree. But your post stems from the idea that DE can do no wrong, which seems implausible as they have made plenty of mistakes. One of those mistakes I consider to be the mod system.

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"I want the game made MY WAY, you Devs don't know what your doing!"


That's all I'm seeing.


Yeah, look at all these people providing feedback in the feedback section! lol crazy right? It's like they think they can express their opinions on various aspects of the game in an open forum or something!


/sarcasm off


Next time, provide some actual criticism please. Do you agree with the OP? Do you like the system we have? Why or why not? That's what forums are for... discussion. Do you think the Devs have it all figured out? Why? Do you simply believe that they are more capable than anyone else on the forums, or is there something to the current system that the OP overlooked? Please share, i'm genuinely curious.

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I believe that this system is mandatory.


Warframe in it's current state is not even an RPG. It's practically a trading card game. It's almost completely about getting the best mods.

I can't help but draw a parallel to those games you see on the apple store.


What this could do is balance current content (duh), but mainly it removes one true builds, allows you to get past mercury without relying on RNG gods, and what I believe to be most important, shifts the focus of the game to the actual gameplay, rather than finding the best build.


I believe that Warframe is still in a young (debatable) and infantile (is that a word?) state, and though it's fun, Mods will only provide an incentive for so long. What happens when you get all the mods you want? Do you really feel like you've accomplished something at that point? How do you feel when you finally gain the perfect build? Personally, I just lost the will to play for a while. (well tbh the Ash build I made basically involved spam 4 to win so I was really just bored of that build) People might want to stop playing right there. I don't know how exactly this system will fare, but I believe we need a system that allows more experimentation, not rock-paper-scissors use this weapon with this mods to steamroll this faction and tickle other factions. In addition, If the current Mods system is still in place, we'll have a serious Power Creep problem. We'll need to keep releasing more and more mods to keep us interested, and the game will become rather soulless at that point (Mods will become the HATS of Warframe. Only way more grindier.) 


So THIS system ISN'T NECESSARILY NEEDED 100%, but we definitely NEED A NEW system. (Which is almost exactly what the forum title says how about that.)

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I think the game's revenue stream could really benefit from shifting to more cosmetic choices and greatly expanding the number of objects available for dojo decoration, however, they have to be sold with the intent that they are actually providing the service that's worth the money you are dropping for them, and not copping out like color packs which are largely designed with the intent to convince you that digitally simulated parts of the visual spectrum are a precious resource (which they can continue to profit from infinitely as long as they keep finding more color, which is apparently hard??? given the pricing), as opposed to actual creative works like skins and syndanas

Edited by weirdee
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I think it would be good if DE could clarify a roadmap for Warframe  in one of the livestreams.  We need less speculation about where this game is headed, if anywhere.  If it's not going to go anywhere and all Im looking forward to is dojo cosmetics I'ma gwon bounce mon.

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