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Limiting weekly SE kuva is a bad idea, and fixes nothing.


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Limiting how much you can get Kuva from Teshin with Steel Essence weekly is stupid, and irrelevant. People have been farming hundreds of thousands per hour from Arbi defenses for years already. Steel Essence kuva never was the biggest way of getting Kuva in first place.. Also in order to get huge amounts of Kuva with SE, you actually have to put the time into doing Steel Path as well.. People absolutely deserve to buy their Kuva, if they farmed that much SE.. Meanwhile in Arbitrations you can farm from 250 to even 1000 Vitus Essences per hour, and do multiple hundreds of thousands of Kuva purhases IN AN HOUR. How does this limit in Teshin's shop make any kind of sense? I am at the point of the game, that I have already done everything there is.. Hitting the Kuva cap at Teshin effectively gives me nothing to do anymore, so I am forced to go play other games now.. _You can't realistically expect me to sit in Arbi spam my ogris all day long, while in Steel Path you can still have fun with builds, and buy Kuva from the time you spent in SP. You nerfed the wrong shop, and now more casual riven rolls suffer from it, while the real hardcore riven rollers are still able to get their Kuva in same amounts they have been for years already. Limiting Teshin's shop does absolutely nothing, but taking away half of the endgame many people had. Hitting the cap like friday already each week at Teshin, I am not forced to download Path of Exile, so I can have at least something to do. Limiting the Teshin's shop like that, you caused more harm, than good... If there were people who ran endurance runs in SP for hours at a time.. They absolutely deserve to buy their Kuva if they feel like it! The amount of Kuva you get from Arbitrations is so much higher, than anything else in the game, that some Steel Essence Kuva is just that low amounts. You would have to live inside Steel Path to get those amounts.. Again, you can get hundreds of thousands PER HOUR from arbis..


Nerfing the players for bad design.. That is not our fault. Fix the issue properly, or perhaps rework Kuva Siphons.. Also limiting Kuva to super low amounts a week, is stupid as well. Arbitrations give only realistic amount to roll rivens really well. Please fix your system properly without destroying the riven culture, and farms. People deserve it, and anyone can get into it. It is not some elitistic way of doing rivens. I know mr10 people that do it.


This bad design is forcing players to do things this way. How about the system with rivens, and Kuva is properly reworked to modern era? Punishing players for bad design.. Keeping ridiculous reroll prices for rivens, while putting some stupid weekly caps in shops.. Sorry, but that is not the way to do it. It's just a bandait fix. It does not fix the issue. It jsut patches a hole in a problem that's not really a proplem.



Too harsh? I think not. Objectively this system is porrly designed. It creates gap between casual and hardcore players. It can create elitism, and the community is already full of people who hate riven rolling. Just remove the weekly cap. Teshin's Kuva never was the problem in first place, and the riven system is outdated. How about bringing that to modern era? Warframe has a huge riven culture, so destroying that culture does absolutely nothing good either.

Edited by Turboameeba
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Well they will fix, either lower vitus drops or put a limit to it too. SE had this treatment mostly cause to fight macro afk ppl. Yet sufferet rest of people.

Having to not deal with limit would encourage to play longer. Since 2.65k rolls in on my hirudo riven i still did not get stat combo i wanted. At 2.6k rolls had close stats, but not quite. I do lazy route, simply cut my SP play down to daily sp missions and weekly riven slivers.


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