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2023 year in review?

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2 hours ago, BansheeAndZephyrMarried said:

Banshee's been through many nerfs over the years but never received the most basic tweaks she really needed, like changing Sonic Boom to a one-handed action.

I'm going to put my Bitter Banshee Main hat on now, so please take everything I say below with a grain of salt. 

DE's had a bad pattern of memory-holing gears that were, in their days, too OP and forced their hands to nerf and introduce gamewide changes. It's no coincidence that Banshee, Trin and Loki are the most neglected out of the open beta launch roster with the latter two being even worse victims of neglect than my own main. Seriously, Loki and Trinity have received literally nothing but nerfs for several years every time DE's laid their eyes on them- I absolutely dread what halfassed "rework" DE will come up with when they're eventually forced to look at Loki again. 

tbf I fear the same with Banshee but to a lesser degree. It'd simply take way more effort for DE to fumble a potential Banshee rework than give her the bare minimum, because Banshee doesn't need much more than bare minimum. 

Honestly kind of refreshing to hear someone salt about banshee besides me. I'm hopeful for something more than bare minimum for rework IF we ever get one, she probably doesnt need a hydroid level rework but definitely enough to make her decently relevent in this day n age of warframe. I can only gloom bandaid fix myself so much, before netracell eximus units B*tch slap me so hard.

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A (big) issue with Banshee is that the incredible, enormous multiplicative damage increase she offers is usually wholly unnecessary in the content where her abilities actually work, and all the enemies you'd want it to work on are immune to abilities.

Armor strip is on an augment that ragdolls enemies away, so that's not great.

Silence has a niche but not one I find interesting. 

Sound Quake is poop from a butt that is only useful for trolls deliberately slowing down defense waves.

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