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Shadow of Malice needs to despawn on player death


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I was trying doing a steel path long run to try and see how far rhino could go. my comrades had to leave at 45, nbd I thought, I could easily keep going. malice spawns, I kill him, whatever. Except the shadow remains. I want to guide you down this death spiral
he just looks like a regular guy, there's no marker, so i couldn't find what he was in the massive crowd
he turned off all of my abilities, I didn't have the energy to recast, and I'm made out of tissue paper without iron skin
he kills me
I get back up
he's still there
energy pads on cooldown
not enough energy for iron skin
teleports me to him every time I try to just get to extraction
my gun is incarnon and useless without it, in the splitseconds I have between spawning and getting killed because I don't have the energy to cast abilities, I can only tickle him even if I can see him
rinse repeat until I've lost all 6 of my deaths and an assload of steel essence
now I've mentioned this before but I firmly believe that ability null and energy drain are the worst mechanics in this entire game and desperately need to be removed, but until you come around on that idea, can we please at least have these guys leave when I die so players like me don't enter a literally inescapable chain?
also while we're at it please make it so malice bubble is like, remotely visible, the amount of times I've died to an invisible threat there is frustrating

Edited by OgreEye
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I think that was not Malice, at that time in Suv missions there can spawn shortly after the Acolyt a second one. That one is some kind of shadow Acolyt and is much harder to kill than the normal ones, he dosent drop anything when you kill him. That he dosent disaper after he kills you and wasnt markt is a sing that it was him. I'm not sure ist it a bug ore not that he spawns, he isn't in the Codex and it is hard to find infos about him but he exist since years. In Relict missions he can get corrupted so you have to fight agains Corurupted shadow of malice. I think thats all infos i have about him hope it can help you to be prepared for the next time you meet him.

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