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Nova Is Op


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I like Nova because of her Stars

Null Star is fun, but based on Duration.  Because of that being her only Duration based power, i consider it worth swapping Null Star for Fleeting Expertise, to get more use out of her other abilities.  Nova and Rhino used to be the only frames I'd use all 4 powers on, but with Fleeting replacing Null Star so well, Rhino is the only frame I deem worthy of all 4 of his skills.

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molecular prime? do it like nyx chaos, if enemies are affected, you CANT cast again. antimatter drop deals highest dmg of everything we have in warframe and nova isnt squishy at all (at least i survive longer than rhino)

Edited by Jannik2099
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Don't bother asking if they can elaborate. Their only argument against it is either "The other frames are just as OP" or "She's a porcelain doll glass-cannon", neither which are good arguments against Nova being OP, that's just highlighting that the other frames need a look at as well. 


This community is spoiled, to say the least. 


Most people already know that Molecular Prime is OP. Nova herself is not, but the ability is. 


Also DE has stated that they are looking into the matter. 



It's not a good point though... The only one of the frames he mentioned that get close to be able to do what Nova can is Rhino. Depends on what you mean by "What Nova can do" I guess. 


Was trying to end the topic but I guess you can't lock posts.


Oh wow I havent seen a Nova OP thread in quite a while now




And here I thought the Nova QQ-ing had finally died down. 

How was I supposed to know that people use to complain about Nova? Either way it doesn't change the fact that her ability molecular prime is OP. I just wanna know what DE is doing about the re balancing issue...

Edited by G-Kast12
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molecular prime? do it like nyx chaos, if enemies are affected, you CANT cast again. antimatter drop deals highest dmg of everything we have in warframe and nova isnt squishy at all (at least i survive longer than rhino)

That wouldn't bother me at all.  Sometimes there's a crawler taking its sweet time due to the speed debuff.



How was I supposed to know that people use to complain about Nova? Either way it doesn't change the fact that her ability molecular prime is OP. I just wanna know what DE is doing about the re balancing issue...

Maybe look at the first 2 pages of the forum you posted in?


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Oh wow I havent seen a Nova OP thread in quite a while now




And here I thought the Nova QQ-ing had finally died down. 


...and then she got buffed. between armour's DR being dramatically reduced and blast damage doing bonus damage to damn near everything while partially penetrating armour, m.prime does waaaaaay more damage now.


...just sayin'

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nova isnt squishy at all (at least i survive longer than rhino)


I can't tell if you're trying to be facetious or if you're serious and think anyone is going to straight up ignore numbers and go with you on that. 


I'd be fine if they did it like Chaos though, but then I'd like the effect to be a bit more obvious (maybe its just the color I use, but sometimes I can't see if something is primed) so it would be easy to find the last few guys that are primed so I can do it again. 

Edited by KornyWayz
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>What is this?


Not to be sarcastic but I like how some of Nova's skills are OP. Every frame has at least one OP skill except Nekros. Ash has super teleport death time, Frost has impenetrable snow bubble, Mag has pull, Nyx has other impenetrable bubble, and Excal has knives everywhere. 

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Look, if we seem a little bitter, or unwilling to actually talk any of this out, it's because ALL of this has been TALKED. TO. DEATH.


I'm guessing that you actually are kinda new, or you've been away for a while, or just weren't paying attention so you wouldn't have been here for it, but:

When Nova first came out in U9 the forums were aflame with "Nova OP" "No she's not" "yes she is" "no she's not youre just playing low levels" "Shes a nuke" "shes a glass cannon" "she ruins the experience for other frames" "shes just CC in end-game content"

and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and ON, AND ON !


Absolutely every single potential aspect of the conversation you're trying to have, has already been done over and over and the community as a whole has now reached a point where bringing up Molecular Prime now just causes everyone to groan rather than actually try talking about it. 

I'm probably especially guilty of this having been in the arguing right from the start. Now whenever someone even mentions Nova in council chat or something I immediately just try to change the topic because its all just gotten so old and I'm sick of it. 


Nova has one purpose. To deal a lot of damage, to a lot of enemies. Really fast. 

I suggest you try to make this a PART of your strategy for doing things like survival missions, and getting further in defense, or rushing missions (if that's your thing). If you make this something that's a part of your game plan rather than just some annoying part of it, I think you'll find yourself a lot less bitter about Nova.

beautifully said.

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I love how everybody ignores the blatant problem with frame balance. There are very few frames I would actually consider balanced right now while not being OP. 

Rhino and Nova are the biggest culprits of this $&*&*#(%& S#&$, and because the entire community who wants to practically kill the game by just making it easier and easier just bury it with complaints the DEV's never get to hear about it.


If we ever want this game to be skill based we need to get rid of the bullS#&$ in this game that keeps getting buried by the community complaints.


I HAVE a nova and a rhino. It is stupidly stupid to a new level of stupid how easy they are, and how bad they are by trivializing all parts of the game.

Edited by Cwierz
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I love how everybody ignores the blatant problem with frame balance. There are very few frames I would actually consider balanced right now while not being OP. 

Rhino and Nova are the biggest culprits of this $&*&*#(%& S#&$, and because the entire community who wants to practically kill the game by just making it easier and easier just bury it with complaints the DEV's never get to hear about it.


If we ever want this game to be skill based we need to get rid of the bullS#&$ in this game that keeps getting buried by the community complaints.


I HAVE a nova and a rhino. It is stupidly stupid to a new level of stupid how easy they are, and how bad they are by trivializing all parts of the game.



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How so? Can you elaborate? That's what this thread was for, to discuss.



Try Rhino, Mag, Excal, Frost (to an extent) and many other frame's ulti.. they all have similar effects in how efficiently they kill things. hell even Nyx if you give her the right opportunity



Nova is the definition of "Glass Cannon" while her abilities may be effective. she has no real way to defend herself outside of "Kill them before they kill me" 


while she may appear to be OP in the hands of a skilled Nova user, shes far from it. the only downside (that many seem to overlook) is that her weaknesses are not typical glaring weaknesses that are apparent in comparison to other frames.

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Try Rhino, Mag, Excal, Frost (to an extent) and many other frame's ulti.. they all have similar effects in how efficiently they kill things. hell even Nyx if you give her the right opportunity



Nova is the definition of "Glass Cannon" while her abilities may be effective. she has no real way to defend herself outside of "Kill them before they kill me" 


while she may appear to be OP in the hands of a skilled Nova user, shes far from it. the only downside (that many seem to overlook) is that her weaknesses are not typical glaring weaknesses that are apparent in comparison to other frames.

There is no skill in pressing 4. 

I mean hell, the only other arguable frame that has a one button to win warframe (nyx) has to be aware of her timer, and what enemies are left as well as aggro priority.


Defense doesn't particularly matter, all frames aside from sayrn, frost, and rhino are extremely squishy to the point where there is hardly a difference.

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I love how everybody ignores the blatant problem with frame balance. There are very few frames I would actually consider balanced right now while not being OP. 

Rhino and Nova are the biggest culprits of this $&*&*#(%& S#&$, and because the entire community who wants to practically kill the game by just making it easier and easier just bury it with complaints the DEV's never get to hear about it.


If we ever want this game to be skill based we need to get rid of the bullS#&$ in this game that keeps getting buried by the community complaints.


HAVE a nova and a rhino. It is stupidly stupid to a new level of stupid how easy they are, and how bad they are by trivializing all parts of the game.

I personally like Nova a lot, but she's the type of character that'll either be really good or really bad with no middle ground. The people who defend Nova aren't trying to kill the game by "making it too easy", its more like they understand this and don't want to see a frame get tossed into a heap of useless items.


If they nerf Nova then another frame is going to become the standard room clearer, and if they nerf that frame then another will replace it, and that will just continue until everything in the game is terrible and no one wants to play because, believe it or not, there is a very big difference between a challenge and everything just being bad. 


And really, what an incredibly terrible thing to say, that people who enjoy using a certain item want to "kill the game". You should truly be ashamed to consider yourself a part of any community with that kind of attitude. 

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IMO Nova's not that bad. I own one, and to be completely honest, i don't find her OP. She's a valuable part of a team. At low to mid levels, yes, her 4th can be pretty stupid OP (I used the brightest infested green I could find... all the neon explosions :D ) But at high levels the explosive abilities actually aren't THAT strong. What makes her valuable is the damage increase. All primed enemies are slowed significantly and take double damage. This makes things like boss fights infinitely easier and turns her into an integral part of any team. Long-run survival missions are especially indicative of just how important she can be to a team.


her 4th isn't OP, it's just incredibly efficient at killing hoards of enemies rapidly at low and mid levels. Higher levels, she's still dead useful, but less so. I know you think it's no fun when another player is slaughtering the enemy in droves, but you need to stop thinking of your killcount as a superimportant stat. This game's all about teamwork, and completing the objective, garnering the rewards. Everyone is rewarded equally. Everyone gets experience for the kills, everyone gets a share of the credits, and there's absolutely no benefit to having a high kill count aside from stroking your own ego.


That's why I like this game. Everyone gets the rewards, regardless of contribution, so it encourages working for the good of the team, rather than the good of the player. Let the power stay, I say. My frames and weapons level the same either way.

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I personally like Nova a lot, but she's the type of character that'll either be really good or really bad with no middle ground. The people who defend Nova aren't trying to kill the game by "making it too easy", its more like they understand this and don't want to see a frame get tossed into a heap of useless items.


If they nerf Nova then another frame is going to become the standard room clearer, and if they nerf that frame then another will replace it, and that will just continue until everything in the game is terrible and no one wants to play because, believe it or not, there is a very big difference between a challenge and everything just being bad. 


And really, what an incredibly terrible thing to say, that people who enjoy using a certain item want to "kill the game". You should truly be ashamed to consider yourself a part of any community with that kind of attitude. 


Except, you are ignoring the fact that she has a ult who fufills 4!!! roles at once, and everyone tries to justify it by saying "she has low defense, even though I admit to not getting hit that much anyways" and "we don't want to see her become useless".


I own nova, I find her detestable. I am selling her for my valkyr, because that is how horrible I think she is. No frame should have to power to do insane amounts of damage, buff the entire teams damage, and apply CC, and half damage output of enemies in just one button. Same thing goes for rhino. I am aware that another frame could room clear as well, afterwards. But she is still unhealthy for the game


I am not even joking, YOU should feel ashamed for just straight up denying she is bad for the games longevity and ignoring it. It is like you guys can't fathom that I am not joking, and am literally telling a straight up fact. This game is fun, but if we keep on leaving blatantly OP content that trivializes old stuff then we will either go in the circle of world of Warcraft or the game will die.


I predict death.




Stop spewing stuff like "I don't want to see her useless!!". You have not presented a legitimate argument that isn't unbiased, it is just what YOU want, and what OTHERS want, and what you THINK will happen. I know for a fact that the next room clearer will NOT get nerfed because it won't fill 4 jobs at once INSTANTLY killing everything. It is so naive for you to think that selective logic can be applied to a full broad concept. You already admit to a heap of useless items. 


Ill let you guess what type of frame makes them.





IMO Nova's not that bad. I own one, and to be completely honest, i don't find her OP. She's a valuable part of a team. At low to mid levels, yes, her 4th can be pretty stupid OP (I used the brightest infested green I could find... all the neon explosions :D ) But at high levels the explosive abilities actually aren't THAT strong. What makes her valuable is the damage increase. All primed enemies are slowed significantly and take double damage. This makes things like boss fights infinitely easier and turns her into an integral part of any team. Long-run survival missions are especially indicative of just how important she can be to a team.


her 4th isn't OP, it's just incredibly efficient at killing hoards of enemies rapidly at low and mid levels. Higher levels, she's still dead useful, but less so. I know you think it's no fun when another player is slaughtering the enemy in droves, but you need to stop thinking of your killcount as a superimportant stat. This game's all about teamwork, and completing the objective, garnering the rewards. Everyone is rewarded equally. Everyone gets experience for the kills, everyone gets a share of the credits, and there's absolutely no benefit to having a high kill count aside from stroking your own ego.


That's why I like this game. Everyone gets the rewards, regardless of contribution, so it encourages working for the good of the team, rather than the good of the player. Let the power stay, I say. My frames and weapons level the same either way.

Except, the game isn't fun if all you do is fun behind a person who presses 4 at every room instantly killing everything. It is like we can't bash it into peoples skulls enough. She is OP, it is like you guys don't realize how OP she is. If something can nuke, cc, half damage output (due to CC), AND buff teammate damage ALL AT ONCE, something is incredibly wrong. 


There is nothing you can say to justify this. 

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Except, the game isn't fun if all you do is fun behind a person who presses 4 at every room instantly killing everything. It is like we can't bash it into peoples skulls enough. She is OP, it is like you guys don't realize how OP she is. If something can nuke, cc, half damage output (due to CC), AND buff teammate damage ALL AT ONCE, something is incredibly wrong. 


There is nothing you can say to justify this. 


I suppose, first, I should say that the response you gave to the other individual you quoted above was, to be honest, surprisingly rude. I know you're adamant about your point, but outright attacking people who disagree with you. He defended himself and called you out for painting the entre playerbase of nova with an extremely broad brush, and as a result was absolutely gutted by you because you didn't like what he had to say. I don't like that at all. It shows a lack of tact and an utter disregard for others.


Second, I won't disagree that she is slightly OP. She is. There's no disguising the fact that she is THE ultimate damage output frame in the game. her entire job is to, through her powers, ensure things die as fast as possible. That is what she was designed to do. I do not, however, think that she is nearly as overpowered as you're making her out to be. Endgame, she's not NEARLY as powerful as she is at low levels. The CC and damage buff for her team is awesome to have, but it isn't anything outlandish. All it does is make it easier for everyone else to kill what's attacking the team. She's a great team-based frame because she's awesome at ensuring her team's survival. The best defense is a good offense, and Nova brings the best offense to the table. Maybe you don't have fun playing her, and maybe you don't like it when the Nova on your team "steals all the kills", but the point of the game isn't to get the biggest killcount or the most damage. It's completing the objective that matters. I'd rather be the one Excal in a team full of Novas that are triple-priming and blowing everything up, not get a single kill, and miniscule damage, and KNOW that we're gonna make it to that 1 hour mark in survival.

I don't know if this reasoning I have is going to actually matter to you or not, since it seems that you're of the school of thought "I'm right and everyone else is wrong", but I hope you can see my reasoning and at least understand why i don't see Nova as a particularly OP frame.

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Except, you are ignoring the fact that she has a ult who fufills 4!!! roles at once, and everyone tries to justify it by saying "she has low defense, even though I admit to not getting hit that much anyways" and "we don't want to see her become useless".


I own nova, I find her detestable. I am selling her for my valkyr, because that is how horrible I think she is. No frame should have to power to do insane amounts of damage, buff the entire teams damage, and apply CC, and half damage output of enemies in just one button. Same thing goes for rhino. I am aware that another frame could room clear as well, afterwards. But she is still unhealthy for the game


I am not even joking, YOU should feel ashamed for just straight up denying she is bad for the games longevity and ignoring it. It is like you guys can't fathom that I am not joking, and am literally telling a straight up fact. This game is fun, but if we keep on leaving blatantly OP content that trivializes old stuff then we will either go in the circle of world of Warcraft or the game will die.


I predict death.




Stop spewing stuff like "I don't want to see her useless!!". You have not presented a legitimate argument that isn't unbiased, it is just what YOU want, and what OTHERS want, and what you THINK will happen. I know for a fact that the next room clearer will NOT get nerfed because it won't fill 4 jobs at once INSTANTLY killing everything. It is so naive for you to think that selective logic can be applied to a full broad concept. You already admit to a heap of useless items. 


Ill let you guess what type of frame makes them.





Except, the game isn't fun if all you do is fun behind a person who presses 4 at every room instantly killing everything. It is like we can't bash it into peoples skulls enough. She is OP, it is like you guys don't realize how OP she is. If something can nuke, cc, half damage output (due to CC), AND buff teammate damage ALL AT ONCE, something is incredibly wrong. 


There is nothing you can say to justify this. 

I'm so happy you're here to tell everyone how they should be having fun, and how us liking a frame is detrimental to the game.


I'm going to blow your mind here. Ready? Wait for it...

I have a bunch of other frames besides Nova that I love to play as and, get ready... I have indeed had Novas on my team and when I see them I say to myself "Golly, a Nova, well I like that frame quite a bit and I think we're going to have a very fruitful mission.". As one might when they play a cooperative game.


The way you talk about it makes you sound like the most selfish player ever, you're mad that you don't get all of the kills so you want the supposed culprit to get nerfed. 

Protip: If you don't want other people getting in your way in this cooperative game, you can go and click the blue button on top of the screen and switch yourself to solo play.

Edited by KornyWayz
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Except, the game isn't fun if all you do is fun behind a person who presses 4 at every room instantly killing everything.

Sure. Now think about this for a minute.

How many frames have abilities that let them do that in armor 2.0?

Banshee, Ember, Mag, Rhino, Volt, Saryn, Nova, Frost.

How many don't?

Uh, Excal*, Ash, Loki, Valkyr, Nekros.

*Excal kinda can, but javelin took a hit in 2.0 and will usually leave some survivors. Then again, so will M-Prime.

More frames can clear a whole room in armor 2.0 than can't.

And yet you people focus in on Nova, the frame who's entire design revolves around nuking enemies, balanced by the fact that she has no defensive powers and weak shields. You people focus in on "ZOMG HER ULT DOES 3 THINGS" as if that was remotely important. Most ults do 2 things already, and Nova's ult is weaker in that it does no damage until it's set off. It also doesn't benefit at all from repeat casts, unlike, say, crush. And, of course, her ult needs to do that because she has no hard CC and paper thin defenses.

This is why I say you guys are just using this "it's not fun to hide behind a 4 spammer" argument as a smokescreen, because nerfing Nova won't change this at all. It'll just make people migrate from Nova to... Anything else. And you guys know this. I know you know. I tell you as much every time one of these threads come up. Yet you still continue to talk about how Nova is OP nerf Nova.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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I suppose, first, I should say that the response you gave to the other individual you quoted above was, to be honest, surprisingly rude. I know you're adamant about your point, but outright attacking people who disagree with you. He defended himself and called you out for painting the entre playerbase of nova with an extremely broad brush, and as a result was absolutely gutted by you because you didn't like what he had to say. I don't like that at all. It shows a lack of tact and an utter disregard for others.

Hurting people's feels doesn't make his argument any less valid. 


Second, I won't disagree that she is slightly OP. She is. There's no disguising the fact that she is THE ultimate damage output frame in the game. her entire job is to, through her powers, ensure things die as fast as possible. That is what she was designed to do. I do not, however, think that she is nearly as overpowered as you're making her out to be. Endgame, she's not NEARLY as powerful as she is at low levels. The CC and damage buff for her team is awesome to have, but it isn't anything outlandish. All it does is make it easier for everyone else to kill what's attacking the team. 

The only thing that's not NEARLY as powerful late game as it is in low levels, is the damage of the explosions. The utility does not lose it's effectiveness, and she still fills 3 roles with one push of a button. You can try to brush it off that her utility is 'handy', as if it's something not-so noteworthy, when in reality everybody knows that her utility is what makes her, and it needs to be tweaked severely. 


She's a great team-based frame because she's awesome at ensuring her team's survival. The best defense is a good offense, and Nova brings the best offense to the table. Maybe you don't have fun playing her, and maybe you don't like it when the Nova on your team "steals all the kills", but the point of the game isn't to get the biggest killcount or the most damage. It's completing the objective that matters. I'd rather be the one Excal in a team full of Novas that are triple-priming and blowing everything up, not get a single kill, and miniscule damage, and KNOW that we're gonna make it to that 1 hour mark in survival.

I don't know if this reasoning I have is going to actually matter to you or not, since it seems that you're of the school of thought "I'm right and everyone else is wrong", but I hope you can see my reasoning and at least understand why i don't see Nova as a particularly OP frame.

She's a great frame no matter what situation she's in, not just if she's with a team. There's a reason so many Nova's run ahead not even bothering to wait for their teammates, it's because they know they can handle everything alone. Nova might be intended for team-play, but most Nova players are not teamplayers, simply because they don't have to be.


No, the end does not justify the means, the objective is not what matters, it's the journey and what happens around the objective that matters. 

For instance...


If a mission in Warframe had a mission scenario like the following:

You spawn at one end of the corridor. Objective to complete the mission: Walk to the other end of the corridor. There is nothing in your way, and the corridor is long, but not infinite. 

Yeah... Sounds like fun.


This is coming from players who actually want some challenge in their games.

Nova trivializes all the game's content, which mostly consists of shooting enemies in the face, hence she makes all her enemies trivial because they are nerfed to the ground thanks to her M-Prime spam. Cutting an threatening enemy's damage output and mobility in half and on top of that adding a 100% additional damage taken debuff onto them is making the previous threat a trivial matter to dispose no matter how you look at it. Unless you've hit the wall on armor/health & shield scaling which means it's going to take you ages to kill them anyway, but even then those enemies still have their mobility and damage output cut in half. 


Sure. Now think about this for a minute.

How many frames have abilities that let them do that in armor 2.0?

Banshee, Ember, Mag, Rhino, Volt, Saryn, Nova, Frost.

How many don't?

Uh, Excal*, Ash, Loki, Valkyr, Nekros.

*Excal kinda can, but javelin took a hit in 2.0 and will usually leave some survivors. Then again, so will M-Prime.

More frames can clear a whole room in armor 2.0 than can't.

And yet you people focus in on Nova, the frame who's entire design revolves around nuking enemies, balanced by the fact that she has no defensive powers and weak shields. You people focus in on "ZOMG HER ULT DOES 3 THINGS" as if that was remotely important. Most ults do 2 things already, and Nova's ult is weaker in that it does no damage until it's set off. It also doesn't benefit at all from repeat casts, unlike, say, crush. And, of course, her ult needs to do that because she has no hard CC and paper thin defenses.

This is why I say you guys are just using this "it's not fun to hide behind a 4 spammer" argument as a smokescreen, because nerfing Nova won't change this at all. It'll just make people migrate from Nova to... Anything else. And you guys know this. I know you know. I tell you as much every time one of these threads come up. Yet you still continue to talk about how Nova is OP nerf Nova.

Hello again. 


You really have to stop picking out one sentence in a persons entire post only to try your best to pick it apart, and start providing arguments that aren't based on "M-Prime is so useless", because the entire playerbase knows it's the best skill in the game... Well maybe Nyx Chaos is a contender. Radial Disarm too for its insane usefullness at higher levels. 


Start reading people's posts so you can stop repeating old arguments that don't hold ground. I have already answered most of these things at least 2 times to you in previous threads, and then you blamed me for this: 


But hey, we all know what your real motivation is. You don't care about balance. You care about whatever pet weapon and frame you have being ~best~.

Which gives me all the more reason to think you're heavily biased in favor of M-Prime, an ability on your pet frame. 



I'm so happy you're here to tell everyone how they should be having fun, and how us liking a frame is detrimental to the game.


I'm going to blow your mind here. Ready? Wait for it...

I have a bunch of other frames besides Nova that I love to play as and, get ready... I have indeed had Novas on my team and when I see them I say to myself "Golly, a Nova, well I like that frame quite a bit and I think we're going to have a very fruitful mission.". As one might when they play a cooperative game.


The way you talk about it makes you sound like the most selfish player ever, you're mad that you don't get all of the kills so you want the supposed culprit to get nerfed. 


Solid argument there sir! I applaud you for providing us with such an unshakable fact which stands against all the tides in the universe!

/thread [/sarcasm]


Protip: If you don't want other people getting in your way in this cooperative game, you can go and click the blue button on top of the screen and switch yourself to solo play.

So your 'Protip' is to avoid Online mode altogether, in a cooperative game. 

Brilliant, wonder why I didn't think of that. But seriously, you can see that doesn't work as a solution. 

Edited by TwiceDead
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I'm so happy you're here to tell everyone how they should be having fun, and how us liking a frame is detrimental to the game.


I'm going to blow your mind here. Ready? Wait for it...

I have a bunch of other frames besides Nova that I love to play as and, get ready... I have indeed had Novas on my team and when I see them I say to myself "Golly, a Nova, well I like that frame quite a bit and I think we're going to have a very fruitful mission.". As one might when they play a cooperative game.


The way you talk about it makes you sound like the most selfish player ever, you're mad that you don't get all of the kills so you want the supposed culprit to get nerfed. 

Protip: If you don't want other people getting in your way in this cooperative game, you can go and click the blue button on top of the screen and switch yourself to solo play.

Ad Hominem x 3

Ignoring actual problem x 2

Useless facts x 1



Also, you sir should just feel terrible at this point. Stop trying to justify your pet frame not needing a nerf. Not only did you call me out PERSONALLY in the first place, you get mad and resort to the


"your just bad at the game."


You people should legitimately just leave, you are poison to this games longevity.

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Hurting people's feels doesn't make his argument any less valid. 


The only thing that's not NEARLY as powerful late game as it is in low levels, is the damage of the explosions. The utility does not lose it's effectiveness, and she still fills 3 roles with one push of a button. You can try to brush it off that her utility is 'handy', as if it's something not-so noteworthy, when in reality everybody knows that her utility is what makes her, and it needs to be tweaked severely. 


She's a great frame no matter what situation she's in, not just if she's with a team. There's a reason so many Nova's run ahead not even bothering to wait for their teammates, it's because they know they can handle everything alone. Nova might be intended for team-play, but most Nova players are not teamplayers, simply because they don't have to be.


No, the end does not justify the means, the objective is not what matters, it's the journey and what happens around the objective that matters. 

For instance...


If a mission in Warframe had a mission scenario like the following:

You spawn at one end of the corridor. Objective to complete the mission: Walk to the other end of the corridor. There is nothing in your way, and the corridor is long, but not infinite. 

Yeah... Sounds like fun.


This is coming from players who actually want some challenge in their games.

Nova trivializes all the game's content, which mostly consists of shooting enemies in the face, hence she makes all her enemies trivial because they are nerfed to the ground thanks to her M-Prime spam. Cutting an threatening enemy's damage output and mobility in half and on top of that adding a 100% additional damage taken debuff onto them is making the previous threat a trivial matter to dispose no matter how you look at it. Unless you've hit the wall on armor/health & shield scaling which means it's going to take you ages to kill them anyway, but even then those enemies still have their mobility and damage output cut in half.


Well, I've got a Nova, and I play as part of a team. I can't speak for anyone else, nor will I. of course, I don't generally run into the issues you're describing with novas running way ahead, because I don't do a whole lot of random online matching (the connection speeds can be horrendous).


It really does seem like you're very focused on your opinion and yours alone. You feel that you are utterly right and that nothing can possibly be correct if it counteracts what you say. Now, I don't play Nova all the time. I don't actually find her super-useful except when I'm going into really high-level missions or T3 stuff, and as a result she's normally tabled for something I like a little more, like Rhino or Trinity. She has her uses, but my PERSONAL OPINION is that she isn't super OP, just really useful when the odds are stacked against the Tenno. Your opinion is she's a horrific-OP frame that is killing the game and ruining everyone's fun (because you personally are not having any when in games with one) and as such should be supernerfed because you believe she is OP. Our opinions differ. I will leave you to your belief that you are right and everyone else is wrong.

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I'm so happy you're here to tell everyone how they should be having fun, and how us liking a frame is detrimental to the game.


I'm going to blow your mind here. Ready? Wait for it...

I have a bunch of other frames besides Nova that I love to play as and, get ready... I have indeed had Novas on my team and when I see them I say to myself "Golly, a Nova, well I like that frame quite a bit and I think we're going to have a very fruitful mission.". As one might when they play a cooperative game.


The way you talk about it makes you sound like the most selfish player ever, you're mad that you don't get all of the kills so you want the supposed culprit to get nerfed. 

Protip: If you don't want other people getting in your way in this cooperative game, you can go and click the blue button on top of the screen and switch yourself to solo play.

you know, i was going to make a long winded post consisting of two words, but then i saw this gem. cannot agree more.


it seems like someone forgot about solo mode. it seems like someone forgot about private mode. it seems someone forgot about invite only mode.

it seems like someone forgot about selecting other frames(mode).


ok now then, this is just too similar to the nerf x weapon threads constantly popping up all over the place. if you don't mind my asking, how much game time have you accumulated? how many updates have you slogged through? were you here for mag's pull, when it dragged literally EVERYTHING that wasn't nailed down?  or when volt was broke as all hell?


some of us(maybe you as well?) have seen the ups and downs(lol) that comes with each and every hotfix/update. things change. all the time. be prepared for changes that you may like, and ones you may dislike. remember not EVERYONE feels as you do.


honestly, take some medication or get a punching bag, because if a single move can inspire so much rage, i worry about your health, and no this is no sarcastic jab, this is genuine concern.


please, try to see that just because you feel like its an awesome idea or concept, or that you feel its a horrible hovel waiting to collapse, is your opinion, and yours alone, providing others don't share your opinion which, isn't a lot.


i have most of the frames in this game, and have most of them maxed. i have 5 months 2 weeks that i've been playing this game, and over 200 some odd hours. not saying that im pro or hot S#&$ by any means, but by the same token, i am no rookie either.


i find nova to be a good frame to use when i need to farm mats or just want to get through an invasion mission quickly, or maybe reach higher and higher levels on defense or survival? i do not understand why anyone would want to take away power, in a game that is not COMPETITIVE but instead, cooperative.


Have you ever played Diablo? Path of exile? World of Warcraft? Phantasy Star Online? Aion? Final Fantasy 11? 14? DC Universe Online? EverQuest?


look man i've played a lot of online games, and there is usually but one goal: the accumulation of individual, or group power. in THIS game, it just so happens that at mid-game levels, nova tends to be a goddess of doom to all enemies. endgame however, she becomes a CRUCIAL party member in bringing down enemies that would hit you like a truck otherwise. Why would you want to take that away from people?


Have you considered how it might be for someone who has been DYING to get their hands on a nova? you know, someone who's hit that "plateu" where mastery xp just isn't happening? what if for that person, nova is that last frame they need to get to the next rank? why would you want to make leveling ANY frame or weapon a complete chore?


i enjoyed leveling nova, and then set her aside for my rhino, which has NOW been replaced by my Valkyr because of one reason: i LOVE that frame. poopy moveset aside(not a fan of a couple moves) i adore the rip line and fistycuffs concept. plus, she is by and far infinitely more mobile than nova with the correct mod set, which is more fun for me.


point is man, let people have their fun, you have yours, and relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax

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It really does seem like you're very focused on your opinion and yours alone. You feel that you are utterly right and that nothing can possibly be correct if it counteracts what you say. Now, I don't play Nova all the time. I don't actually find her super-useful except when I'm going into really high-level missions or T3 stuff, and as a result she's normally tabled for something I like a little more, like Rhino or Trinity. She has her uses, but my PERSONAL OPINION is that she isn't super OP, just really useful when the odds are stacked against the Tenno. Your opinion is she's a horrific-OP frame that is killing the game and ruining everyone's fun (because you personally are not having any when in games with one) and as such should be supernerfed because you believe she is OP. Our opinions differ. I will leave you to your belief that you are right and everyone else is wrong.

I apologize if you feel like I ignore your opinion, but games are not balanced by opinion, they are balanced by taking facts into account. 


So far I have yet to see an actual argument that defends Molecular Prime that isn't bullS#&$. Now I won't say that your comment is bullS#&$, you're actually one of the few people who actually dares admit that Nova is slightly OP, but even so you're not really bringing anything on the table here other than your opinion, and you even say yourself that she is the most useful during T3 Defense, which is supposed to be end-game unless you're in the hardcore department. No other frames have abilities that scale that well with difficulty... Well Radial Disarm and Nyx Chaos are two exceptions, but they don't amplify damage at the same time. 


You have to take into account that her ability can do so many things with one button press at an insane scale should you mod it correctly. I've said this before but it's not the explosion damage I have  a gripe with, it's the insane utility she brings.

She brings a full Party Damage Mitigation, Party Damage Amplification, Large-scale CC, and her own chain reacted explosions as damage multiplied by enemy numbers. all this can be achieved for a range of 116 diameters and at 25 energy per cast, and she only needs to cast it once for it to reach max effectiveness, unlike other frames who might have to cast their ultimates several times at a much higher cost in order to kill stuff.  

With one ability she does a better job than Rhino's Roar which brings 50% damage amplification, which can be modded to over 100%, but at the cost of power range and efficiency, she does a decent job at damage mitigation by lowering enemy damage output by half thanks to the mobility debuff.


If I actually am faced with an undeniable fact that outweighs the benefits molecular prime brings to the table that puts Nova in a severe disadvantage, then I will bend. So far that has yet to happen.


"U r bad at gaim, mad bcuz uf killzteel", is not a counter-argument, and is the most common ad-hominem slung in these kind of threads. 


Glass-cannon, does not count either, as it's not a cannon were dealing with here, it's Fat-Man, Thin-Man and Little-Boy. Nova is fast, she can reach hard-solid-cover which there is plenty, and Molecular Prime goes through objects so she can safely pop her head back out once enemy damage output is severely lowered. 


"The other frames can do the same!" Doesn't count either, because they can't. 

No other frame fulfill a damage mitigation role, a damage amplification role, a CC role and a Nuke/DPS role at the same time. Granted there are frames that do Damage Amplification and Damage Mitigation and CC better than Nova does, but they are specialized in their respective fields, they do not step into the boundaries of the other frames.

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