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Who owns the rights to Tennogen items?

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When a designer creates a Tennogen item is that design under their "ownership"? If not and they used that design elsewhere are they potentially subject to a lawsuit based on copyright (or other similar ownership) infringement?

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Since players are only making skins in Warframe (Tennogen) DE owns all rights to what you have designed, since the engine, platform, game, trademark (etc) all belong to DE, while the artist will be credited and given a small (very small) cut of the actual skin they made, they DO NOT own the item.

As for items that effects or could effect copyright (or other similar ownership) infringement, well, DE will simply not accept the item to be added into the game, for example a "Batman Skin" or "XCOM 2 Skin" (Something can be inspired but not outright copied)


Therefore any legal action is null and void (and porb laughed at it)

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On 2024-01-09 at 3:50 PM, StrawberrySparrow said:

I'm sure that D.E. owns it. But they do give credit to the original creators, who also get a cut of all sales of their Tennogen items.

Would also think Steam has something to do with it, considering it’s their workshop

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On 2024-01-10 at 10:03 AM, Circle_of_Psi said:

As for items that effects or could effect copyright (or other similar ownership) infringement, well, DE will simply not accept the item to be added into the game, for example a "Batman Skin" or "XCOM 2 Skin" (Something can be inspired but not outright copied)

In regards to the copyright issue, my question was more along the lines if someone created a Tennogen item then later made their own game and used a similar design in their armor etc. Would DE have grounds to come after that creator for "stealing" their asset?

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18 minutes ago, Kiatrox said:

In regards to the copyright issue, my question was more along the lines if someone created a Tennogen item then later made their own game and used a similar design in their armor etc. Would DE have grounds to come after that creator for "stealing" their asset?

Uhh, I'm not entirely sure, since it's quite hollowed ground to walk on (no pun intended) Mod such as @Letter13 might be able to help you with this type of question, since he is way smarter than me but even then I don't think even he knows and I honestly don't know where you'll get a good answer.

If he sees the Ping, then I'm sure he'll give his insight.


(Don't hurt me Letter13, I just wanted to help)

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have a direct answer for this.. I think DE would prolly understand and encourage you wanting to develop your own projects, but you likely relinquish rights to any art you create as tennogen. The safest thing to do is probably to make a couple slightly different designs, one leaning more toward what you're looking for in your own works and your personal style, and a similar design but more distinctly in the style of Warframe, and submit the second one as tennogen. The little bit of revenue from your tennogen could be saved up to help with your future endeavors too!


But if you really want to submit a tennogen and then use the SAME design for your own works... My terrible suggestion is ask lotus during a Devstream. I am notorious for pestering the devs, and I only keep doing it because they keep answering me. When they stream, youre just one voice in a crowd but you still have a direct line of communication, and if your ask is thought provoking, others will parrot it until you get an answer

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