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Plant frame concept


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For starts, Oberon is not a plant warframe just because Hallowed ground has grass effects. They weren’t even there to begin with, and contribute nothing to the abilities overall effects. That being said, onto the actual concept.


Name wise I decided to call this frame Chloros. I’m sure there’s better names out there but this is a place holder. To give this frame a back story I actually took inspiration from something we have in reality. On earth we have a sort of fail safe bunker that holds seeds of every plant in case something wipes one of them out. I find the concept of Chloros being designed to protect this in warframe to be a fitting story.

Stat wise I imagine them having average shield, high health, above average armor, average energy and average speed. I can’t come up with exact numbers as I'm not sure what would make them effective but not game breaking.


Before I go into actual abilities I wanted to state that my goal was to make this a snowball frame as it fits the plant theme. Plants are known for growing and so I think this frame should reflect that aspect.

Chloros’ passive is that every kill grants a percentage of their growth. Each percent grants Chloros 10 extra health. Additionally abilities grow stronger based on this value. It maxes out at 100% so up to 1000 extra health.

Chloros’ first ability is Vine Skewer. This sends a vine from the ground and strikes directly forwards to hit enemies for puncture damage. Enemies killed drop “Glucose” orbs that restore 10% health and energy to any warframe that picks it up. For every 10% growth another vine is sent forward, increasing the attacks area of effect. Maxing out at 11 vines at 100% Strength scales the attacks damage and orb restoration, and range scales how far it reaches. 

Chloros’ second ability is Harvest. This has Chloros cycle between four plants they can place down. Additionally there’s an effect when vine Skewer is used.

Briar Patch creates Thorned vines that slow enemies and inflict slash damage when they walk through. Using Vine Skewer on enemies that are in Briar Patch makes them drop two orbs. Percentage increases the area this ability covers. It also is affected by range, strength and duration mods.

Cactus Blast grows a cactus that draws aggro from enemies. It takes damage absorbed from enemies and releases it into a radial burst of damage. Striking it with Vine Skewer will cause it to release a burst preemptively without losing stored damage. Growth Percentage increases the multiplier given to absorbed damage. By default it is 1x but gains 0.1x for every percentage up to 11x. Affected by range, duration and strength (adjusts damage dealt by default that is added to absorbed damage)

Pitcher Mortar creates a plant that lobs Corrosive bombs at distant enemies. These bombs leave puddles that linger for a few seconds dealing corrosive damage. Striking an enemy in a puddle with Vine Skewer will cause them to release a burst of corrosive damage. Growth percentage increases the Pitcher Mortars Fire rate. Scales with range, strength and duration (range and duration do not affect puddles).

Sun Dew grabs enemies and groups them together, dealing viral damage. Hitting a bound enemy with Vine Skewer will cause a burst of viral damage. Growth percentage increases it’s grabbing range. Scales with range, duration and strength.

Chloros’ Third ability, Woodland Guard, is a simple damage reduction power. It only affects Chloros and gains benefits by walking through harvests plants, destroying the plant and applying the affect for its remaining duration. Briar Patch causes attackers to take slash damage. Cactus Blast causes Chloros to periodically release a burst of damage. Pitcher Mortar causes Chloros to leave a trail of Corrosive fluids. Sun Dew grants viral damage to Melee Strikes. Growth percentage boosts Woodland Guards duration. Mods boost its damage reduction and duration.

Chloros’ Last ability is Photosynthesis. Grants regeneration to Chloros and their teammates as well as buffs other abilities based on Chloros’ growth percentage. Additionally abilities gain heat and radiation damage and procs.

Vine Skewer gains damage and doubles drops.

Harvest gains increases to all plant damage.

Woodland guard gives a percentage of Chloros’ damage reduction to all teammates.

Edited by YeOldeSport
Added backstory
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Been a while since we've seen cycle abilities. I think it'd fit with a plant-themed Warframe to give its leafy abilities some variety.

The first ability seems similar to Citrine's Fractured Blast but greatly reduced in effectiveness, starting at single target and ramping up to 11 targets. Maybe it should provide some more benefits? Skewer one guy another vine grows, stabs another guy nearby. Drop a Universal Orb rather than just one or the other type. Proc that Puncture status for extra Critical Chance.

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5 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

Been a while since we've seen cycle abilities. I think it'd fit with a plant-themed Warframe to give its leafy abilities some variety.

The first ability seems similar to Citrine's Fractured Blast but greatly reduced in effectiveness, starting at single target and ramping up to 11 targets. Maybe it should provide some more benefits? Skewer one guy another vine grows, stabs another guy nearby. Drop a Universal Orb rather than just one or the other type. Proc that Puncture status for extra Critical Chance.

Not a bad idea, and you’re right given Citrine and Nezha both have more benefits to their orb dropping abilities. Citrine having bleed procs and Nezha granting damage vulnerability. I would say armor reduction but I think pitcher would achieve this better. Perhaps if vines kept enemies suspended and enemies killed on the vines would drop the orbs?

Edit: Actually how about instead of dropping your typical Health, energy or Universal orbs, it drops what I’ll call a Glucose orb, that instead of a set number restores a percentage of health and energy (maybe scaled by strength) that way Chloros can keep his and his teams health up at higher levels and so his max percentage doesn’t leave him with half his health constantly empty?

Edited by YeOldeSport
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On 2024-01-10 at 10:47 PM, YeOldeSport said:

For starts, Oberon is not a plant warframe just because Hallowed ground has grass effects. They weren’t even there to begin with, and contribute nothing to the abilities overall effects. That being said, onto the actual concept.


Name wise I decided to call this frame Chloros. I’m sure there’s better names out there but this is a place holder.

Stat wise I imagine them having average shield, high health, above average armor, average energy and average speed. I can’t come up with exact numbers as I'm not sure what would make them effective but not game breaking.


Before I go into actual abilities I wanted to state that my goal was to make this a snowball frame as it fits the plant theme. Plants are known for growing and so I think this frame should reflect that aspect.

Chloros’ passive is that every kill grants a percentage of their growth. Each percent grants Chloros 10 extra health. Additionally abilities grow stronger based on this value. It maxes out at 100% so up to 1000 extra health.

Chloros’ first ability is Vine Skewer. This sends a vine from the ground and strikes directly forwards to hit enemies for puncture damage. Enemies killed drop “Glucose” orbs that restore 10% health and energy to any warframe that picks it up. For every 10% growth another vine is sent forward, increasing the attacks area of effect. Maxing out at 11 vines at 100% Strength scales the attacks damage and orb restoration, and range scales how far it reaches. 

Chloros’ second ability is Harvest. This has Chloros cycle between four plants they can place down. Additionally there’s an effect when vine Skewer is used.

Briar Patch creates Thorned vines that slow enemies and inflict slash damage when they walk through. Using Vine Skewer on enemies that are in Briar Patch makes them drop two orbs. Percentage increases the area this ability covers. It also is affected by range, strength and duration mods.

Cactus Blast grows a cactus that draws aggro from enemies. It takes damage absorbed from enemies and releases it into a radial burst of damage. Striking it with Vine Skewer will cause it to release a burst preemptively without losing stored damage. Growth Percentage increases the multiplier given to absorbed damage. By default it is 1x but gains 0.1x for every percentage up to 11x. Affected by range, duration and strength (adjusts damage dealt by default that is added to absorbed damage)

Pitcher Mortar creates a plant that lobs Corrosive bombs at distant enemies. These bombs leave puddles that linger for a few seconds dealing corrosive damage. Striking an enemy in a puddle with Vine Skewer will cause them to release a burst of corrosive damage. Growth percentage increases the Pitcher Mortars Fire rate. Scales with range, strength and duration (range and duration do not affect puddles).

Sun Dew grabs enemies and groups them together, dealing viral damage. Hitting a bound enemy with Vine Skewer will cause a burst of viral damage. Growth percentage increases it’s grabbing range. Scales with range, duration and strength.

Chloros’ Third ability, Woodland Guard, is a simple damage reduction power. It only affects Chloros and gains benefits by walking through harvests plants, destroying the plant and applying the affect for its remaining duration. Briar Patch causes attackers to take slash damage. Cactus Blast causes Chloros to periodically release a burst of damage. Pitcher Mortar causes Chloros to leave a trail of Corrosive fluids. Sun Dew grants viral damage to Melee Strikes. Growth percentage boosts Woodland Guards duration. Mods boost its damage reduction and duration.

Chloros’ Last ability is Photosynthesis. Grants regeneration to Chloros and their teammates as well as buffs other abilities based on Chloros’ growth percentage. Additionally abilities gain heat and radiation damage and procs.

Vine Skewer gains damage and doubles drops.

Harvest gains increases to all plant damage.

Woodland guard gives a percentage of Chloros’ damage reduction to all teammates.

I keep picturing a plant frame that has a shade and light form. When standing in shaded areas, the frame becomes more slim and gloomy. While in lit areas, the frame blooms. While in the gloom form, speed is increased, but while in the bloom form, health is increased. Due to plants gaining some vitality from sunlight while at night the leaves are gone which reduces air drag.

Can also create a sort of powdery fog to block light or can call upon lightning bugs that can add light. So that you can choose more easily which form regardless of the area. The ability would throw off enemy aim as well to make it more useful. Probably come with an augment mod that makes either form more permanent depending on darker or lighter energy colors. 


Besides that, I picture each ability having a shade or light version. The gloom is more vicious while the bloom is more nurturing. And I’m picturing your suggested abilities being split between the forms. 

I’ve seen plants that bloom during the day but close up during the night. So I can’t stop picturing a frame that utilizes both which could also give DE more options if they’re too indecisive on which abilities to choose. There’s just so many different kinds of plant related abilities. I even pictured one where the frame summons a garden of carnivorous plants that attack nearby enemies and paralyses them while slowly reducing their armor and health. Even after the ability is canceled, the enemies would remain paralyzed for a bit longer. But in bloom form the frame can take all that stolen vitality and provide health and energy orbs to allies. Kind of picturing almost horrific stuff like from the movie The Ruins.

Just my opinion though.

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