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Rift Theorem


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DE needs to decide what the Rift is. The Rift is the whole of Limbo's identity and utility as a Warframe, an alter dimension where Limbo has full control. However is currently treated as buff.

Let's analyse how it currently works.

The Rift Buff:

-Limbo has full control to apply or remove the buff on himself. With the buff he recovers energy passively and receives extra energy when enemies dies while under its effect.

-Can be applied to any unity in the game including on Limbo himself unless the unit is a Nullifier, Arbitration Drones (or other specific units),  or a boss.

-Units with the buff can't interact or damage the environment or other units that aren't under the Rift effect. However units with this buff can be damaged by enemy Eximus auras, enemy Warframes (Except Limbo's) abilities or enemy Nullifier fields (Removing the buff) even if those units aren't being affected by the Rift themselves. 

- The Rift possess two secondary effects. First, Stasis that freezes enemies under the Rift unless they possess overshield in which case only their gunshots are arrested midair. Second, Rift Surge which creates an effects where enemies that were affected by The Rift and are forced out of the buff cause a wave of Rift buff that applies it to nearby enemies. Units that loses the Rift buff when it runs out spread The Rift Surge effect to nearby units.

By these descriptions as a buff The Rift is unreliable and unstable making it a really bad type of buff with too many exceptions and high upkeep. In the standards of the game it possess vulnerability to all factions making it unappealing to players. 

To fix The Rift, DE would have to treat again as an alter dimension and give it new set of rules.

The Rift Dimension:

-Limbo has full control to go in and out of The Rift. In the Rift  he recovers energy passively and receives extra energy when enemies dies in there.

-Any unit can be thrown into The Rift including Limbo himself with the exception of Nullifiers with activated fields, bosses, Warframes that are invisible or with an ability shield and Arbitration Drones ( and Other specific units). 

-Units in The Rift can't interact or damage the environment or units out of it. Units out of Limbo's Affinity Range are banished from The Rift automatically.

- The Stasis freezes units in The Rift with the exception of units with overshield, Warframes or Sentients. Enemy or Ally Weapons projectiles are arrested midair while Stasis is activated. 

- Rift Surge slowly depletes overshield of units in the Rift based on ability strength. Units affected by Rift Surge cast a radial Banish when they are expelled from The Rift banishing nearby units and the unit itself back to The Rift. Units that leave the Rift when the ability runs out also activate this effect.


Treating The Rift as a dimension brings balance and consistency to Limbo even if that means that allies are affected by it as well.  





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39 minutes ago, Hrivolos said:

-Any unit can be thrown into The Rift including Limbo himself with the exception of Nullifiers with activated fields, bosses, Warframes that are invisible or with an ability shield and Arbitration Drones ( and Other specific units). 

So... nothing changes.

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