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Tenet Diplos Tweak(s)


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I will say that I like the concept for the Diplos but I have a few issues with it, the main one being the limited shots per enemy when aiming. Having the shots limited to only two shots per enemy, to me at least, makes the mechanic pretty useless because "Wow! You hit an enemy with a whole four bullets!" and that is not good damage. Even if you are using it to damage groups of enemies, two shots per enemy with a max of eight enemies to hit isn't worth it to me when I can just hip-fire and kill eight and more much faster.

I am going to compare this to a weapon from Deep Rock Galactic, the Engineer's LOK-1 Smart Rifle. They function similarly enough, lock-on homing shots with a cap of 12 instead of eight, the difference is that there is no cap per enemy unless you upgrade it to do so. This means that you can lock onto 12 enemies at once, or one enemy 12 times for more single-target damage with the initial downside being you might lock more than you need to and waste time. This can be upgraded to limit locks to the number that is needed to kill an enemy, so if three are needed to kill one grunt then you have nine locks for other enemies.

What I am proposing is the Diplos should have a similar function to the LOK-1, meaning one of two things:

  1. You can target one to eight enemies with two shots each lock but can lock on a single enemy multiple times, and allow for more single target damage output with the cost being you might shoot more than you need. It could also have the function to cap the number of locks if four locks would kill them, so you have four for another enemy.
  2. You can target eight enemies at once but remove the two-shot cap per enemy, so you can continuously fire at each lock-on until they die or you reload.

The two-shot cap to me just feels like it breaks the flow of gunfire and also just doesn't allow for good damage on single or multi-targets, so I hope it is at least looked at because it is a cool weapon otherwise.


I have two other minor tweaks in mind:

  1. Move the targeting square from the enemy head to the body because the shots do not home to their heads but their bodies which feels a bit misleading with the placement of the square.
  2. Allow for normal scoped firing after shooting all lock-on shots. Currently, after you shoot all your homing shots you will have to click the fire button again, while not aiming at an enemy. I would just like to hold the fire button after shooting the homing shots to begin firing normally while scoped is all.
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Just remove the 2 shot limit from lock on.

Let players be able to jump around while shooting one target with better ability to target head by aiming up, or they can multi-target and deal with ammo management instead as the situation fits.

Status weapons only need to land a few hits and let procs do the rest of the work. This low status, low base damage, non-aoe, high crit weapon needs to land its shots to do the damage so lock-on works nicely for that. You can't afford to just stand still and manually aim on heads one by one at base SP. You gotta move and jump while shooting.

What makes this tenet weapon unique is the fact it has lock-on, and yet it doesn't even use the lock-on properly. Just use akstilleto prime and spray with the ammo efficiency, you'll land more shots. Or just use literally any aoe weapon and you'll hit better and do more damage.

Edited by Redrigoth
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