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Codex Completion: Some Tips And Locations (Updated For 11.5.5!)



Current Codex for 11.5.5. Sort by Name to see which entries you are missing.






I'll try to give tips and outline where you can find larger-than-normal densities of some of the rarer enemies. If you find this helpful, bookmark/share this, post in the thread to help others see it, or contribute some good places to go safari cruising.

1. Use a Loki/Ash with maximum duration mods. This is the best way of getting your codex entries down, since stealth scans give 2x entries. Vauban is an OK alternative (especially for Infested) since he can levitate them with Bastille for easy scanning. Frost is a great one for enemies that can be found on Mobile Defense. Rhino (stomp) is a great way to scan bosses.
2. Unequip your sentinel attack precept. This one is obvious.
3. Always play Solo or Private with friends. Pubs will have no mercy on your enemies.
4. Having Coolant Leak is an OK way to slow enemies down for slightly easier scanning, although the slow effect is often negated by the fact that it's harder to scan some enemies up close even with Loki. Bosses can be Rhino stomped or scanned while invisible.
5. Kill the target after you scan. Kill any enemy that you do not need scans for. This will ensure that they continually spawn.
6. If you can't find an enemy, switch planets. Higher-level planets will spawn different (and more advanced/rare) units.
7. Use an accurate weapon that can kill in one hit. This will help to minimize the risk of accidentally killing your codex scans.
8. Capture missions are great for scanning parties. It is difficult to fail them. However, make sure to bring extremely high-DPS weapons because the recently-buffed capture targets are very tanky. If you are having trouble killing them, go invisible and jump-slam the ground with melee to knock them down.
9. Don't waste scans and time scanning things like windows and consoles. As of 11.5 they count. Go ahead and scan everything.
10. Buy at least 1,000 scanners. On the buy-scanners screen, you can just keep spamming Enter to buy a ton with minimal labor. I bought 3k myself and I probably burned through 1400 or so.

Some specifics:
(Hint: Click on the "Show" button under each faction! If you have a question, read everything before asking.)


-Most Arid units (including Butchers?, Seekers, and Regulators) and Desert Heavy Gunners can be found on Todd, Phobos except for Elite Arid Lancers (Elite Arid Lancers now spawn in Todd). One slow run of Todd can give an average of 1-3 Arid Seeker scans, up to 5 on a productive one. Recommended running solo with Loki/Ash. Make sure to let the first few guys sound the alarm to spawn more enemies.

Edit: Need confirmation that Arid Butchers spawn there. 

Edit: You may need to do a survival, exterminate, and/or a MD on Phobos as some units do not seem to spawn on Todd anymore.


-All Frontier units can be found on Cicero. Frontier Seekers are very rare, expect one to spawn every 2-3 runs. However, playing a Defense mission (by injecting an antitoxin of any strength) will cause Seekers to spawn well. Inject a 10-point antitoxin and roughly 2-5 seekers will spawn.

Edit: Cicero is gone now. We have to wait for the jungle tileset to be put into Earth.

-Elite Arid Lancers are found abundantly on either of the Phobos Survival (though Stickney seems to be better). They take a while to start spawning. Having a team of good Loki/ashes with Corrosive/heat build Synapses/Ignises will help. Be warned - the Hellions have explosive backpacks that easily deal +500 damage and they are the only things that spawn for the first 2-3 minutes, so be prepared to spend a good amount of time reviving. 1-3 runs will be sufficient for all 20 scans as long as you are actively scanning and managing your air. If you cannot bring a stealth loki/ash, try a team of Volts since his overload will disable Hellions' backpacks and prevent them from exploding after death.

Edit: Todd, Phobos is a much faster and safer way to immediately start scanning Elite Arid Lancers. 


-(Arid) Regulators spawn relatively well on Phobos Mobile Defenses; usually, 1-3 will spawn for each terminal. They also spawn well on Iliad, but they can be found in most Phobos maps.

-Flameblades and Powerfists are abundant on Egeria, Ceres (the capture mission between Kiste and Exta). It is possible to get 3-12 scans depending on how much time you take and how efficient you are with keeping the spawns rolling. An alert on a grineer map also has a great chance to spawn them. Recommended solo with Loki.

-Grineer Target is on Caloris, Mercury. Since it is very low level, you can play it solo or with friends. You should get 2 scans per run.

-If you need Rollers, go to Merrow on Sedna. Kela will be glad to pitch you a few rollers. Recommended solo with Loki; just pop out of invisibility every once in a while to lure her into throwing another Roller.

-Eviscerators now spawn in Invasion missions. Try to do a Corpus v Grineer mission and side with the corpus for the most eviscerator spawns. Recommended Loki and solo.


-Grineer Commanders spawn in deception missions. One good location is Mariana, Earth.


-Lobber, Electric, Nauseous, and normal crawlers can be found on the capture mission Cosis, Eris (on the bottom left). Toxics do not spawn there (but can be found elsewhere), and Lobbers will not spawn well unless you bring a partner. Recommended Duo with another Loki. Make sure to have a firm method of communication to verify that both players have scanned a crawler before killing it. Feel free to kill all the chargers, ancients, and leapers as well as previously scanned crawlers to keep up the spawns. Toxic Crawlers can be found on most other Eris nodes.
Edit: As of U11.3, there is no reliable way to scan crawlers.

Edit: Electric, Normal, and Toxic? crawlers can spawn in ODD.

Edit: Need confirmation that Toxics spawn in ODs.

Edit: During Infestation Invasion missions, Lobbers can spawn. 

Edit: During Alerts against Infested, Nauseous or Toxic Crawlers can spawn.

Edit: Confirmed sighting of lobber crawlers in after wave 10 of ODD.

-You can only scan the body of Lephantis in his 2nd stage. The heads don't count.

-There is no way to scan Golem as of 11.5.3 even though he is back in the Codex.


-Sniper Crewmen, Elite crewmen, Railgun MOAs, and shield/leech ospreys can be found abundantly on mobile defense Baal, Europa in addition to regular Crewmen, MOAs, Fusion MOAs, Shockwave MOAs, Corpus Tech, etc (essentially 11-12 of the 14 non-boss corpus scans). One run can give 3-8 sniper crewmen scans. It can be solo'd if you are proficient with a Frost and you can proficiently switch between an accurate weapon and your scanner, or you can bring a Frost-Vauban combo for the ultimate scanning party. Try to mod for both high shields and health because of the leech ospreys.
Edit: As of 11.5.3, Baal has been overrun by the Grineer invaders. However, Invasions frequently spawn Sniper and Elite crewmen, so make sure to fight on the Grineer side during invasions to get some scans down. Xini and Kappa will also spawn some Sniper Crewmen.

-Mine ospreys will spawn in Fossa, Venus (in the Jackel boss room). Bring a Loki/Ash on solo to ensure that you can scan the mine ospreys properly. They also spawn a ton on Kappa.

-Scavenger drones are a PAIN. Run any sabotage or capture mission on Jupiter, or run Themisto (which is where I got most of my scans). Alternatively, run a defense, though they will take a few waves to start spawning. You might be able to see one (or even two) every once in a while, but it will take a ridiculous amount of grinding to find 10. If you have better tips than running a jupiter mission 30 times, you're more than welcome to share it. It took me over 2 hours to find 10 of them. Also, they will not spawn in Jupiter survivals.
Edit: since 11.1.0, Scavenger drones may spawn in survivals.

Edit: Scavanger drones have been spotted at wave 15 of Xini in Eris. However, this is not a reliable method to farm them as they are extremely rare in Xini (maybe 1-2 spawns between waves 15-30 at most).

-Crewmen (the white kind, not yellow) only spawn on Jupiter.

-Antimoas can be found while hunting for Scavenger drones on Jupiter maps. Make sure to hunt for them with a Loki - otherwise their shots will toss you around. They can be found abundantly in the first 15 minutes of any Jupiter Survival.

-I don't know where the 3 unknown entries are (Corpus Harvester?).


-If possible, use a QT-Rage build. That's the only way to survive being a direct target of his.
Edit: since 11.1.0, a QTR build may not be so effective.

-The best time to scan is when he first appears. Make sure you (or whoever his target is) is in a big open space on top of a box so you can immediately start scanning him when he first appears.


-He can be scanned if he goes into an Absorb bubble.

-If you are not his target and you couldn't get a scan on him when he first appeared, you can still scan him when he sits down again (from dying or killing the target).

-Play one round of a boss and run lots of missions with friends. The more in a party, the better to survive the attack and the likelier it is that you will get a successful scan by not being his target.


-Any corpus map in space will spawn most objects including storage containers, reinforced glass, etc.

-All plants can be found in Cicero, Earth.

-To scan the toxin injector, bring a weak antitoxin to Cicero. It can only be scanned in an actual injection mission.

-The thing that looks like a grineer target is actually the Orokin Power Core. It is the defense object that can be found on Lares, Mercury. Just scan and leave.

-Mining Machines are found on most Grineer sabotage mission. Usually, 2-4 will spawn. Mprime on Mercury is the easiest and fastest method.

So those are some general tips for filling up that Codex with gold stars. Feel free to contribute anything or bookmark this thread, and happy hunting.

Edited by Trainer772
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Scavenger drones on Xini, screenshotted:




Just did Todd, phobos. Not a single seeker there. TONS of elite lancers. That data is apparently no good anymore. =(

Alright, I'll check out Phobos later. I haven't been there for the past few weeks so it is very possible that the units were moved around.

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Stalker tips: 1: He loves Phorid. My last 4 encounters, he has been out to avenge Phorid. Have NO idea who's paying him to do that, but they are.

2: Stalker has Nyx Absorb now, where he folds his legs under him and prepares a PBAoE attack. While he's doing that, he's a) invincible, and b) not moving, so it's the absolute perfect scanning opportunity--shooting anything other than a photo is a bad idea at this point.

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I searched Todd and ran into a few seekers. Data is still good, but it seems that Elite Arids were added some time ago.


Also, the boss name that the stalker lists is completely random; all that matters is that you killed any one of the bosses that gives you a deathmark. He can come after you for Phorid even if you killed J3 Golem.


I'll add a note about Absorb.

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so has anyone found what the three corpus targets are, if J3 spawns under any conditions at all, and like the stalker there is another everything tab unknown with a humanoid shape, any idea? Havent been able to scan harvester yet so if it is him then the pic is just a place holder, still confirmation would be nice.

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I don't think the corpus targets are in the game YET. There are no entries in wiki, and if anyone has them they aren't telling. Doubtful they are Corpus Capture Targets.


J3 isn't currently in the game. Not sure WHEN/IF he will be back.


Harvester doesn't have a spot in codex. Have heard scans count for zanuka. (unconfirmed)


Grineer Capture Target might have been moved. Heard he isn't on Grineer page anymore.

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so has anyone found what the three corpus targets are, if J3 spawns under any conditions at all, and like the stalker there is another everything tab unknown with a humanoid shape, any idea? Havent been able to scan harvester yet so if it is him then the pic is just a place holder, still confirmation would be nice.

Corpus Targets aren't "in the game" yet.

J3 cannot be spawned either.

If you sort all your entries by name, you'll be able to see who he's in between and compare that to the codex pictures I provided.


Could you throw out a reliable location for Commanders if possible? Much appreciated for this list.

Sorry, I don't have a reliable location. Commanders are relatively rare and I don't know of a mission that reliably spawns them.

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Also, Todd on Phobos is in corpus hands now.


There probably should be contingently stated help, since these things change with invasions--Todd is great for Arid seekers *when the grineer own it, Alternatively, location B".


(Although, I suspect the xini thing will be there a lot longer than the Todd thing).

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Didn't they mention a Grineer Recon Drone in last Dev livestream?


Not finding Hyena.

Yea actually it looks like a Drone, close to the Corpus ones...


Maybe after invading all those Corpus nodes they've found a way to replicate their drones; it may also be a boss, but I'd find weird a robotic one for Grineer...

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