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Alad V Vs Frohd Bek Dilemma Event


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Inspired by the new tileset on Jupiter, the recent events in Gradivus Dilemma, the Hunt for Alad V, and the appearance of Frohd Bek combined with the jungle planet artwork found in the codex I worked out an idea for a new event.

Since this is just me putting my ideas to writing and sharing with you all, and nothing that has to happen, please

read it and  judge it on how an event could happen.


I tried to work out an event with different outcomes, how the different results could be handled, and even a chance for

the community to fail the event.

An event consisting of 2 or 3 stages, depending on players choices.

We try to avoid to have too many extermination missions. however there are some in STAGE 3. But the event could be ended

in stage 2 under certain circumstances.


Please enjoy reading this, and possibly be inspired for something like this and share it with us.


Event Name : ???

multi stage event - Alad V vs Frohd Bek


The Tenno discover they were doublecrossed by Frohd Bek during the Hunt for Alad V. 

Yes, Alad V was a common enemy, yes, the Zanuka project had to be stopped.

But while the Tenno were distracted by hunting for Alad V, Frohd Bek went to 'planet X' and collected all the 

remaining crypods behind the Tenno's backs. 

Seeking his own profit, Corpus as he is, Frohd Bek wants to continue the Zanuka Project on an even bigger scale.


Alad V is angry due to the hunt Frohd Bek declared on him and the fact Frohd Bek made the Board stop funding him. 

And like a true Corpus, Alad V wants to get his money back and raid Frohd Beks Cryopod collection for the Warframes.

Frohd Bek, afraid of Alad V's rage and vengeance buys Grineer Mercenaries to protect himself and hides on an unknown 



The Lotus discovered all this information, and because the Tenno powers are sacred, not to be trifled with,

the Tenno have to find Frohd Bek and bring him to justice for these severe crimes. 

However, the warlord is hiding. The search for Frohd Bek begins...




The Tenno need information on where Frohd Bek is hiding, some Corpus know. But not all. 

Regular capture mission ensue, with a twist...


Those loyal to Frohd Bek know the danger they are in and flee to the Orokin Derelicts,

hoping to escape the Tenno in the old derelicts, hiding between the infested.


(players need to have Orokin Derelict Capture Keys to participate in the event. Players will have to build the 

keys themselves and use a lot of common resources in the process,

we use the Capture Missions because they are not grinding/exterminate based)


After X amount of capture missions are done by the community the Tenno will have gathered enough data 

enabling the Lotus to pinpoint the planet where Frohd Bek is hiding. This is 'planet X'.


At this same time Alad V's spies also learn the location of Frohd Bek, and Alad V declares war.



A "Gradivus Dilemma" style event

Players choose a side on these missions.



Alad V side. (note that Tenno will not support Alad V, but he has the same goals thats why we choose Alad V side... 

or maybe even the Lotus herself and make this a Lotus vs Frohd Bek vs Alad V subject to change as seen fit)


Lotus / Alad V sided mission

We will destroy all forces that support Frohd Bek. We will destroy Frohd Bek's ships.

Ships? yes! We will destroy their ships... How?


Sabotage mission on Corpus ship. 

Allies: none

Enemies: Grineer (Mercenaries payed by Frohd Bek) and MOA's

Because Frohd Bek only sent MOA's as allies in The Hunt for Alad V 

(this possibly makes Frohd Bek the main mass producer of the MOA's too perhaps...)


After players destroy the core we will not get to extraction but the mission will turn into a

survival against the Grineer and MOA's. However the Lotus will not send life support and the Tenno have to

survive on Personal Life Support Units, dropped by killed mobs.


Survival duration can be about 15 - 20 minutes. (if 20 minutes, maybe the community goal for X missions can be lowered

But life support packages drop rate increased)

Because the ships run out of life support, the grineer will die rending the ship without control.

We can either end the mission here. claiming succes, or:

Survival ends and there will be 15 - 20 MOA's left - Extermination style. (MOA's can survive without life support)

After the last is killed extraction follows.



Grineer/ Frohd Bek Sided Mission

We have to protect Frohd Bek against Alad V, we want to bring him to justice ourselves. We cannot let him fall into the

hands of Alad V. Support Frohd Bek's mercenaries and bring Alad V to a halt before he steals too many Crypods 

in these ship raids.

Since in event 'The Hunt for Alad V' only MOA's were players allies. MOA's will now be enemies.


Invasion mission/ tile set from Gradivus Dilemma starting on Grineer Galleon tileset entering a Corpus ship halfway.

Allies: Grineer (maybe also MOA's)

Enemies: Corpus Crewman / Engineers / Ospreys (Alad V's loyalists) - no MOA's

Since the Invasion missions in Gradivus Dilemma were extermination we will do something different now.

Players will have to capture the Commanding officer (Capture mission style)


After the target has been captured 1 or 2 things can happen

1: the Corpus are panicked and shut of life support in the hope to suffocate

the Grineer and Tenno - Survival Begins

2: Without a commander all Corpus on board of the ship will attack the Tenno - Defense begins


If Survival:

The Lotus will send life support, but the Corpus enemies will not drop Personal Life Support Units.

Players will have to survive for 10 -15 minutes on Oxygen Tanks alone, 

deployment of oxygen tanks can perhaps be based on enemies killed or just per 3 minute interval.


If Defense

Capture target is always found in a room similar to Corpus Ship Defense mission (like Eris-Xini but without infestation)

This room can fit in the Corpus Tileset. There will be a Tenno Cryopod in this room as well - for defense.

Defense for 10 -15 waves

Extraction after waves end like regular defense.




Possible outcomes:


1. Community supports Lotus/Alad V to find and kill Frohd Bek:

Per node conquered the new Jungle planet tileset will be released/ revealed.

This can be a new planet or maybe earth.

If all  nodes are turned into Jungle planet tile set:

Frod Bek will be a new boss on the last revealed planet or replace Councilor Vay Hek. (ships were destroyed)

Alad V can continue his Zanuka project because he raided all the ships and took the cryopods.

(I know the jungle planet was supposed to be grineer, hence why Frohd Bek is hiding here with his mercenaries) 


in short: Jungle planet revealed, Zanuka Project will be launched by Alad V, 

battle payouts are credits and/or forma only. Average prizes.

Event ends within reasonable time on stage 2.



HOWEVER, should not all nodes be turned into jungle planet, which means the community did not side with Alad V on some 

nodes and Frohd Bek won those battles, event enters STAGE 3.


2. Community protects Frohd Bek from Alad V.

Nodes become Grineer occupation. Grineer Galleon Ships tileset.

If its a new planet or earth this won't matter much.

Frohd Bek will go into hiding, Councilor Vay Hek will remain the planet Boss.

Zanuka Project will be delayed.

Battle payouts are Reactors / Catalysts / Vauban blueprints etc. Rare Prizes!

Tempt the community to support Frohd Bek. (might work better if event is Alad V vs Frohd Bek. and no Lotus)

Event enters STAGE 3





Alad V is brought to a halt, his forces depleted he pulls back from this war to start rebuilding his armies on Jupiter.

Frohd Bek is still wanted by the Tenno.

All Grineer Mercenaries need to be wiped out to find Frohd Bek.

All mission nodes become extermination in the event.

After a node has been completed, the jungle planet is revealed (still a Grineer planet)

Nodes already turned into jungle nodes in event STAGE 2 do not have to be exterminated.

There will be no time extention for the community to finish the event.

STAGE 3 might make it a prolonged event, but there is a chance the Community fails



If the community wins the event:

Councilor Vay Hek will be replaced by Frohd Bek when the last node is exterminated 

and the entire jungle planet is revealed. giving players the chance to kill Frohd Bek. 

(I know Frohd Bek is Corpus, and the planet will be Grineer, but this is covered in the story of the event)

Zanuka project will be stopped once more.


If the community fails the event.

All nodes are reset like they were before start of the event. The jungle planet remains unreachable.

Councilor Vay Hek stays the planet Boss

Frohd Bek will flee to unkown location, of the grid, he launches project Zanuka.


Added Information:

All instances of Project Zanuka can be replaced by something else, something new.

Subject to change.


Or Zanuka Project, (same as Alad V's pet) becomes a randomly spawning enemy on any corpus mission, much like the stalker,

with the same stats as when he is with Alad V. PLayers could encounter him in similar rooms as the Jackal is placed,

or new rooms can be added to existing tileset where 2 or 3 Zanuka can be fought in something like a boss arena.

this room is randomly added, and there is a more then 75% chance you will not encounter Zanuka in any way at all.


Planet X: a new planet

a new planet is added to the solar system, trough the event all nodes have to be revealed, 

otherwise we have a grineer galleon planet if we fail the event. Councilor Vay Hek remains on earth however.

New events can be made to retry uncovering the planet.


Planet X is Earth

Why earth? Lore says earth was overrun by the Technocyte plague before the Orokin Age, we now live in the Warframe age,

milennia after Earth was destroyed by the Technocyte. The post-humans (Grineer in this instance)

came and settled on the jungle overrun planet. 

No need for a new planet. Another planet, much like Jupiter, gets it's own tileset

If the community fails the event, nothing realy happened.



Nothing is true, everything is subject to change.

This is just a concept of an Event Idea


Thank you for reading


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I'm pretty sure Earth will become the planet for the Jungle tileset. Its the only planet that is supposed to be able to sustain life (naturally that is), so I'd love to see Earth have it.

This means that this event would not work for the Jungle Tileset, as the Jungle would be Grineer controlled.

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I think some of the gameplay propositions are good, but the general idea of the event, along with the story you suggested, sounds really redundant at this point. I think DE could do an event that's not based on the Gradivus Dilemma concept.


I'm personally not too interested of having to choose sides and help a certain faction. I want to see a bit more involvement of the Tenno as guardians of the system, more involvement with the civilians instead of pushing them to the darkest corner of background characters that barely exists, more lore and story advancement with all factions, but especially Infestation who already showed sign of intelligence with Lephantis and Phorid.


We already have a few established characters that aren't explored further (poor Vor's Prize), some of them much more loved than this new Corpus guy that has trouble speaking in other ways than whispers (not to mention he feels uninteresting compared to Alad, Ruk and such).


For a story and lore that doesn't have much content worked out already, he don't really need new characters on the table to have a major part in the story when we have so many potential great ones (Vor being one of the only Grineer seemingly interested in Orokin Technology, and therefore Warframes, makes him very distinguishable among Grineer).


I do really like your mission concepts and how some events can have multiple stages to make it more interesting instead of redundant Extermination repeats.

Edited by Casardis
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I think some of the gameplay propositions are good, but the general idea of the event, along with the story you suggested, sounds really redundant at this point. I think DE could do an event that's not based on the Gradivus Dilemma concept.


I'm personally not too interested of having to choose sides and help a certain faction. I want to see a bit more involvement of the Tenno as guardians of the system, more involvement with the civilians instead of pushing them to the darkest corner of background characters that barely exists, more lore and story advancement with all factions, but especially Infestation who already showed sign of intelligence with Lephantis and Phorid.


We already have a few established characters that aren't explored further (poor Vor's Prize), some of them much more loved than this new Corpus guy that has trouble speaking in other ways than whispers (not to mention he feels uninteresting compared to Alad, Ruk and such).


For a story and lore that doesn't have much content worked out already, he don't really need new characters on the table to have a major part in the story when we have so many potential great ones (Vor being one of the only Grineer seemingly interested in Orokin Technology, and therefore Warframes, makes him very distinguishable among Grineer).


I do really like your mission concepts and how some events can have multiple stages to make it more interesting instead of redundant Extermination repeats.

You have a valid point about the characters there. I only cooked up a multiple stage event with different outcomes.

It would indeed be better to aim the focus back on the Tenno themselves. But here we have a new shady guy by the name of Frohd Bek, but he is not in the game at all, the other characters are, I felt like we were missing on that point. 


I just tried to work with things we already know, mechanics we already are familiar with on the mission types. And a global idea of more dynamic gameplay in one mission. Thinking that some of these ideas could be pretty hard to realize in programmming maybe.

But the last event, the Hunt for Alad V, felt kinda simpleton to me. I did every node only 5 times... didn't feel compelled to realy grind on that event, so I tried cooking kup a twist all day long, with something to interest the players more.


I'll see if I can rework an idea with existing characters, but I make no promises. I'll have to stick to what we know. And since it was more about mission types rather then story we can rework the story.

I am happy some of the ideas are appealing though :)

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I am happy some of the ideas are appealing though :)


The majority of the ideas are appealing to me personally, especially the multi-segment to reduce redundancy while echoing the system of node progression + battlepays, along with mission dynamics. It's just the story portion and motivations that I'm less convinced XD


Keep up the good work.

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