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Revamping the failed Augment system


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The only real use for augments is to get that sweet 1000 standing from NW. Pop in, install, uninstall, done. So far I have face-tanked almost everything, by using other game aids, like gear items.

Btw, nice try with 'no consumables' bs on new game modes, gonna face-tank those too! 😙

A step in the right direction would be a dedicated augment slot - incentivize me to use at least one augment. The only augments that matter are the ones people can milk with macros, but it's not my playstyle, so... As collecitibles they stay, for now.

Edited by Hayrack
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The main failure of the augment system is that there are a number that some or all of their functionality should be baseline. Some examples off the top of my head:

- Catapult: It doesn't really add any power, just makes using the meatball an actually functional experience. Getting around tilesets old and new alike without this one slotted is a miserable experience. It's *already* an exilus mod too, I genuinely don't see any reason for it to not be baseline.

- Loyal Merulina(the upcoming Yareli augment): The riding vs. pet mode on Merulina should just be tap/hold functionality. Merulina firing sea snares on her own can stay on the augment.

- Soul Survivor: I don't think anyone uses Nekros for anything other than Desecrate at this point since Terrify is subsumable, but even if they did Soul Punch would still hardly feel worth using. He's a frame themed around death so it seems fitting for this to be baseline, and manual revives would still generally be better because the augment only gives 30% hp. Make it baseline and the augment could be changed to buff the soul punch revive from 30% to 100.

- Balefire Surge: I think the "charged direct hit to regain shields" portion of the augment should be baseline. It sucks as a weapon and doesn't really synergize with the rest of her kit. The nullifier bubble destruction can stay as an augment feature.

There's a couple more I could probably talk about if I dug through the augment list but these definitely stick out to me.

The secondary failure of the augment system is that there are many that are so bad they'd never be worth using even with a dedicated augment slot.

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