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Crash Rate Increased Since U11


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I've suffered a ton of survival run crashes too from 15:00+ mark. 


I think one of the biggest contributor to this crash is number of "drops" on the map, such as ammo and health/energy orbs.



In one of the survival runs that crashed, we had a Nekros who pressed Desecrate skill button like it was enemy of men. 

Result? Countless health orbs and energy orbs that covered the field (I could not use them: my health and energy was always full), and consequently, a crash at like, 5 minute mark. 


P.S. Nekros players, please take it easy with your Desecrate.

Edited by Grandarex
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I haven't played since update 8 but man am I crashing like every 20 mins, loosing orokin cells and all sorts of goodies, this is extremely frustrating, warframe is the only game that crashes on my pc, I never lag, and never had any sort of crash issue before. I dunno what to do, I love playing with my friends but this crap is unplayable as is.

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I love this game.  But before they add improvements and additions - I would greatly appreciate it if they addressed the bugs and issues with the game that are holding it back. 


I have been farming sporadically for an orakin cell for a couple of days.  I finally obtained one on a run, and on my way to extraction, the client crashed and disconnected me from the game.  This client crash has happened a few times amongst my friends and I, and usually its not a big deal (if its before the objective is complete, we can just rejoin our friend's game).  But where the game crashes right after you obtain a rare material that you've been farming for and you lose it - it is infuriating. 


DE: Please either allow us to rejoin following the objective completion (so that in the event the client crashes, you can still obtain the mats you farmed) or fix the crashing issue altogether.

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Graphic settings to bare minimum.


Fullscreen/Borderless full screen.


Cause unknown, but for the past few days I haven't been able to finish a single mission without crashing to desktop. 20+ missions and the same number of crashes.


Same laptop has had no issues running the game since U6 or U5 and rarely crashed (once a week tops).


Unplayable games don't get played.

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Same here. One thing that I might wanna note is that I downloaded Warframe over steam. I am one to blame Steam for it but because I don't know I deinstalled the game from steam for now and try to reinstall it normally through the launcher we get here. I will write here again when I will know if it helped for now I can only vent here that I can't play since it freezes and crashes a lot on my current PC (Dell XPS Laptop). So yeah. Would be nice if there would be bugfixes

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i have to restart my client about 20 times a day mainly from crashing during mod changing and fusioning. But yeah its getting to the point where im now looking for something else to take my time up with. Warframe should be either out of beta with a solid build and a solid programmer team THAT HAS A CLUE WHAT THEY ARE DOING or it should just quit now because every time an update is released they just break this game more and more. 

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Things that can cause crashes:

Is multi threaded rendering enabled? DE made it on by default in u11. Turn it off.

Is physx enabled? This can cause crashes, I personally haven't crashed because of this.

Are you over clocked? Ram overclock seems fine for me, same with Cpu. But over clocking my 660ti causes crashes.

Other than that I have no other suggestions.

Addendum: stop bashing DE coders because you are having a hissy fit. Instead try to put a little effort into figuring out why you are having issues. Also read change logs for big updates, some do tell you about changes within the launcher.

Edited by -Kasumi-
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