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Create Your Own Private Army in Warframe: Command Specters and Recruit NPCs to Fight for You


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I play a lot of Warframe and one of the things I do is building an army of spectors. I remember back in the day when you could give spectors to the clan dojo for dark sector conflicts. I really just do it for my missions in game. I always thought it would be cool maybe DE allows to have something for own private army in the game. Maybe even hire npc mercenaries like we can for railjack crew. I would love to even have pvp and pve with our own private armies. Maybe one day we will get something in game that makes it feel like we have our own private army. 

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Nah, we don't need to feel like we own our own private army when we are a 1 man army basically. I mean, outside of using specters and what not. I did make a video on it not long ago:



Doing this really makes you feel like you are in a kindergarten playground xD

Edited by xXDragonGodXx
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I'm a sucker for anything that involves summoning minions, undead or etc. Making my own army. (Overlord and Pikmin, and that one Simpsons game my beloved)

I don't know if it would work well in normal Warframe missions but I would like a dedicated gamemode that involves commanding squads instead of doing direct combat yourself. Or something more similar to the Overlord and Pikmin series of games.

I'm also a sucker for RTS and Turn Based games is that's on the table.

Side Note: DE please let us assign On-Call Crewmates without requiring them to be assigned to one of the three Railjack ship roles

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Khal one s'ven five… PRESENT, awaiting your order blue girl.

We Were speaking about an    A R  M Y      Khal

Khal and his brothers are ready anytime

And the command

Brothers follow my commands : ATACK, Brothers ASSEMBLE !!! , BOOM ZIS, GO ZEHR,

Nobody whant this Khal



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