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Spectralysts and Sisters of Parvos

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So maybe I'm stupid or something, I don't know, but I feel like spectralysts are kind of a bad game design in general. Sort of feels like being punished for having a good build. Like. Ok, neat, at least I know my build is good, but also, I can't actually manage to kill a clone of myself when my build is being used by a computer that can activate abilities and use weapons and stuff way faster/more accurately than I'll ever hope to be able to. While also fighting a Sister of Parvos, in my case, one at lvl 4 with a magnetic arca plasmor. While also fighting everything else in the area at the time, including those ridiculous dogs and whatever else. Doesn't help that most people seem to solo sister/lich stuff until the railjack mission, so finding someone to help isn't much of an option. Just. I don't understand who thought of this, why it was seen as a good idea, and how it's not been changed yet. Like I said, if there's something I'm missing or something like that, please let me know because I do miss stuff in this game pretty often. But. Also this doesn't seem like an uncommon complaint.

Also, sorry if this is the wrong place or the tag is wrong or whatever, I don't use forums much.

Edited by Rholund
apologizing in the event that I put this in the wrong place.
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6 минут назад, Rholund сказал:

Doesn't help that most people seem to solo sister/lich stuff until the railjack mission, so finding someone to help isn't much of an option

It is an option. One doesn't need to have a sister to join you on your murmur farming/requiem testing runs. So if you have friends, you can ask them to just help you out. If not, you can try recruitment chat, your message can be seen by someone who is not against helping brother out. Hell, I can help you out since I'm in the game for the next like 30 or so minutes anyway.

Your ability to deal with the sister is heavily dependent of what equipment you are using. So if you are having trouble, you can try to shuffle your loadout a bit. This ofc depends on your overall progression, but one assumes you have something decent cause spawning a sister requires some sort of effort.

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It's not the sister that's destroying me, it's my own clone. If it wasn't for the clone, then I wouldn't be having issues. I don't even know *how* she's summoning a clone, she doesn't have an ability that does that. And it's a 1:1 clone of whatever frame I'm using, mods, equipment, everything. So, the stronger my frame, the more the clone nukes me. The weaker my frame, the more the sister and the trashmobs nuke me. Literally doesn't seem there's anything I can do. And I managed to get three people to help me. Killed all of us to the point that the mission failed.

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2 часа назад, Rholund сказал:

Killed all of us to the point that the mission failed.

The only thing that gave me trouble in my memory was a radiation Zarr lich. Getting rad proc resulted in insta-death cause teammates :D

The thing is - I've never encountered spectralysts in all my time so I can't speak from experience. That said, if it is really 1:1 copy of your warframe then killing it should be easy enough. In my case it will be something about 6k ehp (97+ % chance I play Nekros) which is not much. Same goes for other frames, cause I doubt your weapons can't chew through whatever your defenses are (there is a reason Conclave has a separate weapon and mod pool). So unless they kill an entire squad in about a second, they should be killable (depending on your reaction time ofc).

Wiki says those spectralysts are created by a specific amalgam units. So if that's true and it is not your Sister who is creating them, can be a good idea to keep an eye on those and delete them asap. 

I'd really like to see those in action tbh. So unless you live on the other side of the planet (EU region here), I'd like to join your next attempt at killing the sister. Granted I'll be back home in about 6 hours.

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