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Everything is so complicated!

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I miss the old days when things were way simpler, no operator, no amps, no operator schools or drifter, or incarnon weapons.

Now i have to jump from operator to warframe in order to advance or do the mission, wth i came here to play as a warframe! not some kid with zero skills...

Also why so much randomness in everything, i rly hated it in Duviri when i had random warframes and weps, now again happens in the new game mods.

Btw i liked Duviri map and the vibe in it, it could be so much better if the drifter could have the warframe skills, cause he was just an operator, with zero skills just some basic atacks.

Again, i remind you, i start this game having in mind to play as a WARFRAME! wich one i choose of my own liking and not some grinner or corpus fella (in the quests!) or some recycle bin with guns and legs aka Necramech!!! i want to be a ninja warframe and thats it! Also whoever desgined how the Necramech looks like... rly... they have no ideea how cool big robots look like!

The point is, in order to be competitive these days for hard missions you need all the crap nobody wanted, wich is forced on you throat!

Even the shards got overcomplicated, at start we had 3 colors simple bonuses, now 6 and in order to benefit from new ones and get the bonuses you have a lot of IFs! and again overcomplicate the gameplay!

I bet everybody uses the red archon shards lile 5 or 6, as the rest have crap stats anyway!  i would choose them all red with ability boost.

Then we have arcanes! omfg some of them are good, way to good, like insane bonuses ofc with a lots of IFs and most of them just crap to have an illusion of choosing.

In fact, pure and simple, there is almost no choosing, just few options to be competitive.

Even the main story got super duper mega complicated, i read it few times after i made all quests and still i barely understand anything, these parallel universes blow my brain!

I remember when the operator was introduced i took a loong vacantion from game, i rly rly did not like it! as if wasn't enough that i farmed and worked to my warframe and weps... now i have to start over with a kid wich was totaly unfun to play, with nothing cool and awesome about it!

I would rly rly love to have a version of this game with just my warframe doing stuffs and everything focused on it! Instead of operator or drifter passives i would like an extra skill for my warframe or some passives. If you rly rly cannot remove the operator/drifter at least make it as a part of the warframe, like him inside and the warframe as a costume like protoframes.

Now we are forced to swap, btw how does operator apears at warframe location and dissapears? damn teleportation... right... and the operator is in fact sleeping in his little ship.

Also you should look at older warframes, im pretty sure they cannot even compare to newer warframes...

Anyway, i think i bored you enough, this is my feedback, do whatever you want with it, is just my opinion.



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