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Tileset rework for Saturn and pre war quest idea


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Saturn as a planet has some serious potential, the grinner asteroid and ship tilesets take up many of the missions we have available. Let’s replace them: Saturn is a planet the grineer have been probing farther and farther into, in hopes of finding orokin airships and arcologies which are only known to be in the dark zones of the clouds. Their capabilities have been expanding and go deeper and deeper into the clouds each year. Though not without problems Saturn’s wildlife often interferes, massive swarms of mantarays attack often and giant flying spiders create nets strong enough to get tangled in and jellyfish like creatures float about many of which the grineer live in and on as they’re big enough to maintain ecosystems, some of the jellyfish did due to the grineer’s invasive augmentations to their bodies. The grineer use massive balloons made of the spiders silk as a way to float on the clouds and harvest the spiders silk in labs to export beyond the planet. On top of this the grineer also have some of the highest security prisons on the planet one of which was recently broken out of. . . During the quest we are sent to stop their technologies from developing further and learn more about general sargas ruk and dr tengus’ origins

After the new war narmer seeks refuge in the clouds and have turned the orokin gas cities into places of horror where abominations brew, orokin, sentient and some even corpus and grineer amalgams are created here. After the fall of narmer the sentients have been using whatever they can to get stronger even if its suboptimal. We find variants of classic grineer weapons enhanced by the tech of narmer such as the stug, quatz, and the grakata. 


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