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Conclave review


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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Suer they have, and that has zero to do with what resources should be spent on in the game. You seem to not get at all how companies work and how different budgets are distrubuted. Not to mention that the resources on that convention center are regained through the sale of tickets etc.

a) Yes they do, since it also serves a marketing purpose for both DE and the games(s).

b) No, but it also comes from a completely different part of the company budget. It is also not a free event for the public.

I mean, atleast get some clues before you start yappin.

Yes I am very aware of the concept of budgets and allocation of funds for various departments within a company, hence my post, so not sure what your point is by regurgitating the information I already offered you. 

A) No they do NOT NEED to rent a convention center for a Cosplay Contest.  They Choose to do so because they can.

B) Does it help fix spaghetti code and an extensive list of flaws/ bugs that prevent players from an optimal Warframe experience, Conclave or otherwise?  NO

 1) Is it possible to redistribute funds and labor from activities that can be considered unnecessary for the success of the game?  Yes 

There is no "yappin" here just a simple and honest discussion amongst Forum enthusiasts.

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

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11 minutes ago, sinamanthediva said:

Yes I am very aware of the concept of budgets and allocation of funds for various departments within a company, hence my post, so not sure what your point is by regurgitating the information I already offered you. 

A) No they do NOT NEED to rent a convention center for a Cosplay Contest.  They Choose to do so because they can.

B) Does it help fix spaghetti code and an extensive list of flaws/ bugs that prevent players from an optimal Warframe experience, Conclave or otherwise?  NO

 1) Is it possible to redistribute funds and labor from activities that can be considered unnecessary for the success of the game?  Yes 

There is no "yappin" here just a simple and honest discussion amongst Forum enthusiasts.

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

A) That means they do need to, since they wanted to host a convention. Would be hard to do it any other way.

B) No and neither would not holding the convention.

1) Possible? Sure. Likely? No. If seen as unnecessery it is doubtful it would see funds and labor redistributed to it from necessery things.

There is also the whole thing where the convention itself is profitable to DE as a whole. So not holding it would likely reduce their revenue. Because it isnt just panels and cosplay, they also sell physical products in addition to the tickets.

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

A) That means they do need to, since they wanted to host a convention. Would be hard to do it any other way.

B) No and neither would not holding the convention.

1) Possible? Sure. Likely? No. If seen as unnecessery it is doubtful it would see funds and labor redistributed to it from necessery things.

There is also the whole thing where the convention itself is profitable to DE as a whole. So not holding it would likely reduce their revenue. Because it isnt just panels and cosplay, they also sell physical products in addition to the tickets.

I think you are missing the point of this whole discussion as I am NOT advocating to NOT have TennoCon.  I am simply pointing out that if they have a budget that includes a Cosplay Event, then it's not unreasonable to ask them to please make Conclave a fully functional aspect of Warframe and not some neglected game-mode left to fester and rot.  Please don't bother with your loose interpretation of DE's Budgetary Constraints as you, nor I, know what that entails.  From a logical perspective if they have the money, time and resources for a Cosplay Event at a Multi-day Convention of All Things Warframe, it's not unreasonable to assume they could offer some love to Conclave, which is an aspect of Warframe they provide for players to enjoy.  Problem being players don't enjoy it because it's been languishing in mediocrity and neglect for too long, which further brings displeasure for those that like PvP.  If any game mode was left in a state of neglect and disrepair it most likely would see a decrease in players usage over time too. ( *Cough* Archwing * Cough*)  No one is demanding a revamp and elaborate overhaul of Conclave,  just make it more viable and less problematic like the state it is in currently.   DE can choose to enhance and make Conclave more current and enjoyable so here we are once again asking for it to be done.  You can spout fictitious fabricated false accounting issues all day long but the end result is still the same, it's not up to you to decide what DE can or can not to do to improve their game.  The post was about asking for DE to revisit Conclave, not about your loose interpretation of their budgetary constraints based on no actual knowledge of said budget.  If you don't like Conclave that's all you need to say.  I don't like Conclave personally but am FOR it to be improved and enhanced for those that enjoy PvP.  

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

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18 hours ago, sinamanthediva said:

I think you are missing the point of this whole discussion as I am NOT advocating to NOT have TennoCon.  I am simply pointing out that if they have a budget that includes a Cosplay Event, then it's not unreasonable to ask them to please make Conclave a fully functional aspect of Warframe and not some neglected game-mode left to fester and rot.  Please don't bother with your loose interpretation of DE's Budgetary Constraints as you, nor I, know what that entails.  From a logical perspective if they have the money, time and resources for a Cosplay Event at a Multi-day Convention of All Things Warframe, it's not unreasonable to assume they could offer some love to Conclave, which is an aspect of Warframe they provide for players to enjoy.  Problem being players don't enjoy it because it's been languishing in mediocrity and neglect for too long, which further brings displeasure for those that like PvP.  If any game mode was left in a state of neglect and disrepair it most likely would see a decrease in players usage over time too. ( *Cough* Archwing * Cough*)  No one is demanding a revamp and elaborate overhaul of Conclave,  just make it more viable and less problematic like the state it is in currently.   DE can choose to enhance and make Conclave more current and enjoyable so here we are once again asking for it to be done.  You can spout fictitious fabricated false accounting issues all day long but the end result is still the same, it's not up to you to decide what DE can or can not to do to improve their game.  The post was about asking for DE to revisit Conclave, not about your loose interpretation of their budgetary constraints based on no actual knowledge of said budget.  If you don't like Conclave that's all you need to say.  I don't like Conclave personally but am FOR it to be improved and enhanced for those that enjoy PvP.  

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

And you miss the point of the different budgets. It isnt just about adding more to development of content and using that extra on conclave, that extra would also need to come with new developers to work on that mode. Anything else would result in just shifting resources from one part of the game (PvE) to another (PvP), where the latter is rather unpopular to justify such a switch.

It is also unreasonable to think what you think based on that they host a convention. Those parts are hosted by people that have that as their job at DE already, people not part of the actual development of the game (aside from Helen that works on the narrative of the game now). You want more developers hired, more funding to conclave, which is a completely different thing. And if you only want a switch around, then you want PvE content releases to slow down. A part of the game that already has several modes that could use overhauls and revisists but have recieved none over these years while PvP has already gotten several.

Again it isnt about their budget itself, it is about what would be needed in order to not halt the core part of the game. I'm also not making any decisions, I'm just speaking my mind on this.

You also speak of conclave not requiring a revamp or elaborate overhaul, when it is exactly what conclave needs to attract more players. The vague "more viable" and "less problematic" says jack and squat about what you think it needs to improve. Just as "more current" is as vague as it can get. Specific ideas would be great to hear.

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59 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

And you miss the point of the different budgets. It isnt just about adding more to development of content and using that extra on conclave, that extra would also need to come with new developers to work on that mode. Anything else would result in just shifting resources from one part of the game (PvE) to another (PvP), where the latter is rather unpopular to justify such a switch.

It is also unreasonable to think what you think based on that they host a convention. Those parts are hosted by people that have that as their job at DE already, people not part of the actual development of the game (aside from Helen that works on the narrative of the game now). You want more developers hired, more funding to conclave, which is a completely different thing. And if you only want a switch around, then you want PvE content releases to slow down. A part of the game that already has several modes that could use overhauls and revisists but have recieved none over these years while PvP has already gotten several.

Again it isnt about their budget itself, it is about what would be needed in order to not halt the core part of the game. I'm also not making any decisions, I'm just speaking my mind on this.

You also speak of conclave not requiring a revamp or elaborate overhaul, when it is exactly what conclave needs to attract more players. The vague "more viable" and "less problematic" says jack and squat about what you think it needs to improve. Just as "more current" is as vague as it can get. Specific ideas would be great to hear.

Sweetie it's a costume party for adults at a CONVENTION CENTER so you can spin it however you want to make you feel better about it.  It's a part of Warframe and has been for years yet they have neglected it for so long it's become a bad meme.  I'm not here to give my doctoral thesis  on Developer budgets nor provide you with a PowerPoint presentation with a road map to Conclave's success.  Why do you want specifics if you already are biased against it and have said consistently that you don't think it's worthy of existing in Warframe.  Other's have spoken about what needs to be fixed at a minimum

Please stop citing references to DE's Budget and Management decisions regarding how they will have to restructure their employees to accommodate anything related to Conclave as it's pure conjecture on your part. 
Let me make this very simple for you:

Big costume party held in a Convention Center  = They can afford to improve, at least fix a game mode that is offered under the umbrella of the Warframe Family.

I think we have said enough and should give others a chance to offer their input on this topic before being labeled hijackers by our peers.  I'm tapping out so it was a pleasure chatting with you.

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

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23 hours ago, sinamanthediva said:

Sweetie it's a costume party for adults at a CONVENTION CENTER so you can spin it however you want to make you feel better about it.  It's a part of Warframe and has been for years yet they have neglected it for so long it's become a bad meme.  I'm not here to give my doctoral thesis  on Developer budgets nor provide you with a PowerPoint presentation with a road map to Conclave's success.  Why do you want specifics if you already are biased against it and have said consistently that you don't think it's worthy of existing in Warframe.  Other's have spoken about what needs to be fixed at a minimum

No it is a convention at a convention center where part of that convention is a costume contest. In reality it is a PR event much like every other -con. 

No one has provided any ideas of what can be made to actually improve the participation in conclave, since nothing presented actually changes the mode itself, it just adds a few small QoL things that will do nothing to attract new players. So if you have ideas, give those ideas. Since complaining on another player is not constructive feedback, that is meta complaining only. Even I that am against PvP have given feedback on what I see as needed for it to have a chance. You havent given any example whatsoever and only complained about other things.

23 hours ago, sinamanthediva said:

Please stop citing references to DE's Budget and Management decisions regarding how they will have to restructure their employees to accommodate anything related to Conclave as it's pure conjecture on your part. 
Let me make this very simple for you:

Big costume party held in a Convention Center  = They can afford to improve, at least fix a game mode that is offered under the umbrella of the Warframe Family.

I think we have said enough and should give others a chance to offer their input on this topic before being labeled hijackers by our peers.  I'm tapping out so it was a pleasure chatting with you.

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

That isnt conjecture, it is reality. If they have people on current project and want to suddenly improve conclave, then either they need to invest more money and hire more people, or swap people from a current project. Those are the only two options in order for conclave to see any work, since atm there is no dedicated crew for it to improve it, hence why we never see anything regarding PvP in the patches. Since they wouldnt have a team of devs sitting there and doing nothing while getting payed.

Again, different budgets. Them not holding the convention would not mean conclave would see work or we'd see more content and fixes. That budget would likely either be saved or go towards some other marketing idea. We can argue that X mode would be better of getting the funding placed towards the convention, it wouldnt change the spread of the budget regarding how much goes into game developement vs other things. They also held a contest for someone to win a cash price to help the person go to space if they wanted. Which practically means they've covered all other budgets to their wishes, so a PR event wasnt an issue to host.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Le 09/05/2024 à 16:43, BiancaRoughfin a dit :

I agree, it should completely be revisited.

DE should completely remove Conclave or any form of PVP from the game, its a waste of time and resources to balance or fix Conclave related bugs when they could be working on something more important.

Actually conclave is already ignored by 99% of players and isn't doing any bad to people that do not wanna play pvp, because most of the things that you can obtain by playing those diff mods are for most related to conclave.

So there is no loss for players that do not like pvp in warframe, it just do not exist for them. 

Now I am gonna express myself as a conclave enjoyer.

Conclave needs a lot of skills, more than in average pvp games with guns and all whether they are FPS or tps (titanfall is easier even if it's one of the most 3d oriented fps game) mostly cause of the fast movements making aiming even more difficult, plus there are a lot of diff abilities (most of the vets do not use them cause it's making them loose time and make themselves vulnerable, but for average conclave enjoyers those can allow us to kill them a few times in comparison to the ton of death they'll offer) and not the average types of weapons (some are totally unbalanced so they are banned from public conclave matches).

Conclave is obviously not for everyone (whether it's FFA, TDM, capture the cephalon or Lunaro) it needs dedication that most players will not have cause there's nothing "worth it", and I prefer it that way cause the conclave community isn't toxic cause of its small size and members know how it works.

In conclusion, conclave being removed will only bring inconvenience cause it will not change anything for the average player but will remove a good part of the game with a dedicated community.

DE ain't doing anything with conclave btw, they already forsake it, so it's not stealing their time to work on more important projects.

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