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Confusion about rotations



At the moment I’m farming the Khra and Jahu canticles on Deimos, and the wiki made me confused. I never really thought about the rotations of disruption and spy since those are clearly explained, but mirror defense and other mission types with AABC rotations aren’t as easily readable for me. As far as I understand, missions like mirror defense with AABC rotation make it so that the first two rounds are A rotation, the third is B, and every round afterwards is C. Is this even correct, or is it so that all of the rounds go AABCAABCAABC, making B and C drops harder to get?


EDIT: Maybe I need to clarify something… when I mentioned disruption and spy in my post, what I was saying was that I already understand how their rotations work. I’m just confused about other mission types.

Edited by SupremeMachine_V1
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5 answers to this question

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To @SupremeMachine_V1,

So much confusing answers.

For all missions the Rotation AABC apply. Rotation mean "like a disk, it come back to the start after it end" so AABC AABC AABC...

=> This is made for easily get A rewards, having ABC was taxing in time (load/reload mission) for getting A, so it's AABC now...


Exception 1 : For Disruption which is indexed on AAA BB CC and The reward is based on [# conduits defended this round]1 to 4 + [Rounds]1 to 4.

After round 4, you just redo a endless Round 4 for rare rewards. This is why lot of high level players love Disruption as enemies levels does not matter for them...

=> For Disruption don't bother the table :

  • You aim for A, defend 1 conduits x 3 turns then EXIT== AAA BB CC + AAA BB CC + AAA BB CC
  • You aim for B, defend 4, 3, 2 then 1 conduits == AAA BB CC + AAA BB CC + AAA BB CC + AAA BB CC
  • You aim for C, defend X, X, 4, then 3 conduits == AAA BB CC + AAA BB CC + AAA BB CC + AAA BB CC


Exception 2 : Arbitrations (thks for reminder @Zakkhar 😉)

Rewards are AA BB C and then will continue on the C endlessly. Also why high level players love Arbitrations as enemies levels does not matter for them...

=> Exception to the Exception... (this is a french design, I swear it 😝)

  • For Excavation type missions, rewards are given out every two completed digs instead of every one dig.
  • For Disruption type missions, rewards tier is determined by the standard Disruption reward system (see above).



Edited by RLanzinger
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Disruption is a little different from other endless missions (such as Survival or Defense) and depend on how many conduits you successfully defend.  It's best if you read this page on the Warframe wiki, but basically, let's assume you successfully defend all conduits, then you're rotation would be BBCCCCCCC...

Let's say you only successfully defend one conduit every round, then your rotation would be AAABBBBBB.....

And if you defend 2 or 3 every round, the rotation would be sort of in between.  It depends on how many conduits you successfully defend every round of 4 conduits.

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With mirror defense, it's kind of implied in the name in a way... It follows the AABC pattern, but the objective is split into two halves that each need to be defended before it counts as one whole rotation.

If you play it, you'll notice the decision to continue or extract is always after defending the second half, and that's the indicator of where that rotation ends and the next one is beginning

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16 minutes ago, SupremeMachine_V1 said:

At the moment I’m farming the Khra and Jahu canticles on Deimos, and the wiki made me confused. I never really thought about the rotations of disruption and spy since those are clearly explained, but mirror defense and other mission types with AABC rotations aren’t as easily readable for me. As far as I understand, missions like mirror defense with AABC rotation make it so that the first two rounds are A rotation, the third is B, and every round afterwards is C. Is this even correct, or is it so that all of the rounds go AABCAABCAABC, making B and C drops harder to get?

Mirror defense follows same pattern as survival, defense, defection, interception,armagedon (zarimans) - aabc and after c rotation it cycles again from a a b c, so you need 20 to 25 mins to reach each c rotation.

How ever Disruptions are once  aabc c c c c  if you do all conduits or as above said go into specifics how many conduits you defend to force specific rotation . B or C

Basically it awlays been like that , the more you spend time in mission the ''stronger'' enemies get , yet rotation rewards stay same as if you were in mission for first 20 mins. Its just 20 min cycle for rotation C on average for missions, and some go longer some shorter.  And it doesnt matter if you do 1 endless mission for 2h or simply decide do 6 , 20 min runs.


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Only mission with even different rotation is Arbitration.

Rewards are on an AABBCCCC... rotation, as opposed to the AABC rotation used in normal missions. After the first four rotations (AABB), the Arbitration will continue on the C rotation endlessly.

There is also a matter of rewards for endless Void Fissure missions (which are independent of rotation rewards).

  1. 1.25x Affinity Booster
  2. 1.25x Credit Booster
  3. 1.25x Resource Booster
  4. 1.25x Resource Drop Chance Booster
  5. One random Exceptional Relic of the mission's relic tier
  6. 1.5x Affinity Booster
  7. 1.5x Credit Booster
  8. 1.5x Resource Booster
  9. 1.5x Resource Drop Chance Booster
  10. One random Flawless Relic of the mission's relic tier
  11. Boosters will continue to increase by 0.25x up to a cap of 2x, occurring at the nineteenth interval.
  12. Every fifth interval after 15 rewards a random Radiant Relic of the mission's relic tier.

On the side note, I find the farming really time inefficient compared to buying a pack with all Grimoire mods for 120 plat on the in-game market (not warframe.market)

Edited by Zakkhar
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