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Event locked behind quests.

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So i just finished the quest and i was very excited about my friends playing it too and overall doing the event together, but then they saw they need to complete the new war quest.

My friends don't like doing quests because its not their main goal in the game, why locking an ENTIRE EVENT behind a quest? (not even talking about the warframe itself), for new war you need a Necramech which is quite difficult to obtain unless you want to spend money on the game, yes you can get platinum by selling things but for people who don't play that much its not possible too.

Small clans only for friends who don't play the game often are suffering because of this.

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Sorry that's your experience, but this is on your friend for not playing the game. The devs even told us in advance New War would be a requirement. And even if they hadn't, the majority of the big updates we've gotten since Update 31 (The New War) require The New War quest to be done (Zariman, Archons, Cavia). At some point one has to either buckle down and get it done the one time you ever have to do it or run out of game to play and pick another game that, odds are, going to also make you play a story quest to access content. Your friend has the right to prioritize their time in the way that they prefer, but in turn, the game also has the right to not let them play content they don't have the context for.

The good news for your friend is as of today it has literally never been easier to acquire a Voidrig, as they have nerfed the requirements to build them AGAIN! YAY! 50% less rare fish parts! (U36.0: Ctrl+F: "Voidrig Acquisition Improvements").
Looking at it, once you have the blueprints you can probably get the whole thing done in a day as you only would need to be standing rank 1 with the Entrati family at most. If that's not a grind they want to do, realistically Warframe is the wrong game for them in the first place.

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I run a small clan solo and my friend runs a sister clan and we both can usually take events.  It really depends how much grind your group wants to commit to.  As for nechramechs, they're arguably one of the best additions to the game and have uses in both railjack missions and current late game areas so I would suggest sucking up and getting them.  The only bad part to all this is eating that 6 hour dumpsterfire of a quest but the Zariman and Labs are worth it.

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I don't see how doing an event lines up with their main goals but doing the quests isn't. They've arbitrarily locked themselves out of a whole lot of content and even more future content the longer they refuse to do the quests.

This is 100% a self made problem. If they want to play the game all they have to do is play the game.

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Of course anyone has his opinions (personal taste) on how to pass his time, so please let's not argue about taste.
I see people really enjoying Warframe as it is.
I used to enjoy it too, a lot.
That's why I bought 150 euros of credits, or whatever they were called, which I have not spent yet.

For how I like to play (my personal taste), content locked behind other content in Warframe is really bad.
I stopped playing years ago because of this.
In these years, I checked every now and then, hoping that they had "fixed" it (I really thought it was an unfortunate mistake), and that is how I found this thread, googling for "warframe locked behind".

Locking content is great in Elden Ring and any other game I played.
For example behind a boss fight, or a quest.
But they are very much enjoyable, although hard sometimes.
They are the reasons why I play.
They are fun content.

For my taste, Fortuna was terrible, and the Luna jumping from wall to wall.
I forced myself to finish Luna, and then I forced myself to start Fortuna and its annoying skateboard grind without any clue about what to do.
But when I read that I would have had to also do the Railjack, which by the looks of it I was not fond of, I gave up.
It was then clear that those were not mistakes.
They were choices.
For me, playing Warframe is like working, but without being paid.
Yes, I will lose my 150 euros, but better to lose those than to lose those plus my free time.

Happy to see people enjoying it, though.
It is certainly one of its kind.
I used to enjoy feeling like superman while playing it :D
My favorite warframe was the one similar to an egyptian mummy, because it was tanky as hell.

Edited by the_mule
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