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Playing stalker outside of the event

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WOW!!! I just tried this and I spawned as a stalker hunting someone. They were waiting for me to kill me as you usually do with stalker but I didn't get the chance as it extracted me immediately without a fight.

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17 minutes ago, Lieutenant69 said:

WOW!!! I just tried this and I spawned as a stalker hunting someone. They were waiting for me to kill me as you usually do with stalker but I didn't get the chance as it extracted me immediately without a fight.

Tried this again on a defense mission. Was able to help with the mission normally. I couldn't harm the player or their companion even though the companion appeared on the map as enemy, but I think the game considered me hostile so it didn't give the player the choice to extract or keep fighting at round 5 (they were moving around with nothing happening) so I left the game to not hold them hostage.

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can confirm! the nav nodes were all gone, but I invited a friend who selected a mission (invite only)

other things I noticed:

  • /join is the only chat command that still works, but it seems to fail with a Stalker-only error: "Target not in mission...", which is from when DE streamed the PvP version of Stalker Mode long ago!
  • the Stalker has a profile: "???#690". because '?', is an invalid character you can't open it normally.

in the end, I returned to the relay by dying as usual. we were in a landscape, but I chose not to enter the hub in case things got weird. I hope this becomes an actual feature in the future :D

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32 minutes ago, Erra said:

the nav nodes were all gone

another note: you can still select Duviri, but you just load in as a Drifter with the default appearance and the red Stalker vignette.

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