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Feel a little dirty about the drop table issue

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So they just came out and said yup none of Jades components or weapons were in the drop tables. So what about the people who have already spent 12+ hours farming this and got no parts?


I'm glad they're transparent about the issue and are pretty quick to fix the issue. I just think that for those like myself who wanted to jump on immediately there should be at least some kind of carrot at the end of that stick, even if it was unintentional. 


Not much, give like the amount of vestiges for a weapon or some forma or something. Just don't leave us feeling like we really and truly wasted a bunch of time not even having a chance to get the thing we wanted outside the resource grind.

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After the fix, did the components and weapons BP actually drops or not? That's the question.

I've been doing 6 runs with 3 meso relics and 3 arcanes. It's still on the 'normal' side of the RNG but I already tired of farming 10+ hours so I guess I'll just stop for today.

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It's a 5% chance to drop any given Jade part. Even with the fixed drop tables, you're better off grinding Ascension since that gives you the same thing plus motes you can use to buy the parts from Ordis in the relay so you can grind less.

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I also love how they treated the "you can buy everything directly from the Dojo" problem. So now i feel like an idiot for not going sooner to my dojo to skip the grind xD

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