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Everything posted by Debatra

  1. Any frame except one that has any amount of shields.
  2. So you're taking a pair of mods that were made useless with the new update, and now changing them to only be useless if you aren't playing one of only two very specific frames.
  3. Unless you're talking about either random giveaways/contests (which I would say is debatable at best) or trading with other people (who still had to buy it with real money - so still effectively a real-money purchase with extra steps), this is just nonsense.
  4. I understand not wanting to refund the money used to buy platinum, but they should at least get the platinum back, as that is still just a real-money purchase just with extra steps. You might not be able to "cash out" plat (without breaking TOS), but it could still be used for other things. And I definitely don't agree with a reset. A lot of things can happen in a few days that Dante had little or even nothing to do with. What if, just for example; someone buys Dante, plays with him for a while, then a few days later he decides to play as Nekros to go do some farming? Take away Dante and the Mastery, sure, but a full reset is just too much, and continues to get worse every moment up to the refund.
  5. This Rage/Hunter change has zero impact on any frame that has non-zero shields and get Overguard from Dante.
  6. My reaction any time people complain about DE's decision-making while pointing out how much money they've spent on WF:
  7. Yep, just happened to me too (with a loadout that was very much unfit for SP). And then I got host migrated and lost all the loot anyway.
  8. So, going off this list, the lighting is still obscenely dark and Arsenal stats are still hidden? Considering the fact that they're removing information from the Arsenal screen, I wouldn't hold my breath.
  9. You get two Transmuters for each Hydrolyst capture.
  10. Pick a game mode and loadout you enjoy and focus on it for a while. Once you get past a certain MR, there isn't much point to grinding it until you decide you just want to.
  11. Did they remove Transmuters from Tridolon capture to put them here?
  12. Yeah, they decided to "clean up" the stat screens or something, by hiding a bunch of information that we need to see behind hovering over individual stats in the list. It's not a bug, just a terrible design choice.
  13. I don't even spend that much effort decorating and I still hate it too.
  14. As terrible as the new lighting is, let's not have it be overshadowed by the objective downgrade that is the new Arsenal screen. Why on earth did you guys feel the need to reduce the amount of visible information?
  15. Shouldn't even be an option. It should just show everything by default. The old stat screens weren't even cluttered, and we genuinely need all of that information (and then some) when modding.
  16. I actually like that it's now a different button to feed vs leave. But there should at least be a confirmation before just leaving. Especially with the change.
  17. Non-mobile games that design for mobile first quickly die.
  18. And also PS. It looks exactly the same after the hotfix for me.
  19. Yes please. Everything's way too dark, and any incidental lights are oppressive even if you have bloom turned off.
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