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Did something changed during the hotfix? Jade Eximis are more lethal than before.

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Title. Before the hotfix I am able to tank like 4-5 jade light pillars coming down on my Chroma Prime while reviving teammates.

After the hotfix not even 2 light pillars and I got eviscerated by burn and slash proc from nowhere.

Edit: No, this is not because the team has different composition. Literally same team (low mr rank I taxi'ed), logged out to get the hotfix, remade the team and did the same mission.

Edited by Rathurue
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Before you had a second or 2 to get out of the beam. Now the damage tickes immediately and destroys shields within the first second. It doesn't seem to be possible to adapt to this damage type. This makes them much more lethal than any other Eximus right now. Maybe a bit too harsh because with more than a few JL Eximus around just a moment of getting staggered can down you.

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I popped into the SP Operation Ascension on my Nezha build with some 340% power strength, got caught in the light for a second or so as I cast Warding Halo, and I ended up with a Halo HP of 67 million.

Jade Light Eximus units are very clearly completely #*!%ing broken after the hotfix.

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24 minutes ago, Void2258 said:

My level cap builds are now being oneshot.

Same all my Builds are obsolete with this status rework garbage.......that green beam is taking my warframes with overguard down fast and the one without overguard are being one shot.......Once The First Descendant drops in 2 weeks i'm done with Warframe

Edited by stp_007
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