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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Jade Shadows appreciation post

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Since I saw very few topics actually praising the quest I figured I'd make one, since I very much liked it. I think that, while it certainly opens up a lot of questions, that's probably the entire point of the quest.

My biggest gripe with it is the fact that now I'm invested, now I CARE about Stalker and his baby. DE better revisit this some day in the future and show me what happens next.

The music was a banger, as usual. The cinematography and overall visual direction was also in my opinion a step up from recent short quests like Angels of the Zariman. If this is any indication of the kind of direction we can expect from 1999, then I'm even more excited than before.

Also Sirius gang represent.

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This is exactly how you give feedback. A few people around here should learn. You created your own thread, appreciating the quest... instead of coming to criticism threads just in order to start up conflicts there.

Even if we clearly disagree in our opinions about the quest, I praise you and give you an upvote.

Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
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I'm on the same board as you, except for the last point. Orion ftw

And the music, especially for the before-last portion of the quest (escape), can't stop listening to it ❤️




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