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8 hours ago, Saru.EXE said:

burning out people by making them run a super repetitive game mode for hours on end just for one fully leveled arcane is playing the game in a healthy manner? nice joke.

Warframe has always been a grind game and never hid that, it is the identity of the game. I don't know how new players are welcomed these days, but my first days in clanchat i got hundreds of "Welcome to the grind" messages ironically this is my second account and i had already grinded a lot. 2hrs a day is barely a lot, most people spend that on their hobby anyway, if your hobby is gaming and your preference is warframe, plus you are a functioning member of society then yes it is healthy.

6 hours ago, (PSN)BAM-BAM-73 said:

Well the alerts offer the same motes with a variety of missions, over a period of a month, and nothing says you have to farm the whole thing in one event...

This is honestly the answer above mentioned comment needed.

5 hours ago, Saru.EXE said:

Ah yes, the alerts, which is just the same type of missions we've been doing for the past decade, great choice there. Honestly, it's so friggin lazy and uninspired.
"Just grind until you die of boredom" seems to be the new motto of DE. What happened to being a space ninja? Are endless elevator rides something space ninjas do these days? The sad answer seems to be yes. An absolute letdown if I've ever seen one...

if you actually touch the elevator platform i don't think you are playing the mission right, or you are hindering your team from progressing quicker. This is the first mission ever where instead of the mission going left to right or right to left or just straight forward, the mission in almost entirely vertical, its no longer a long jumping contest, people can use the high jump mechanic and chain it while remaining useful in a mission. If you are tired of the grind or don't enjoy it anymore, it is maybe time to pick up another game and leave warframe to the players that still love the game.

6 hours ago, Aerikx said:

To be fair, I think that's the TRUE reason why they placed a purchase cap. 

They claim it's to a oid burn out which we try to give them benefit of the doubt.

But in Scarlet Spear folks bought so many Arcanes that it heavily damaged the play market.

To say it'd reduce the price by 95% is absolute hyperbole.

Especially considering the event is extremely well gated off. Requiring The New War and Jade Shadows completion to even participate in. 

Which contrary the people on the forums belief, is actually quite a high barrier. (The bulk of people here forget about The New War's prerequisite requirements... IE: Railjack, Necramech, etc) 

Out of all the people I know in game. Half of them didn't even know an event was going on (they're new/intermediate. Not at New War yet), they just assumed a new frame and quest dropped. They only knew of the event because I was busy participating in it. Although I'm burned out on it now. And I just farmed Jade, her weapons, and the event items (not Arcanes). 

That all said...

Limiting folks to 2 maxed copies doesn't endanger the market at all. Unlimited purchases like before (folks who farmed 43 max ranked copies) that I see as a significant problem. (Those people also need therapy.)

no, the purchase cap is there because DE was made aware of players grinding day and night during last event to the detriment of their own health. These kind of grinders are the people DE meant with burnt out people, as in people that could no longer function properly after or during the event. They never meant to make the grind considerably shorter for the average player who goes to work and logs on for a few hours as entertainment, if they did this they would lose future generated revenue and identity of the game. This does indeed prevent players from grinding solely for arcane energize. Farming solely for arcane energize is also not the designed purpose of these events, these events were designed as a catch-up mechanic for newer end game players to have a relatively easy way to get guaranteed arcanes, while not having to deal with eidolon hunting.

Your example of scarlet spear is not a good one imo, the credits you could gain daily were limited. The event was open to everyone playing at the time, this caused open lobbies to be abandoned by anyone who wanted some efficiency in running the event, due to mr0 players (as in just rolled out of the tutorial, no rank hate) joining in on open lobbies, this made every clan do skillchecks for new members, which made for a very toxic environment, but it was the only way players could ensure some level of efficiency in their runs. Every arcane event will hit and damage market, because scarlet spear was the first event to feature the arcane reward table, it's impact was the biggest, second biggest impact was arcane dissolution with WITW.

95% is a bit much, but 65% is feasible, however market will probably recover before next event, which could be out another 3 years (time between orphix venom and gargoyle's cry)

The gating is good, because it ensures people who participate in the event have an idea of what they are doing, not like in scarlet spear or orphix venom, contrary to popular belief this actually helps retain a somewhat positive atmosphere in game.

4 hours ago, quxier said:

Ok, it's average 12 (I've not noted that) but 5:30 is like running pre-made squad. Possible but it takes time to find it. Say, you run it 5 times. You get like 7.5 minutes less in time. Well, but you need to wait 5-10 minutes doing nothing. Unless you are in clans or something you won't run it in ~5;30. I don't think I've come close to that time in public. My average were 7.


I wouldn't call it healthy unless you want to plat (bolded part).

Personally ran open lobbies last night and Data collected by clanmates and friends suggest a currently avg run time of 5'18" in an open SP lobby, Last night i was hitting times of 5'10" averagely between 2300 and 0100. for 18 runs of the event mission (did some alerts that is why the run count is a lil lower). For reference the "perfect run" is now calculated at 4'53" but the fastest logged time across our data sheet is 5' flat (this was with a premade team, no very fast run had a stalker helper, they seem to hinder for some reason).

Healthy is a few hours after work dinner and chores, with 3 hours/ day avg you'dd be able to farm out all arcane sets at least once in 12 days, with 2 hours it is 18 days and with 1 hr it is 36 which is just not enough to finish all sets once during the event. 

Also you do not have to farm all of the arcanes in this one event.

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5 hours ago, Saru.EXE said:

1 to use for myself and 1 to potentially sell, should hardly be a problem. Will arcane prices drop? Of course they will, but by 90%? Highly unlikely. Demand will not plummet into the abyss just because a relative handful of players have some spare arcanes. You seem to be forgetting that only a very small part of the playerbase is MR30 and above. Last time I checked the average was MR12 and at that level you won't have tons of spare arcanes.

I have a very unfortunate statistic for you, the average MR rank is indeed 12, but the vast majority of players who start playing the game quit at ranks up to mr5, if a player made it to mr6 chances they make it to mr30 with time are almost 80%. The average rank of players that made it past mr5 would be more around mr22 .

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4 hours ago, LOKMANV said:

people like you is what's wrong with the game , people who think these levels of grind is totally normal , people played 10 hours a day last event bcz they want to finish the event as soon as possible , its not the grind that bother us its the length of it . so how about u stop being so technical and be quiet bcz players has other things to do ingame . there are daily rewards / weekly rewards to farm , dont forget about preparing for baroo , which most people didnt get to do bcz of the grind . 

If it is people like me is what is wrong with the game you would not have a game, hate to break it to ya (this is second account). 

You actively choose to play a game that prides itself on making grind enjoyable and for which grind has been the identity of the game since beta testing. Again noone is forcing you to play, you choose to, to play a game in a healthy manner is your own responsibility or is alcoholism suddenly the fault of governments worldwide. The lack of selfcritiscism is crazy with players that think like you. The event is not designed as a farm, but as a way to get the arcanes you want, also these events come back, no need to do it all at once. 

Yes there is a lot of other stuff to do in the game, but most of them come back every week or after a few weeks (circuit incarnons, baro stuff), these events? probably every 6 months with the next one starting with warframe 1999. The only thing that does not always return is nightwave cosmetics, which have no impact on gameplay, but i do admit are fun to get and the weekly missions for nightwave are playing the game. So the length of the grind doesn't really matter in the big picture, because you can partition it, put it down and reprise it over time.

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19 minutes ago, 3xt1inct said:
4 hours ago, quxier said:

Ok, it's average 12 (I've not noted that) but 5:30 is like running pre-made squad. Possible but it takes time to find it. Say, you run it 5 times. You get like 7.5 minutes less in time. Well, but you need to wait 5-10 minutes doing nothing. Unless you are in clans or something you won't run it in ~5;30. I don't think I've come close to that time in public. My average were 7.


I wouldn't call it healthy unless you want to plat (bolded part).

Personally ran open lobbies last night and Data collected by clanmates and friends suggest a currently avg run time of 5'18" in an open SP lobby, Last night i was hitting times of 5'10" averagely between 2300 and 0100. for 18 runs of the event mission (did some alerts that is why the run count is a lil lower). For reference the "perfect run" is now calculated at 4'53" but the fastest logged time across our data sheet is 5' flat (this was with a premade team, no very fast run had a stalker helper, they seem to hinder for some reason).

All I can say is that I had different experience. I've run it a lot. I have like 1300-1400 vestigales motes. Even when counting like 1000 motes from SP event only (I've run some normal or non-event version for better chances - RNG & stuff) I've not seen close to 5. 6? Sure, I've seen something between 6-7 a lot. However I've seen close to 8 too.

25 minutes ago, 3xt1inct said:

Healthy is a few hours after work dinner and chores, with 3 hours/ day avg you'dd be able to farm out all arcane sets at least once in 12 days, with 2 hours it is 18 days and with 1 hr it is 36 which is just not enough to finish all sets once during the event.

1-3 hours? It depends. Say 8 hours work/school, 6-8 hours sleep, 1-2 hours transportation. 15-18 hours, eating, chores and other things another stuff - another few hours. Depending on your situation you can just get that 3 hours. If this is game you love then all power to you. Go enjoy yourself. Otherwise it's little gray area. I would say ~1 hour it depends on other factors as well.

So from your quote:

9 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:
On 2024-06-29 at 3:25 PM, Aerikx said:

I don't get the price.

They capped how many we can buy so why place a high price?

Boggles the mind.

They still want the players who play the game in a healthy manner after work or as entertainment to still have a grind, for two reasons, one warframe markets itself as the looter shooter grind game that makes the grind enjoyable and not just grind to grind, two because they need the players for future generated revenue on plat, in which more time spent means more plat is sold. So it is a question of Identity an business.

I would rather say they want you to avoid more extreme unhealthy behavior. That's not the same as "they want you to play in healthy manner". Similar but it's not the same.

It's like they want some cases where players spend 5-10 hours daily to play it.

43 minutes ago, 3xt1inct said:

Also you do not have to farm all of the arcanes in this one event.

That's honestly what I've been doing. I've played maybe 1-2 hours in last week. However I've farmed lot of stuff in previous events (simulacrum, weapons etc).

43 minutes ago, 3xt1inct said:
6 hours ago, Saru.EXE said:

1 to use for myself and 1 to potentially sell, should hardly be a problem. Will arcane prices drop? Of course they will, but by 90%? Highly unlikely. Demand will not plummet into the abyss just because a relative handful of players have some spare arcanes. You seem to be forgetting that only a very small part of the playerbase is MR30 and above. Last time I checked the average was MR12 and at that level you won't have tons of spare arcanes.

I have a very unfortunate statistic for you, the average MR rank is indeed 12, but the vast majority of players who start playing the game quit at ranks up to mr5, if a player made it to mr6 chances they make it to mr30 with time are almost 80%. The average rank of players that made it past mr5 would be more around mr22 .

Have you link to it? I think there were some talks about MR being around that rank when they introduced Helminth segment. However I don't have any more data (e.g. does it include not playing players).

32 minutes ago, 3xt1inct said:
5 hours ago, LOKMANV said:

people like you is what's wrong with the game , people who think these levels of grind is totally normal , people played 10 hours a day last event bcz they want to finish the event as soon as possible , its not the grind that bother us its the length of it . so how about u stop being so technical and be quiet bcz players has other things to do ingame . there are daily rewards / weekly rewards to farm , dont forget about preparing for baroo , which most people didnt get to do bcz of the grind . 

If it is people like me is what is wrong with the game you would not have a game, hate to break it to ya (this is second account). 

You actively choose to play a game that prides itself on making grind enjoyable and for which grind has been the identity of the game since beta testing. Again noone is forcing you to play, you choose to, to play a game in a healthy manner is your own responsibility or is alcoholism suddenly the fault of governments worldwide. The lack of selfcritiscism is crazy with players that think like you. The event is not designed as a farm, but as a way to get the arcanes you want, also these events come back, no need to do it all at once. 

Someone that I've talked in this forum would say that we are 100% responsible for our action, hence alcoholism is problem solely of alcoholic. Or at VERY close to 100%

That's not the case in real world. We are not machines. Lot of stuff affect our decisions. Like with alcoholic, when they see adverts with alcohol they are incentivized to buy it.

Games uses some tactics as well. Here we have fomo & less grind than normal grind (e.g. Eidolon can give you like 1 arcane but 1-2 runs would yield at least 1 maxed arcane). Will there be next event in few months? Maybe, we don't know. Sure, player can say "no, I won't play too much because developer want to use me". However we should at least see other side (that one manipulative in some way) as well.

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2 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:

Warframe has always been a grind game and never hid that, it is the identity of the game. I don't know how new players are welcomed these days, but my first days in clanchat i got hundreds of "Welcome to the grind" messages ironically this is my second account and i had already grinded a lot. 2hrs a day is barely a lot, most people spend that on their hobby anyway, if your hobby is gaming and your preference is warframe, plus you are a functioning member of society then yes it is healthy.

This is honestly the answer above mentioned comment needed.

if you actually touch the elevator platform i don't think you are playing the mission right, or you are hindering your team from progressing quicker. This is the first mission ever where instead of the mission going left to right or right to left or just straight forward, the mission in almost entirely vertical, its no longer a long jumping contest, people can use the high jump mechanic and chain it while remaining useful in a mission. If you are tired of the grind or don't enjoy it anymore, it is maybe time to pick up another game and leave warframe to the players that still love the game.

no, the purchase cap is there because DE was made aware of players grinding day and night during last event to the detriment of their own health. These kind of grinders are the people DE meant with burnt out people, as in people that could no longer function properly after or during the event. They never meant to make the grind considerably shorter for the average player who goes to work and logs on for a few hours as entertainment, if they did this they would lose future generated revenue and identity of the game. This does indeed prevent players from grinding solely for arcane energize. Farming solely for arcane energize is also not the designed purpose of these events, these events were designed as a catch-up mechanic for newer end game players to have a relatively easy way to get guaranteed arcanes, while not having to deal with eidolon hunting.

Your example of scarlet spear is not a good one imo, the credits you could gain daily were limited. The event was open to everyone playing at the time, this caused open lobbies to be abandoned by anyone who wanted some efficiency in running the event, due to mr0 players (as in just rolled out of the tutorial, no rank hate) joining in on open lobbies, this made every clan do skillchecks for new members, which made for a very toxic environment, but it was the only way players could ensure some level of efficiency in their runs. Every arcane event will hit and damage market, because scarlet spear was the first event to feature the arcane reward table, it's impact was the biggest, second biggest impact was arcane dissolution with WITW.

95% is a bit much, but 65% is feasible, however market will probably recover before next event, which could be out another 3 years (time between orphix venom and gargoyle's cry)

The gating is good, because it ensures people who participate in the event have an idea of what they are doing, not like in scarlet spear or orphix venom, contrary to popular belief this actually helps retain a somewhat positive atmosphere in game.

Personally ran open lobbies last night and Data collected by clanmates and friends suggest a currently avg run time of 5'18" in an open SP lobby, Last night i was hitting times of 5'10" averagely between 2300 and 0100. for 18 runs of the event mission (did some alerts that is why the run count is a lil lower). For reference the "perfect run" is now calculated at 4'53" but the fastest logged time across our data sheet is 5' flat (this was with a premade team, no very fast run had a stalker helper, they seem to hinder for some reason).

Healthy is a few hours after work dinner and chores, with 3 hours/ day avg you'dd be able to farm out all arcane sets at least once in 12 days, with 2 hours it is 18 days and with 1 hr it is 36 which is just not enough to finish all sets once during the event. 

Also you do not have to farm all of the arcanes in this one event.

Do you seriously think that the average player runs SP missions in a optimized group setting? You are so out of touch it's ridiculous. You also only get 5-7 motes per mission (not SP) and it takes around 7 min in pugs. Now you add to that the average gamers playtime of ~1 hour a day and you can probably see why the mote prices for some of the arcanes are borderline unacceptable.

And just in case you can't do math, that's roughly 20 hours for a single leveled arcane. So 3 weeks for a single arcane, but it's ok since the event lasts for 4 weeks, right?

Don't make me laugh...

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48 minutes ago, Saru.EXE said:

Do you seriously think that the average player runs SP missions in a optimized group setting? You are so out of touch it's ridiculous. You also only get 5-7 motes per mission (not SP) and it takes around 7 min in pugs. Now you add to that the average gamers playtime of ~1 hour a day and you can probably see why the mote prices for some of the arcanes are borderline unacceptable.

And just in case you can't do math, that's roughly 20 hours for a single leveled arcane. So 3 weeks for a single arcane, but it's ok since the event lasts for 4 weeks, right?

Don't make me laugh...

Event reward table is full of considered end-game rewards, SP unlock is currently considered mid-game, so yeah unfortunately, for people who do not have SP yet they may not be able to finish a set of all arcanes before the end, still better than Eidolons, so I bid you luck farming the arcanes there if you are unhappy.

Let's take a look at your math as well, just to be sure, 4-6 motes for mission completion, 1-3 for sister on normal means 5-9 motes/mission, so 7 is avg value over mulitple runs.
we are using multiple runs so statistics allows us to use 7 as a mathematical value. 7/mission ==> 7 motes/ 7 minutes you need 138 runs ==> 16 hours 6 mins, a whole lot less than 20 hours, even excludes alerts.

SP is just the way to go for these kind of events

7 min for 12 motes (do SP if not unlocked, play as stalker and pray), need 966 ==> 80.5 runs for expected 966 motes, so 563.5 mins, which is 9 hours 23mins 30 secs. That is even without alerts that can be completed in under 1 min and give 15 motes. With a generous 6 mins (should be attainable) its 483 mins or 8 hours 3 mins, with my avg of 5'10" it is 415 mins 55 secs or 6 hours 55mins and 55 secs. All of the SP times are very reasonable, arcanes are great but still considered end-game content.

Another argument is that there is 1 legendary arcane, 3 gold tiered, 4 silver (from which one is a one cost) and 1 bronze arcane that are really popular and heavily used, the rest of em are not useless, but less of a priority.

2 hours ago, quxier said:

All I can say is that I had different experience. I've run it a lot. I have like 1300-1400 vestigales motes. Even when counting like 1000 motes from SP event only (I've run some normal or non-event version for better chances - RNG & stuff) I've not seen close to 5. 6? Sure, I've seen something between 6-7 a lot. However I've seen close to 8 too.

1-3 hours? It depends. Say 8 hours work/school, 6-8 hours sleep, 1-2 hours transportation. 15-18 hours, eating, chores and other things another stuff - another few hours. Depending on your situation you can just get that 3 hours. If this is game you love then all power to you. Go enjoy yourself. Otherwise it's little gray area. I would say ~1 hour it depends on other factors as well.

So from your quote:

I would rather say they want you to avoid more extreme unhealthy behavior. That's not the same as "they want you to play in healthy manner". Similar but it's not the same.

It's like they want some cases where players spend 5-10 hours daily to play it.

That's honestly what I've been doing. I've played maybe 1-2 hours in last week. However I've farmed lot of stuff in previous events (simulacrum, weapons etc).

Have you link to it? I think there were some talks about MR being around that rank when they introduced Helminth segment. However I don't have any more data (e.g. does it include not playing players).

Someone that I've talked in this forum would say that we are 100% responsible for our action, hence alcoholism is problem solely of alcoholic. Or at VERY close to 100%

That's not the case in real world. We are not machines. Lot of stuff affect our decisions. Like with alcoholic, when they see adverts with alcohol they are incentivized to buy it.

Games uses some tactics as well. Here we have fomo & less grind than normal grind (e.g. Eidolon can give you like 1 arcane but 1-2 runs would yield at least 1 maxed arcane). Will there be next event in few months? Maybe, we don't know. Sure, player can say "no, I won't play too much because developer want to use me". However we should at least see other side (that one manipulative in some way) as well.

You misunderstood the quote of playing in a healthy manner, possibly due to a punctuation mistake on my part, but DE still wants the normal player, who plays after work, dinner and chores, to  have a grind to do, nothing about evading the extremes was mentioned there.

it's averages, some people can play a lot more on weekends PE, i mean idk people's schedules, nor do i have any authority over them, I'm just the guy who gets and presents the numbers. There is also a way in which you can get all arcanes without doing the event but it requires some timing and optimal use of the alerts (SP though), depending on the alerts you could do the value of 5 runs in 4-24 mins. that way you can also do other stuff in the meantime.

Sure there is factors, there is always temptation, it is the strenght to say no to these things and control your impulses, which you are in charge of and is a choice every time, no matter how many times it comes up. FOMO is one of those, in warframe everything returns, now even event exclusive cosmetics (DE big middlefinger for scamming us for Krios signa last event, give me the quantum thetra's doom sigil!). If it comes back, why fear missing it now, you can acquire later, probably with even less grind than this event (this event is least grind of all 4 arcane events).

Yall just say you either have sucky pubs, or you are the suckers and probably a combination of both xD. i can solo the mission in 5'15" (fastest log from me solo) and avg over 10 runs 5'52"

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2 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:

Event reward table is full of considered end-game rewards, SP unlock is currently considered mid-game, so yeah unfortunately, for people who do not have SP yet they may not be able to finish a set of all arcanes before the end, still better than Eidolons, so I bid you luck farming the arcanes there if you are unhappy.

Let's take a look at your math as well, just to be sure, 4-6 motes for mission completion, 1-3 for sister on normal means 5-9 motes/mission, so 7 is avg value over mulitple runs.
we are using multiple runs so statistics allows us to use 7 as a mathematical value. 7/mission ==> 7 motes/ 7 minutes you need 138 runs ==> 16 hours 6 mins, a whole lot less than 20 hours, even excludes alerts.

SP is just the way to go for these kind of events

7 min for 12 motes (do SP if not unlocked, play as stalker and pray), need 966 ==> 80.5 runs for expected 966 motes, so 563.5 mins, which is 9 hours 23mins 30 secs. That is even without alerts that can be completed in under 1 min and give 15 motes. With a generous 6 mins (should be attainable) its 483 mins or 8 hours 3 mins, with my avg of 5'10" it is 415 mins 55 secs or 6 hours 55mins and 55 secs. All of the SP times are very reasonable, arcanes are great but still considered end-game content.

Another argument is that there is 1 legendary arcane, 3 gold tiered, 4 silver (from which one is a one cost) and 1 bronze arcane that are really popular and heavily used, the rest of em are not useless, but less of a priority.

You misunderstood the quote of playing in a healthy manner, possibly due to a punctuation mistake on my part, but DE still wants the normal player, who plays after work, dinner and chores, to  have a grind to do, nothing about evading the extremes was mentioned there.

it's averages, some people can play a lot more on weekends PE, i mean idk people's schedules, nor do i have any authority over them, I'm just the guy who gets and presents the numbers. There is also a way in which you can get all arcanes without doing the event but it requires some timing and optimal use of the alerts (SP though), depending on the alerts you could do the value of 5 runs in 4-24 mins. that way you can also do other stuff in the meantime.

Sure there is factors, there is always temptation, it is the strenght to say no to these things and control your impulses, which you are in charge of and is a choice every time, no matter how many times it comes up. FOMO is one of those, in warframe everything returns, now even event exclusive cosmetics (DE big middlefinger for scamming us for Krios signa last event, give me the quantum thetra's doom sigil!). If it comes back, why fear missing it now, you can acquire later, probably with even less grind than this event (this event is least grind of all 4 arcane events).

Yall just say you either have sucky pubs, or you are the suckers and probably a combination of both xD. i can solo the mission in 5'15" (fastest log from me solo) and avg over 10 runs 5'52"

OK so you only have to farm for two weeks for a single leveled arcane, great. I still struggle to fin a reason for the price to be that high, especially with all the other arcanes being significantly cheaper. I'd also like to know who this event is for precisely, it can't be for the casual player since it takes way too long to get even one of the desirable arcanes, and it can't be for the veteran players since those already have most of the relevant arcanes.

Also FOMO is still FOMO even if it returns.

You can do the mission in 5 min? Cool, be proud of yourself but that just cements the fact that you are not the norm here and you should stop pretending like it is.

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13 hours ago, Saru.EXE said:

OK so you only have to farm for two weeks for a single leveled arcane, great. I still struggle to fin a reason for the price to be that high, especially with all the other arcanes being significantly cheaper. I'd also like to know who this event is for precisely, it can't be for the casual player since it takes way too long to get even one of the desirable arcanes, and it can't be for the veteran players since those already have most of the relevant arcanes.

Also FOMO is still FOMO even if it returns.

You can do the mission in 5 min? Cool, be proud of yourself but that just cements the fact that you are not the norm here and you should stop pretending like it is.

For the last time, the reason is future generated revenue, they can't give it away for less, because it would lose value for either future sale or hype for the next arcane event. It is a business decision.

These arcanes are not designed to be obtainable in 1 event, certainly not for non SP players, hate to break it to ya, they are meant to be acquired over time. This is also the reason why the FOMO argument is complete and utter nonsense, it will come back, it is not designed for people to burn out on, everyone that think it does needs to get a grip and a life. This is a video game, if you wanna have FOMO, have it for the cute girl you see everyday but are scared to ask out, have FOMO for skiing and winter sports in the mountains, have FOMO for all the things you could've done if you were in a better condition. FOMO for a video game is a great reason to seek professional help and change up your life, especially if you know it is about content that is on rotation.

Frankly i am a little faster than the norm, a little, not a lot the difference is 15 secs/run, not enough for you to go say my results don't reflect reality. 

I am tired of having to repeat the same arguments to you, you seem to not be reading any of the comments on here except your own and the first line of answer to your comments, to then get triggered and start hitting the same nail.

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On 2024-07-04 at 8:21 PM, 3xt1inct said:

For the last time, the reason is future generated revenue, they can't give it away for less, because it would lose value for either future sale or hype for the next arcane event. It is a business decision.

These arcanes are not designed to be obtainable in 1 event, certainly not for non SP players, hate to break it to ya, they are meant to be acquired over time. This is also the reason why the FOMO argument is complete and utter nonsense, it will come back, it is not designed for people to burn out on, everyone that think it does needs to get a grip and a life. This is a video game, if you wanna have FOMO, have it for the cute girl you see everyday but are scared to ask out, have FOMO for skiing and winter sports in the mountains, have FOMO for all the things you could've done if you were in a better condition. FOMO for a video game is a great reason to seek professional help and change up your life, especially if you know it is about content that is on rotation.

Frankly i am a little faster than the norm, a little, not a lot the difference is 15 secs/run, not enough for you to go say my results don't reflect reality. 

I am tired of having to repeat the same arguments to you, you seem to not be reading any of the comments on here except your own and the first line of answer to your comments, to then get triggered and start hitting the same nail.

I'd argure that the purchase limit already indicates that you are meant to complete these arcanes in one event, UNLESS that pruchase limit is gonna get carried over to the next event, which it probably won't, but that remains to be seen. And if you're oh so tired then stop coming here, it's not hard. Go touch some grass, looks like you need it.

Edited by Saru.EXE
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20 minutes ago, Saru.EXE said:

I'd argure that the purchase limit already indicates that you are meant to complete these arcanes in one event, UNLESS that pruchase limit is gonna get carried over to the next event, which it probably won't, but that remains to be seen. And if you're oh so tired then stop coming here, it's not hard. Go touch some grass, looks like you need it.

By virtue of your FOMO argument, you are clearly the one staying inside, by you getting triggered that i mentioned the FOMO's you should have when living real life in reality in a healthy manner, you confirm it. Once again i will repeat the argument, you do not have to buy the arcanes/ play the event if you do not want to, if you do want to, stop complaining and go do it. 

Your blatant negligence toward the use of language is genuinely frightening if the level of schooling has gotten that low that you took the sentence "i'm tired of having to repeat the same arguments to you" as me being literally as being tired. Ironically i'm typing this while enjoying a beer at a small festival called Rock Werchter, which is outside, on grass with music and with friends, something you clearly lack in life with that kind of bad attitude.

i wish you good luck and a very good rehab center/therapist.

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