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Why the current Cross Trade system is not that great.


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Cross Trade system is by far used by the community to be able to trade with each other. Not as much being able to merge your different accounts. Why didn't we just get a normal Cross Trade to just normally being able to trade with each other in game? It has existed in games for a long time.. Yet in Warframe we have to now go out of our way to create all kinds of new accounts on other platforms, link them and all that.. Jsut to be able to trade with players on other platforms.. And then sometimes you still arent able to do it, because you have to log into the account from that platform too at least once..


This is just bad. There have been a gazillion games even before Warframe, that have had normal Cross Trade systems to other platforms, without any kind of issues like this. You know would be nice, if I could for example as PC player to make cross links to other platforms.. But I cannot, because to link my newly created accounts, it asks me to log into those consoles first. So now I cannot even have any cross trades to those platforms, and am forced to purely trade with PC side.. Unless I specifically ask the other person try make an account on PC side, link it, and hope for god that it works..


I for example just tried to help a new clan newbie to get his builds together, but he does not have access to making an account for PC side, and the website does not let me link my newly made account for Playstation.. Therefore there is no way for me to trade with him now. This is extremely frustrating, especially since clans can now have people from all platforms, and it is a common practice to help newbies like this.


See the issue here? So currently this cross trade system works only for people who have played Warframe on different platforms.. It is not a real proper CROSS TRADE, where players should just be able to trade with each other, without stupid little issues like this. Really this is just an account merging system. NOT a real Cross Trade.


I surely hope DE is still working on giving us a better, properly working Cross Trade. This game still has many years ahead of it, so this issue will absolutely come back to haunt you plenty of times.


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