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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Jade Eximus on accention/Belly of the beast/allerts are too OP.

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There are a few problems that make it very frustrating to play against.

-One of three counterplays -beeing able to shoot "green ball" of the laser is impossible to do in low hanging ceiling rooms because it doesn't respect it. Make it nulliflier like where the weak point is always visible and able to be shot.  https://imgur.com/a/low-ceiling-SjJLr4v

- Why it doesn't respect terrain. Maybe skill issue but standing on elevator and having my feet blasted by phasing attack is not fair.

- Jade Eximus by itself. Fun and engaging. In a group where there are 5 of them. Not so much because you don't know which one is attacking you . Good fix would be to half theirs spawn but I don't think they will do it. Other fix/ addition would be that the enemy CASTING the jade light would be glowing/ indicating that they are the one doing so like Blitz/Volatile Eximus are doing.

-I've seen a lot of clips of players standing on objective and it being destroyed. Not fun in game modes where your job is to stand next to objective. If not halving the damage done to objectives (so that would be 15 doubled every second) then maybe make the tracking of the attack less agresive.

-Saying to subsume Silence on a Warframe is a temporary fix and it takes away R form RPG. The game is called Warframe and not Banshee for a reason.


Also maybe I remember it wrong but it's almost the same situation as the first nullifiers.There was a lot of outrage about it disabling abilities but DE fixed it and community was mostly happy. They didn't have a weak point and it was added later giving us good counter play instead of "just pump as much damage as you can o use hyper specific mod on specific weapon". There are many ways to fix them we just need time.

Edited by _sandsoftime_
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The new secondary arcane shreds their overshield. 

Which is good but to get it you have to play the event/ that misson go get it.
Also if i I gave you a glitter bomb and show you a vacuum on the bottom of the glitter box will you be happy that I gave you a solution to a problem that you didn't have but now you do?

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