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Warframe Quests and how they treat women.

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Posted (edited)
On 2024-06-23 at 3:33 AM, Khornelia said:

I brought this point up: a man got to be sentient while a woman got to be pregnant. 

I see what you wish to say here... BUT... Umbra was... somehow replacement for Excalibur Prime, which is not available... And since players wanted prime no matter what, DE made up Umbra... that is different, but equally cool as prime... So really there was no intention, to show how males are smart and females are there to be pregnant (or what ever like that). It is simple thing that Excalibur is male frame, and so its prime version is male frame... but since we can't have prime... we get next best thing...

On 2024-06-23 at 6:33 AM, 0bsi said:

"Jade is the giver of life and that's important" aspect (Which is how some in the forum see it too), and not the fact that making her sole purpose to be a womb that dies for Stalker's story to progress.  It's just disappointing that they didn't put more thought in and give her more of an actual role in the quest, which would have allowed for the same story, but without her feeling like a prop in Stalker's story.

I am not sure that it would be smart to have given her more role... unless the idea was for her to survive... As we as players would get attached to her as a character too much

To be honest... Her story in the quest is already powerful and she is shown as extra powerful person, with willpower like a steel, as she spent so many centuries in a state of creating the life and not giving up... forcing the helminth to keep her and the baby separated as two different beings through sheer force of her will (even if it means the baby was energy all along, until born)(Because, look what helminth does to anything it touches... it fuses things together... so she had to fight the helminth in order to keep herself and baby as two). Waiting for Sorren to remember, so she can finally give him her last gift. Something no one ever did before... and no one ever will. She ended up protecting HIM. And finally she was the one giving him reason to live, giving him something to love and cherish.... I admire her strength and devotion.

Edited by KindleBlaze
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Posted (edited)
On 2024-06-22 at 7:58 PM, Khornelia said:

I did not like the Jade Shadows quest for reasons best summed up by ChangelingRain in this post. 

Jade, supposedly the headliner of the update and quest, was reduced to almost literally a birthing machine and motivational device for the Stalker. Also consieder this: the first Warframe to have a major quirk was Umbra (male), because he was sentient. Meanwhile Jade, the first female warframe to have a major quirk is literally... being pregnant. Yikes.

This goes along with the game's continued tendency to tell us stories driven by men, with women being reduced to motivating/supporting roles in those men's stories. (Lotus in the new War. Jade in this new quest.)

We've also had 5 non-tenno characters to play now; Teshin, Kahl, Veso, Arthur, Stalker. All of them men. 

I love this game and world, but this has come up again and again and has started make me tune out the story more and more, which is a shame. 

I also have a lot of love for you people at DE, and I think you could do much better and hope that you will. <3

Uhhh your aware this is a company. Notorious for female frames getting preferential treatment. Cause devs main them right? Good example look at any frame that has an exilus augment. Look at how long it took them to nerf Ember back in the day. Now she has a rework that basically lets her do everything. Look at messa's entire freaking existence. We got an entire rework to how armor is handled JUST. Cause a dev couldn't 4 spam high level content with messa. Now we get a quest where the primary role Jade plays. Is to represent by far the most beautiful and powerful aspect of womanhood. The fact they alone can carry and bear life. Just cause, considering they are permanently altered zombie biomachines. Sure now suddenly warframes can get pregnant. WHY NOT RIGHT?! Meanwhile I am sitting here like. Oh a quest centered around a female frame getting pregnant and Ember got a rework. Welp soon there will be an entire DLC thats centered around glorifying Messa. >.> I think women are handled fine bruh. Their the most busted frames in the game.

Edited by Ursarian_Twilight
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