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  1. YES! More deversity please. I understand that there are players who love overly bright psychopats escaped from Brazilian Carnival, but can we have something more in line with Warframe for the rest of us? Yes... Me too With a bit of old warframe twist, this would be instant buy. AND as someone said (And I am sorry to not quote you) It is becoming concerning that more and more skins are out there, instead to stay in Warframe universe
  2. I guess this would be a perfect way to explain why I am not a fan of such skins. They didn't stayed from the theme compared to themselves (Broken peaces of frame - Brokem Ceramic parts) BUT they stayed from Warframe theme. AND yes I know that was intended, I am just asking that we get some Deluxe Skins that are more "Streamline boring" or call it how ever you like... that are closer to Warframe (Game) Theme It has nothing to do with that. There are ways to make the body look hot, AND keeping it within Warframe aestetics
  3. I must agree on this... If Pablo is making the frame... I am confident it will be ok (But I am still a bit worried about the speed of the play)
  4. Yes yes I know that they should look different... But...Lets take Nidus Deluxe skin... Liger made it... its awesome AND it is more to Warframe aestetics. I am not saying DE should change person who is making Deluxe skins... But at least... to have some simmilarities to warframe style
  5. To be honest, as much as new Deluxe skins are elaborate and different, I do not find them really in style with Warframe. I love Warframe style it sets this game apart from other games, but please... Start making Deluxe skins more in line with Warframe aestetics. Started with Rhino Bug skin (or Xaku ceramic pot skin, not sure which came first), I can't say that I have seen any deluxe skin that I would want on my frames. Now, I understand that there are players who like them... but can we, at least get second, more warframe like deluxe skins? More to follow lore? (Like Xaku deluxe - "Warframes are made with helminth, their organs intertvined with untold resilience, their skin sharp like steel sword..." - But Xaku will use CERAMIC POT instead of armor...?) JUST.... DE... Please... more deluxe skins in line with Warframe
  6. I guess we will see. I just hope they will not make simmilar mechanic like Lavos. Lavos is kinda fun, but clicking 1-2 then 2 or 3-4-2 or what ever combination, all the time to get the effect, becomes kinda tiring after a while. And somehow, it sounded like DE will make just that with Dante. Clicking 2 or 3 to be able to use 4... I mean with that mechanic, Dante will be a bit slow, comparing to other one button nuke frames.
  7. Definetly make it for player to chose. So... either to choose between two (like flowers on Wisp) or tap/hold... or something like that
  8. I play warframe for a while now. I played all the quests and story lines, farmed everything that there is to be farmed. I am having a lot of fun with the game. But, after The New War quest, some things have permanently changed. And that is fine. Expected. But... I would really like that we get some small quest line (doesn't need to be cinematic at all), in Fortuna, so we can do a couple of missions and help them change/rebuild back to before TNW. Maybe to have a swich button so players can change between the two. But I would really like old fortuna back.
  9. So... maybe it would be better that we ask for Trinity new skin? Like Frost and Mag got new skins...
  10. That actually could be much more complicated then you think. One thing is static 3d placements (a box on the wall or what ever). The whole other thing is doing the same for dynamic model (3D model that moves and reacts to your controls). I am not saying it is not possible, I am just saying it might not be as simple. BUT, saying that... I think it would be awesome if we could do both proposed ideas. Fashionframe will be on another level with that.
  11. I agree that some of the choices should be allowed to change as our operator sure knew more stuff then us players. So maybe from this perspective (what we as players know) some choices would be different, since our operator knew them all along. SO if some should be allowed, then why not all... It makes sence to me
  12. Same thing happened to me with the race... I needed to fail the race 2 times to figure what is going on, and then spend some extra time to find the damn arc to clear it, so I could play the race
  13. Most important... Use "practice" mode. And simply test every option and see which one suits you the best. I had difficulty with that one MR test where we can get only melee weapon and we need to rescue a target without anyone noticing. I tried everything I have seen on YouTube, and everything players gave as an advice and simply nothing worked for me. So a Wisp came out as a new frame and I finally used her passive (invis while in the air) and bunny hopped the entire test.... Point is... Maybe you will find a way to get through the MR test in some way that no one tried before
  14. THIS! This explains everything about Warframe. Warframe is NOT meant to be chalenging game. It is meant to be power fantasy. Power fantasy does not mean "lets make game harder for players" it means "lets find new ways for players to kill countless enemies"
  15. And since Corpus and Greener fight over the Zariman, imagine if you play survival long enough, suddenly instead of corpus, Greeners start spawning... Fun
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