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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Jade Shadows is... amazing!

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So I went into Jade Shadows blindly, I was not following Warframe for a while and other than Stalker quest, I must admit I wasnt looking up to a lot of things. But I was quickly surprised how quick this update turned into one of my favourites.



I will start off by saying that the elevator mode we got in this update IS WARFRAME THAT I CRAVE SO MUCH! Warframe has always been about movement for me and having a vertical map where you have to jump around, parkour and manoeuver around is perfection. This is what I want from Warframe, more of this please.

Few feedback pieces I got for that mode:

1. Why cant the sister that spawn there be a real one and drop something nice for us? It dies instantly and outside of a small bonus it doesnt really play an amazing role id say.

2. You get stuck on geometry a lot, I often try to bullet jump up to the elevator only to hit a hitbox that extents too far. Could we please work on there?

3. I think it would be cool if elevator moved faster the more energy you have. So at 0% it moves but really slowly and it doesnt stop but at 50 it just go crazy fast. This would make the gamemode more encouraging and really feel like more skill would reward you with faster mission finish!

4. I think there is a bit too much in the droptables. I still feel like I got what I needed relatively fast which is cool but there is so much stuff in there! You guys remember when years back all you need to do to get a Warframe was kill a boss a few times and a part was guaranteed? Sure you could get dupes but at least Warframe part was 100% drop. Now you could get 50 arcanes before you get one part and sure its nice there is a pity but... maybe we can do it so we do not need that pity?



All I ever need from weapons is to have unique abilities, to feel fun. Not to have another identical rifle to shoot and so weapons which support allies? AWESOME! Weapons which get a huge boost when held all together? Even more amazing. Please DE more of that. Whoever thought of it, give that person a raise.



Short and sweet: amazing. Having arsenal right by the map is just so good. I was bothered the UI scaling reset my settings tho but sure, it happens. Generally a lot of good stuff in there.



Now here I have a lil bit of issue. Dont get me wrong I think changes are fine but they do not fix the core issue: Slash is THE damage type while Puncture and Impact still remain useless. The issue is... if you want to do real good damage in this game you need Slash procs and you speak of new player experience and dont understand why the game is confusing for new people. Well its because the three default damage types a new player learns about arent equal. All 3 should do equal damage and be equally useful. New player will not know why they heard a cool slashy sound on their sword and suddenly enemy they couldn't tickle with their gun bled out right in front of them.

So please: do not nerf slash but bring puncture and impact to pair with it. Slash is very important in this game, a lot of players built for it and changing tons of builds now wouldnt be worth it, it would just create frustration. Please consider making impact and puncture do some good stuff too. For a new player sure things like CC or lowering dps might help but I think these should be mods or elemental combos. Maybe gas could have been reworked to decrease enemy DPS and Puncture could create cracks in armor like Banshee does with her 2 and shooting it would increase damage? There is a lot that could be done and I know tons of players have their own ideas so I wont go on about that but please consider one thing.

New player experience and veteran experience are both very important. New player will not understand these issues, why they dont do damage or why certain stances are better why is that slash proc in my stance making my sword deal so much more damage than the other stance? Sure you have weakness system, sure you can have some CC but in the end this is a horde shooter and I do not remember last time my Warframe sneezed and the room wasnt cleared out. CC has no real place in Warframe especially we got warframes that deal % damage or mirror damage or apply slash like crazy. We can murder fast and new players will reach that point eventually too. Please consider bringing up puncture and impact up!

But I love blast and freezing changes. I think its good to have options. Not all damage types need to be ultra DPS boom boom, CC is also nice and options to build your own playstyle. Keep on that but as Puncture, Slash and Impact are BASELINE please make sure that each player has equally fun experience when using every weapon ^_^



Pretty cool I liked the story but it [SPOILERS WEE WOO WEE WOO] opens a huge can of worms in the lore. Warframes who are born from killing someone now can become pregnant and give life? Does it mean when we create new Jade in our arsenal we just create infinite army of pregnant warframes? Is stalker our buddy now? Why does he hate us? Like... it was cool quest but I think I would have like it more if it told me more about Stalker and not leave me with more questions.

Cool quest, not entirely what I would have hoped for but awesome job team!



I didnt get to toy around with her much yet so I dont have full opinion now but I can say one thing. Why does her flight doesnt work like titania/archwing? Why do I have to use space and CTRL to fly up and down? It didnt work with Archwing and wont work now. Can we have normal, modern Archwing flight like Titania does? Thank u ^_^



Ill be quick. I like it but like other ones its pretty repetitive? Also reeeeaaaallly grindy and I dont feel like my skill or my level helps me to gather resoruces faster. It just feels like a drag a bit.

Id say faster resoruce collection and more variety and it would be just perfection. But stalker thing makes it interesting. Dont get me wrong, good event, love it just could use biiiit of improvement :3



One quick thing about Nightwave. Could we please have a repetitive mission in our challenges that is like "Play a mission" and grants you 500 or 1000 points everytime you complete a mission? I would love to still feel rewarded for spending like... 5 hours of my weekend on Warframe. A lot of the challenges are VERY specific to go to older content... but could we be rewarded for playing and spending our time on the game still even if we dont complete the very specific challenges you give us? Would remove a lot of frustration for me and allow me to progress my funny battlepass without feeling pressured or frustrated. thanks!



I know I am not mentioning everything. There is a huge ton of content and I really like it. I am glad I am not being forced to play some weaker weapons I have in my arsenal at random (i dont use em for a reason) or have to go through stuff like that. Jade Shadows quickly became one of my favourite releases. It still could use some work but I think I really enjoyed my time while playing the update. Keep up the great work. Please MORE gamemodes like this and maps like this, allow us to move jump and do crazy parkour. I hope one day we can go back to the claustrophobic maps like the icey maps and rework them to be more parkour friendly. I wanna jump and use my dashy, flying skills and not bonk against a ceilling. This elevator mode gave me a lot of my parkour fill.


Thanks and happy pride month, I'll write more about Jade when I get her in my paws!

[Please dont mind any typos or mistakes I am not a native and also its 3am so laugh at my mistakes respectively. Dont bully a poor fox girl kay? Thanks!]

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It's really an amazing update! There's also the loadout in navigation to help us with the resistance changes, and the "Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously" in the accessibility menu! I had so many weapons set aside for this reason...

About the slash damage, I'm not sure if I would want impact and puncture to be as strong as the current slash '-' , I prefer a slow and slight nerf of slash to give player time to get used to it and then a buff to impact and puncture. Anyway, I think it's just a matter of time for everything to be more balanced.

For Jade, personally, archwing still has the CTRL space thing (like most games where you're free to move in space) and I find it useful. I like having a system different from the archwing since she isn't using an archwing, but I agree it's a bit uncomfortable as it is now, it has a kind of acceleration and deceleration that makes it feel like input lag or not very responsive.

[SPOILERS WEE WOO WEE WOO] I don't think we're creating infinite copies of a pregnant warframe but that she has this shape cause she was already pregnant before becoming a warframe and anyway the baby is born now and ... tell me we're not creating infinite copies of a pregnant warframe '-'

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