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Line Of Sight is destroying the replayability of warframe

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I was taking a break from this game after they hyped up dante, made him look like the new hot stuff, made him a brilliant frame, really fun, really enjoyable, broken in some missions and made him pair really well with status spread and overall ridiculous amounts of damage, just for a week until they threw LoS at him and called it balancing. I was incredibly annoyed personally, the enjoyable part of this game IS the power fantasy, we are meant to be god killers are we not? Well anyway I said "sod it" I've no motivation to keep playing so i stopped for a bit, I enjoy hildryn for the infinite shields, that's what her frame is about but today I have learnt that her pillage is now LoS, utterly disappointed, most of my game with her just for her to be made redundant because her giant wall of shield stealing and fire spread is now gone which to me is an outrage, hildryn is my all time favourite and not a single warframe can take her place versatility wise.

So I looked at others to see who had line of sight and who didn't and honestly theres a big list of who has got LoS, ember, gyre and even garuda. What a tragedy, me personally loved that the game supported this all for nothing absolute murder-fest style of gameplay, it was so experimental and fun and entertaining until they made the most out of wack strange mechanic that confuses players and creates bugs galore, I though I would leave my opinion bere and no I will not be disagreed upon with this because if you think that "nuking" or button spam is lazy then it shows that all you play is survival and you actually have no consistency to what you play in this game because yeah nuking can be really afk efficient and I do not endorse it but thats for the people who don't enjoy warframe for what it is, I will be keeping an eye out and if I see that they roll back LoS for some warframes or they make ALL warframes loS then warframe quite frankly is not warframe anymore.

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The thing that pissed me off about Dante was less about how much Dante got nerfed, and more about DE lying about how much they were going to nerf him. They said "small tweaks" and then gave him the biggest nerf any frame's ever seen..

The nerf was fully justified and he's still incredibly broken and fun. They just should have been honest about what they were going to do instead of lying straight to our face about it. And on the plus side, the backlash caused them to finally address how garbage line of sight was. It REALLY shouldn't have taken so much for them to fix it, but at least they did.

I think line of sight in general is a good thing now that it's fixed. It is really broken and brain-dead to just nuke enemies through walls, and it's not like we actually need to be able to do that. It was really problematic when it was bugged to the point that you could cast an Los ability and not hit an enemy 2 feet in front of you in plain sight with no obstructions, but now it feels pretty forgiving, and I'm noticing that I actually am hitting enemies through walls a lot of the time anyways. Just not all of them.

I really don't wanna see LoS removed from or added to literally everything. I think that significantly reduces the variety of abilities and breaks a lot of game balance. Like both of those options basically make Equinox obsolete for example. Having LoS would make her borderline unusable, and every other nuke frame not having LoS would eliminate the main reason anyone plays her. Some abilities just don't work if ether all or no abilities have LoS.

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On 2024-06-23 at 7:17 PM, PollexMessier said:
On 2024-06-23 at 7:17 PM, PollexMessier said:

I think that significantly reduces the variety of abilities and breaks a lot of game balance.


Yes this is correct however, frames that kind of require that versatility and I am mostly angry at the hildryn nerf, I feel like she was put into the ground her 4 and 3rd for line of sight worked fine, her PILLAGE tho????? Nothing is ever in frame fast enough to get armor from it has broken my girl and I am protesting!!!!

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On 2024-06-23 at 1:17 PM, PollexMessier said:

It is really broken and brain-dead to just nuke enemies through walls

But pre-nerf Dante was never capable of this. He still needed to set the nuke up with Dark Verse which requires LoS and only affects enemies in a frontal cone, and only affected enemies for so long, so no "just nuke" was never on Dante's plate. It was fine. It required work. There was nothing AFK or braindead about it.

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3 hours ago, Eli_Beeblebrox said:

But pre-nerf Dante was never capable of this. He still needed to set the nuke up with Dark Verse which requires LoS and only affects enemies in a frontal cone, and only affected enemies for so long, so no "just nuke" was never on Dante's plate. It was fine. It required work. There was nothing AFK or braindead about it.

Okay. But that line was about LoS in general, not Dante specifically.

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On 2024-06-24 at 7:36 PM, Dynamicpug said:

Yes this is correct however, frames that kind of require that versatility and I am mostly angry at the hildryn nerf, I feel like she was put into the ground her 4 and 3rd for line of sight worked fine, her PILLAGE tho????? Nothing is ever in frame fast enough to get armor from it has broken my girl and I am protesting!!!!

Pillage got line of sight??
Yeah no that's just stupid.

I mostly meant on damaging abilities and some crowd control maybe (Like, Larvae and Vortex are REALLY annoying when they try to pull enemies through walls)
Utility abilities like Pillage should not have line of sight.

Edited by PollexMessier
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On 2024-06-24 at 12:14 AM, Dynamicpug said:

I have learnt that her pillage is now LoS,

Pillage has always been line of sight though, wasn't it? Correct me if I'm wrong.

They're remaking the LoS system, which is then applied to all abilities that already has LoS (and the one they feel need the LoS check to alter it's usage), and because of how incomplete the new LoS is, it actually makes those ability a bit clunky to use,

Personally, I will just wait it out and see how they will finalize this new LoS system, because obviously with all the outrage they have to make it work properly, or else the LoS addition to the abilities that didn't have it is not a good idea.

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hace 6 horas, SolStreak dijo:

Pillage has always been line of sight though, wasn't it? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Always. Not like is less stupid, but... yeah, not a new thing.

hace 6 horas, SolStreak dijo:

Personally, I will just wait it out and see how they will finalize this new LoS system, because obviously with all the outrage they have to make it work properly, or else the LoS addition to the abilities that didn't have it is not a good idea.

There is nothing to wait, they are just copy&pasting their new system in everything. Its not like they will change their point of view or something... So, no surprises left.

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