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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Finishers are still only able to be initiated if facing the enemy at the correct angle - Culverin highest offenders

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Reported this prior to Jade Shadows and the Finisher system streamlining but the sub-forum went away with the current update.

Currently any mechanic that opens enemies to Finishers will only allow you to interact to perform it if you are facing the enemy from exactly the right angle. The Murmur faction enemies are *notorious* for this, do any Netracell or EDA run with something like Bronco's Dizzying Rounds, any Dagger with the Gnashing Payara heavy attack or similar mechanic that opens the enemy to a finisher kill. In order to get the game to register your hitting the interact button facing the prompt - you end up having to circle strafe the enemy (again, Rogue Culverins is where this bug is the most visible) spamming the key in the hopes you just happen to be facing the enemy from the correct side to initiate the animation.

Saw a patch note about sketchy finisher interactions with enemies that have scaled meshes (like the mechs) so this may be related and something to do with their mesh blocking the interactable distance between the prompt and the player.

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