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Cantare is Cool, but it Feels Bad


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I am a big fan of weapons like Cantare, where they don't do much going out but do collosal damage when recalled. However, Cantare feels really awkward to actually land the recall part of. Here are my suggestions for improving it:

1 - make existing blades more easy to see. Some kind of visual effect or personal ping could make it much easier to know where your blades are.
2 - Give the blades an AoE on recall. It's very easy to throw blades and hit enemies, only to reload and entirely miss those same enemies. Giving the blades a small AoE could make this feel better.
3 - Give the blades some sort of faint indicator line to show what they will pass through to return.

I think these changes would make Cantare much more usable in general.

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Yeah. I was excited to try them, until I noticed that actually hitting an enemy with them on the throw virtually garaunteed the recall would miss!

I guess modding punch through on them is mandatory if I'm not gonna be some kind of precog spacial genius figuring out where to throw them on the ground to set up the "shot" every .25 seconds.

Edited by moondog548
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