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Some syndicate medallions on Void Orokin treasure room still potentially inaccessible

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Even on this update, some syndicate medallions can be potentially inaccessible if it spawns inside an Orokin treasure room in Void tilesets. This issue has been happening way before:


This is due to the doors' randomized nature where players have no control over which rooms will be open. I don't really understand why these doors are random to begin with, can we please do away with random doors in these rooms? It really serves no purpose besides players potentially missing out on a medallion, ayatan sculpture, and cephalon/somachord fragments. Without those anyways, those doors usually only house storage containers.

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Also, can we please stop putting medallions in gas labs? While some laboratories are easy to open, they are getting old real fast. The worst offender would be this one:

Too large of a room that doesn't have many visual indicators (and the recent volumetric fog made it worse), and the buttons don't appear on the minimap unless you are close to it. Took me 30 mins to finish a run just to find that single medallion. It's as if this was serving to be a counterpart of that "change of plans" in capture missions that seems to be appearing frequently.

Just have Alad's labs be a secret of their own instead of lumping them in with medallions, please. Or just place them outside (or somewhere else, since most labs are usually in the way as opposed to being secluded unlike in the photo below) if you want players to investigate the labs, literally after this run a medallion just spawned in the front door (as shown by the waypoint, I already picked it up but Orokin Eye marked it down:


Edited by Stafelund
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i've had issues getting medallions in certain gas city spy nodes, unless i didn't explore everywhere, i always find that one of them is nowhere around despite the game saying its in that spy room, also there are certain spawns in the corpus ship tileset, namely rescue that are either impossible to get or are a pain in the ass to get.

Edited by Duo_Strikes
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9 hours ago, Duo_Strikes said:

i've had issues getting medallions in certain gas city spy nodes, unless i didn't explore everywhere, i always find that one of them is nowhere around despite the game saying its in that spy room, also there are certain spawns in the corpus ship tileset, namely rescue that are either impossible to get or are a pain in the ass to get.

Gas City is a huge tileset, on top of having to scour those secret labs it's going to take a lot of time. Especially if it spawns in that lab I timestamped from the video I linked. On the Corpus Ship tileset, I actually had some times where I can't find the last medallion despite having a long-range Limbo and Golden Instinct so I thought it was glitched. It noticed it happened on Rescue and Disruption missions.

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Another bug: Corpus defense shows there's 2 syndicate medallions to be obtained but there's only one that you can gather on the map. Using Orokin Eye only marks one medallion and the air support I think has enough range to cover the whole place.



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Bumping this again, because I discovered another bug after many playthroughs of syndicate defense. On Corpus Ship tilesets treasurers I recognized don't spawn unless the operatives with you are all dead, though i'm not sure if they spawn if it's one of those occasional missions where you're not accompanied by an operative. Players who play syndicate have been missing extra granum crowns this whole time.

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