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A sugestion on how forma builds work

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Not gonna lie, this is something the first descendant did recently.

They heard players wanted to use their "forma" without sacrificing build diversity, so they aded a feature to moding menu:

A tab that only shows polarities of each slot, when you forma in a polarity to a slot, that slot gains the optin to be switched to that polarity, aplying another forma to the same slot lets you chose a new polarity to switch between and for every preset you can chose to have one of your formad polarities or keep the original polarity (requiring forma to take away or change a polarity the weapon or character has by default). This lets you forma as many times as you want for one build while keeping your other builds untouched if you want to.

I personally love this aproach, i have refrained from using forma many times in WF because i like diverse builds and cant keep them diverse if i add too many forma

The first descendant copied half your game (the other half from destiny) WF should not feel bad in copying anything they do afterwards

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Had this ideas for years since archon mods came out and new release primed mods

Umbra forma as very limited acquisition so, it can be change for a similar aura forma but only for special type mods in this case archon as they are one of the most capacity used and very conditional, multiple builds would be possible when any number of formas isnt enough, that or a new forma as aura

Another idea is +1or more capacity for reaching a mastery rank 20-30(like real perk),+1 to everything or divided as

  • MR 30: +1
  • legendary 1: +1 to frames
  • legendary 2: +1 to weapons
  • for frames/weapons/mechas/railjack/archwing/pets etc etc

or even more division for weapons types this allows to ignore some; bow,rifle,shotgun,rockets,pistols,beams etc   

So far we dont need that much extra capacity but with any new primed or new mod cost over +14 we would. & actually having a good perk for being high mastery.                  yeah.... first descendant has something similar, which is so smart for the times when dont want to forma +6times, sadly we had to, for so many items....


Fun fact: its barely possible or not possible build+3 primed, 1 riven, +2 galvanized with some normal mods and exilus, you either have them not maxed or use low capacity for some.

Similar to frames if you go umbra mods you stuck with umbra, as its a waste forma multiple umbras when still a viable modding, either build a new frame everytime we get changes allowing new builds (not complaining about new options,they are always welcome)

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