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Fixing Alad V's storyline and adding back events as quests

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With the narrative introductions being added, event story, especially the order of the Alad Vs needs to be fixed to fit the lore. In current quest order, he goes from Normal -> Cured -> Infested instead of Normal -> Infested -> Cured. This is because the narratives from the events Gradivus Dilema, The Hunt For Alad V, Suspicious Shipments, Breeding Grounds, Mutalist Incursions, Tubemen of Regor, Shadow Dept, and Hostile Mergers are either not present, or out of order. I recommend watching videos and reading the wiki pages on these events, but if at any point anyone from DE has any questions about lore, I'll be happy to answer. Especially seeing as its been a long time since some of this plot has seen the light of day (as far back as 2013-2014) and I imagine there are some people who may not have been around for these.


Here is how a propose this be fixed. Turn each event into a mini quest, it doesn't need to be super spectacular to get the info across. 


Firstly, add Vor's demotion from Admiral to Captain at some point during or after Vor's prize. For those unaware, this cutscene from Vor's prize never saw the light of day. 



The Cicero Crisis would take place after Saya's vigil, and could be an introductory quest for fighting Vay Hek on Oro. Would need to be followed up by a Law Of Retribution stand-in quest, seeing as raids are gone.


Operation Slingstone would unlock upon getting to Mercury. This event was our first introduction to Fomorians. Not the relay killing ones, these were much larger, but without the ship killing laser Balor Fomorians have. (Balor Fomorians are different from regular Fomorians). Currently, the quest "the archwing" references things that happened in this event, which makes it confusing to new players who have no idea this event even happened. My friend who played through "the archwing" had thought they had accidentally skipped a quest. The event involved putting corruptors into fuel injectors. DE could turn this into another game mode if they wanted to.



Arid Fear is a weird one. It has key lore that leads up to Gradivus, but is otherwise a very underwhelming event. It would have to take place after Sling Stone, but before The Archwing.


Make the Gradivus stand-in unlock when you get to mars, and have it take place from another perspective of the same event, such as the tenno being tasked with saving civilians from the crossfire of the war, while Alad V and Sargus drop the relevant lore about the ongoing conflict, like how Alad V violated a treaty, and how the Corpus have taken warframes from sedna in their crypods to experiment on them. 


Adding a brand new Lech Kril quest to Mars would be a welcome change seeing as he's one of the only bosses we know next to nothing about.


On Deimos, add a brand new questline as an intro to Lephantis, as well as translating the nightwave act "The Emissary" into a questline you get on Eris.


Tethra's Doom makes the most sense if it unlocked on Ceres, where the shipyards are located.


Ceres could also benefit from a Lech and Vor themed quest seeing as they are the bosses there. I recommend making Vor into Corrupted Vor here, seeing at this point he's already been cut in half. There was also a trailer showing Corrupted Vor present at the Ceres shipyards, so this would make sense to me. Maybe Kril is helping Vor open a portal into the void?


The Hunt For Alad V could be part of the introduction quest to him once you get to Jupiter. This quest also would introduce Frohd Bek as a character, same as the event. Simple enough. Also, it'd be cool if Zanuka got more buildup, as well as parts of "The Profit" trailer were added once you actually track him down and go to his node. 

Suspicious shipments, breeding grounds, and mutalist incursions could be combined into one questline, could unlock once you get to a certain place on Europa. This event first introduced the story in which Alad V was experimenting on infested on research vessels that had gone out of normal shipping lanes in order to be hidden, it seems simple enough to repeat it. The suspicious shipments themselves could pop as nodes only visible during that quest line, similar to how Grendel and Dagath's nodes are separate from the planet and not connected by that white line.

The existing quest, Patient zero, takes place directly after mutalist incursions, and should be moved from Eris to unlocking directly after the events I listed previously (suspicious shipments, breeding grounds, and mutalist incursions)


On Saturn, a brand new intro quest for Sargus Ruk would make sense to go here. Since he's an Orokin artifact hunter )on top of being a general), maybe the quest would revolve around disrupting his mining operation, seeing as the only sabotage node where you destroy mining equipment is located here. The mining sabotage mission on Jupiter could get a rework into a new unique sabotage mission where you actually have to shut down the drills either in a mini boss battle, or removing/inserting fuel and cooling cells, similar to the traditional sabotage gamemode.


A Favor For Darvo would take place somewhere on Saturn, just like it did when the event happened. This would also be a neat way to shoehorn in stalker before he invades your orbiter during The Second Dream. 



Tubemen of Regor could be the introductory quest to Regor on Uranus, and would also involve curing Alad V, same as the event's result.

The introductory quest to Neptune should 100% be ties that bind. In this event, we break rescue Darvo from Frohd Bek. We learn that Frohd Bek is Darvo's dad, and that Frohd has been setting up Darvo for a position on the Corpus Board of Directors. A role which Darvo does not want. So Frohd locked him up, and is using a Hyena Pack to guard him. Seeing as the Hyena pack is the boss of Neptune, and we meet Frohd again later on Pluto, it makes perfect sense to have Ties That Bind be the introductory quest to Neptune/The Hyena pack.



Ambulas Reborn should be the introductory quest to Pluto, and should include this cinematic. Grofit. Need I say more?


Have Shadow Debt unlock on Pluto, but not as Pluto's main quest. Shadow Debt just needs to go here because sequentially it makes sense, since The Second Dream unlocks when you get to Neptune, and Shadow Debt directly follows after The Second Dream. It would also make for a good introduction to the Acolytes before you see them in Steel Path.

Operation Rathuum would take place upon Seda of course, and would be the introductory quest to Sedna/Kela de Thaym. The context of this event being added would also clear up why Cressa Tal is present in the fight against Kela.


Make The Jordas Precept the introductory quest to Eris. The Jordas precept on Eris needs to be followed by a quest-ified Jordas Verdict, seeing as the raid version has been removed.


The Wolf of Saturn Six should be translated into a quest that takes place after The Sacrifice, but before Hostile Mergers, seeing as The Wolf Of Saturn Six eventually becomes part amalgam.


I also think the Glassmaker would take place after the Sacrifice, but before Hostile Mergers.


Hostile Mergers as a quest could be unlocked after The Sacrifice, but before New War. I also think that the amalgams shouldn't spawn on nodes that take place before The Sacrifice, seeing as they don't exist yet. Add some extra nodes to Jupiter that can't be accessed until The Sacrifice is complete, similar to how the the Disruption and Ropalolyst node are, and put the amalgams there.

Scarlet Spear and Orphix Venom's quest would come after The Sacrifice, but before New War


Additional notes:


Rework The Sargent and Phorid into real bosses. The Sargent could be replaced by a Nef Anyo boss battle. I know this was at least partially developed because Derf Anyo was supposed to accompany Nef in this fight. Like Vay Hek, Nef could run away before he is killed, that way him being alive later makes sense.

I think an introductory Baro Ki Teer quest that goes over some of the relevant Baro lore from Cryotic Front and Gate Crash would fit very well semi early game. I do not know exactly where this quest should go, but I think Phobos would be a good place.


Edited by Lord-Taco-the-Great
added a few things
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